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Do you have a living will? (1 Viewer)

Do you have a living will?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • No

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • No, but I will shortly.

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Due to the recent Terry Schiavo hearings, we have decided to relook at ours.
Sometimes I forget how weird my family is. I've had a living will since I was 18. My parents, grandparents, and sister all have 'em and we're all set up to give our bodies over to the local University's medical center for students to learn off of when we die. Last we talked about this was a couple years ago and we all wanted the tubes pulled except for my sister. She said she'd want to be there for her children, even as vegetable.
My Living Will....

Keep Congress and the President out of my frigging life!
My wife and I each filled one out just the other day. Yep! Due to this BS. I don't want any politician making a grab for TV time out of my sorry far off stare.
Pacridge said:
I don't want any politician making a grab for TV time out of my sorry far off stare.

No, hon, this is about what happens if you get ill!
Pacridge said:
I must be tried, stoned or both. I'm not understanding what you're saying here.

It was a little reference to your sorry, far off stare" and the fact that living wills refer to the future rather than the present.

British humour too sophisticated and subtle?
Naughty Nurse said:
It was a little reference to your sorry, far off stare" and the fact that living wills refer to the future rather than the present.

British humour too sophisticated and subtle?

Sorry it's only 2PM here still not fully awake I guess. Guess I have to put the crack pipe down every now and then.

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