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DO you care about violations of the Hatch Act? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Political Leaning
Trump aides proud to violate Hatch Act ethics laws: Reports - Business Insider
Kellyanne Conway Eclipses 50 Hatch Act Violations on Twitter - CREW

It seems that the Trump Administration officials like to violate the Hatch Act because it upsets the media and it causes them no problems. They know that no one in the administration cares and will do anything to stop or punish them for doing so including Trump and Barr. Good examples of violations is Kellyanne Conway who has violate the act over 50 times and now Pompeo has gone out of his way to violate the act by making a political speech from Israel where we the people pay his bill. So do you care if they violate the law or is it okay because it is Trump and friends and you like them poking the press and the Dems in the eye? remember you are for law and order?
If he is voted out, just prosecute him on for all of the various illegal things he did on Jan 22 :shrug:
imo, some of the Trump Administration may have violated the Act.
Trump aides proud to violate Hatch Act ethics laws: Reports - Business Insider
Kellyanne Conway Eclipses 50 Hatch Act Violations on Twitter - CREW

It seems that the Trump Administration officials like to violate the Hatch Act because it upsets the media and it causes them no problems. They know that no one in the administration cares and will do anything to stop or punish them for doing so including Trump and Barr. Good examples of violations is Kellyanne Conway who has violate the act over 50 times and now Pompeo has gone out of his way to violate the act by making a political speech from Israel where we the people pay his bill. So do you care if they violate the law or is it okay because it is Trump and friends and you like them poking the press and the Dems in the eye? remember you are for law and order?

Everyone making that claim is lying. President Trump, Pence, Pompeo and Wolf are all specifically exempt from the Hatch Act. Melania is not a government employee. Conway is also exempt under the Hatch Act as a spokesperson for the president.

But, as Joe Biden said, Democrats will not accept facts - so that is why Democratic politicians and paid propagandists incessantly lie. Most Democrats believe any lie they tell. They know that too. Even if a 2 minute search proves they are lying, they know most Democrats accept anything lie super rich who own all info outlets tell thru their professional propagandists.

All your message proves is that you research nothing and you will rant any lies CNN and other propaganda outlets of the richest people on earth tell you.
Everyone making that claim is lying. President Trump, Pence, Pompeo and Wolf are all specifically exempt from the Hatch Act. Melania is not a government employee. Conway is also exempt under the Hatch Act as a spokesperson for the president.

But, as Joe Biden said, Democrats will not accept facts - so that is why Democratic politicians and paid propagandists incessantly lie. Most Democrats believe any lie they tell. They know that too. Even if a 2 minute search proves they are lying, they know most Democrats accept anything lie super rich who own all info outlets tell thru their professional propagandists.

All your message proves is that you research nothing and you will rant any lies CNN and other propaganda outlets of the richest people on earth tell you.

No, only the president and the vice president are exempt. Pompeo, Wolf, Conway, and every other federal employee in the executive branch are bound by it and are subject to removal and disciplinary action from the OSC.

"Senate-confirmed Presidential appointees may not even attend a political party convention or convention-related event." - Mike Pompeo
not only do they not care, they'll lie about what happened.

these people are as low as our President. the scum of the earth.
No, only the president and the vice president are exempt. Pompeo, Wolf, Conway, and every other federal employee in the executive branch are bound by it and are subject to removal and disciplinary action from the OSC.

"Senate-confirmed Presidential appointees may not even attend a political party convention or convention-related event." - Mike Pompeo

And then, ONLY in their official capacity.
It is not a violation of the Hatch Act for Pompeo ect. to make an appearance or speech at a political event. Indeed, they have the 1st Amendment right to do so.
And then, ONLY in their official capacity.
It is not a violation of the Hatch Act for Pompeo ect. to make an appearance or speech at a political event. Indeed, they have the 1st Amendment right to do so.

No they don't. In being Senate confirmed presidential appointees in the executive branch, they lose the right to make speeches at political events even when off duty. Doing so is a violation of the Hatch Act.
No they don't. In being Senate confirmed presidential appointees in the executive branch, they lose the right to make speeches at political events even when off duty. Doing so is a violation of the Hatch Act.

No it isn't. They can't do it while identifying themselves as confirmed presidential appointees.
Which didn't happen with Pompeo.
Neither did the half dozen or so Obama cabinet officials identify themselves as such during the 2012 DNC convention when they spoke.
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imo, some of the Trump Administration may have violated the Act.

May have? It's clear as a bell. The entire convention has been one continuous violation. And hundreds more violations have taken place since 2017. Lock them all up.
And then, ONLY in their official capacity.
It is not a violation of the Hatch Act for Pompeo ect. to make an appearance or speech at a political event. Indeed, they have the 1st Amendment right to do so.

Not while on government time or doing government business. Pompeo was not on vacation.
What makes anyone think that Trump and Company care about the law? He ordered troops to assault peaceful demonstrators so that he could hold a Bible aloft. He has suggested that our military commit war crimes, and reportedly complained when they didn’t. Violation of the Hatch Act is small potatoes to the Trumpleone Crime Family, which is on prominent display this week.
Trump aides proud to violate Hatch Act ethics laws: Reports - Business Insider
Kellyanne Conway Eclipses 50 Hatch Act Violations on Twitter - CREW

It seems that the Trump Administration officials like to violate the Hatch Act because it upsets the media and it causes them no problems. They know that no one in the administration cares and will do anything to stop or punish them for doing so including Trump and Barr. Good examples of violations is Kellyanne Conway who has violate the act over 50 times and now Pompeo has gone out of his way to violate the act by making a political speech from Israel where we the people pay his bill. So do you care if they violate the law or is it okay because it is Trump and friends and you like them poking the press and the Dems in the eye? remember you are for law and order?

Only if it's a yukky leftist scumdog democRat....
Trump aides proud to violate Hatch Act ethics laws: Reports - Business Insider
Kellyanne Conway Eclipses 50 Hatch Act Violations on Twitter - CREW

It seems that the Trump Administration officials like to violate the Hatch Act because it upsets the media and it causes them no problems. They know that no one in the administration cares and will do anything to stop or punish them for doing so including Trump and Barr. Good examples of violations is Kellyanne Conway who has violate the act over 50 times and now Pompeo has gone out of his way to violate the act by making a political speech from Israel where we the people pay his bill. So do you care if they violate the law or is it okay because it is Trump and friends and you like them poking the press and the Dems in the eye? remember you are for law and order?

I have yet to see any detailed analysis demonstrating any Hatch Act violations relating to the RNC.
I have yet to see any detailed analysis demonstrating any Hatch Act violations relating to the RNC.

That's the warm glow of the alt-right media bubble you live in....:cool:
Nothing will come of this, the odds are all these people will be Fired the day after Biden is sworn in. Same goes for any legal ramifications, this is small stuff compared to what may eventually come back and haunt a few right into prison terms.
That's the warm glow of the alt-right media bubble you live in....:cool:

That's complete childish nonsense, but please feel free to puncture my supposed bubble and direct me to any such analysis, or come up with one yourself. Don't worry, I won't hold my breath.
Everyone making that claim is lying. President Trump, Pence, Pompeo and Wolf are all specifically exempt from the Hatch Act. Melania is not a government employee. Conway is also exempt under the Hatch Act as a spokesperson for the president.

But, as Joe Biden said, Democrats will not accept facts - so that is why Democratic politicians and paid propagandists incessantly lie. Most Democrats believe any lie they tell. They know that too. Even if a 2 minute search proves they are lying, they know most Democrats accept anything lie super rich who own all info outlets tell thru their professional propagandists.

All your message proves is that you research nothing and you will rant any lies CNN and other propaganda outlets of the richest people on earth tell you.
Federal Employee Hatch Act Information
You are wrong, the act does not cover the President and Vice=President, but does cover all other employees of the administration. Where did you get the info that says that the entire administration is exempt.
That's because not everyone is a deliberately pathological liar like he is. The Hatch Act isn't even relevant since those he claims broke it are LITERALLY EXEMPT from it entirely - which the Hatch Act clearly states.
Federal Employee Hatch Act Information
Sorry, but only the president and Vice President are exempt.
And then, ONLY in their official capacity.
It is not a violation of the Hatch Act for Pompeo ect. to make an appearance or speech at a political event. Indeed, they have the 1st Amendment right to do so.

Federal Employee Hatch Act Information
Do any of you people actually Google things. Only one exempt are the Pres and VP. Go to link above
Always prosecute elected and all other employees of the USA government no matter what for breaking laws.

Stop sweeping crap under the rug and stop treating government people as privileged. Throw them in jail!

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