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Do you believe in some form of higher being? (1 Viewer)

Do you believe in a god or some other form of higher being?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • Agnostic (not sure)

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
There is no such entity. These people are living in a dream world and are afraid to face reality.
The issue of 'is there a God or not' is far too complex personally for me to say yeah or nay.
There doesn't seem to be evidence of a caring God. Do you mean a concious designer/creator of the universe ?
Maybe the laws of nature outside of space time are eternal & they gave rise to this universe & countless others, so there is no need to invoke a God the creator becuase ultimately at a higher level there is no issue of 'what happened in the beginning'... becuase there is no begining for something that's eternal & maybe those eternal laws of nature are God.
What does God have for a brain... I mean how can he think without a physical mechanism ?
If one can think without a physical mechanism the why did God bother relying on our brains to evolve for us to be able to think & supposedly have spirits ?
Is there a spiritual purpose to life or are we merely disposable vehicles for our genes ?
Are these laws of nature intelligent beyond the intelligence we see in organic brains & will soon see in silicon chips ?
Can intelligence & conciousness, I hate that word, exist outside of some physical object creating it ?
Maybe God is immortal intelligence, outside of our space time as the laws of nature may be. Maybe God is nature.
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Anybody ever seen What the Bleep? Or read "Angels and Demons"? I believe evolution is true. But something had to be there to start it all out - God?
I'm not so religious but I beleive in some oter form of higher being. Not exactly God but something that is stronger than us.
Religion was started thousands of years ago by the ignorant civilizations of the mesopotamia.

It still remains today because of ignorant people who can't see past the fact that old men are using it to gain money off or your gullibility. Just look at Pat Robertson. Or, look around in towns in the south, there is a church on both sides of the road every other mile, and the majority of them are both the same religious practice. (Two Baptist churches, one on each side of the road? Does this "GOD" really need that?) A Church is more like a business than anything these days.

Until the day that this God (Or gods if your polytheist) speaks to me, or I see something that is true proof of a higher power, I will always discard religion as a way for man to justify his reasoning.
Yes, I do believe in God, I do believe in creation. and I do not believe in the theory of evolution where it is implied that man has evolved from apes.
Caine said:
Religion was started thousands of years ago by the ignorant civilizations of the mesopotamia.


Religion is the instinctual residuum of a billion years of evolution. It's the lie satisfying the ego's fear of it's mortality. It's how the adult mind explains the memories from infancy of super-beings who were stronger, wiser, and louder, yet gentle and loving. Religion is the projection of our memories of our parents onto the larger worlds. Anthropomorphic gods are made in our image, they're our invention. Nothing more.

Is there an alien "creator of all that is"? No, of course not. Presupposing that an intelligence started this universe makes the unstated assumption that it's possible for intelligence to emerge without an external environment to create self-awareness.

In the small words certain people need, how did God learn It was God?
ThePhoenix said:
Yes, I do believe in God, I do believe in creation. and I do not believe in the theory of evolution where it is implied that man has evolved from apes.

Please give a reference to show where the theory of evolution anywhere implies
that man has evolved from apes.

Here's a clue: there is none. Your statement is a deliberate misrepresentation of
evolution put about by creationists. Evolution actually suggests that man and
apes have evolved from a common ancestor that was neither man nor ape.
fam said:
I'm not so religious but I beleive in some oter form of higher being. Not exactly God but something that is stronger than us.

I hear that. I'm far from even remotely considered being religious. I do not belive in a "mystical", "supernatural" entity, however, I do think that the universe is infinite, and we aren't alone, IMO, there has to be a higher intelligence out there.
Thinker said:
Please give a reference to show where the theory of evolution anywhere implies
that man has evolved from apes.

Here's a clue: there is none. Your statement is a deliberate misrepresentation of
evolution put about by creationists. Evolution actually suggests that man and
apes have evolved from a common ancestor that was neither man nor ape.
Lets take an example from the Darwin papers:


The Darwin Papers may be freely
copied and distributed for non profit use
provided acknowledgement is made
for material written by the author.
The Darwin Papers © 2004 James Foard

Rhodesia man was another missing link with a troubled history, but this had nothing to do with forged evidence. Discovered at a zinc mine at Broken Hill, Zambia, he was thought to be an evolved, man-like descendant of the gorilla, and thousands of years old, even older than neanderthal man.

There were doubts though. Herbert Wendt describes the main reason for them: And two very odd holes in the side of the skull caused the experts even greater perplexity. In the view of Professor Mair of Berlin they looked like the entry and exit holes of a modern bullet. (From Ape to Adam, Herbert Wendt, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. Indianapolis New York, 1972, pp.155.)

The different theories of why humans lack the heavy coat that other primates have covering their bodies is interestingly dealt with by Elaine Morgan in her book, The Scars Of Evolution. She went into a Harvard bookstore to find out what was currently being taught on the subject. She found two textbooks there on Anthropology, one of which did not mention the subject of human hair at all, while the other one had three words to say on the topic of human hairlessness, which was, that compared with the other apes, humans 'have less hair.(16)

Morgan mentioned a few of the various explanations that experts in the field have proposed as to why we do not have hairy coats, among which were sex, hunting, neoteny, noonday foraging, allometry, and water ( 'In the water, fur provides poor insulation and becomes atrophied. V.E. Sokolov: Mammal Skin). (17)

She reported that, for lack of a better explanation, some experts claimed that we have just as much hair as any ape, only our hairs were shorter. Morgan wrote that this kind of evasive nonsense was an insult to the meanest intelligence, yet it was regularly uttered by professors and parroted by undergraduates.(18)

Even though she is apparently no creationist (yet), her book is scholarly, informative, highly entertaining, and deals honestly and humorously with some of the hijinx going on in the educational world where our brightest scholars are getting their training.

Evolutionists aren't sure just why we humans lost our hairy coats (I submit that we never had them) but one of their theories is that as humans began to walk upright, we did not retain as much body heat as when we were on all fours in a crouched position and near to the ground, thus we did not need to sweat as much and so lost our hair in the process, although this would only explain how we lost our hair on our chest, not our back, which has always been fully exposed to the elements. Apes do not walk with their backs to the ground and are quite thoroughly covered front and back with a fine coat of hair. Using this kind of reasoning, the giraffe should have a hairless neck as well.

Luckily for us, the mystery of why humans lost their hair has finally been solved by two scientists in Great Britain. Humans evolved from hairy primates to avoid insects:

I would suggest you find that thinking cap you apparently misplaced....Thinker
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ThePhoenix said:
Lets take an example from the Darwin papers:

I would suggest you find that thinking cap you apparently misplaced....Thinker

This forum isn't about the theory of evolution... argue that somewhere else
ThePhoenix said:
Lets take an example from the Darwin papers...
I see you are quoting someone who quotes an undocumented source as saying
that a particular "man-like" skull was thought to be related to a gorilla.

Let's see the actual quote to find out what was really said.

The rest of the posting about body hair has no relevance.
i believe that there is a higher creater force or "being" out there, although it is completely beyond the limits of our imagination. I do not believe in a creator that feels as we do... a compassionate God or maybe an Angry god, like in many religions. Assuming God was all powerful and infinite, i'd think that believing in a God that experiences human emotions would be quite limiting.
nkgupta80 said:
Assuming God was all powerful and infinite, i'd think that believing in a God that experiences human emotions would be quite limiting.

I think the word is "terrifying". Imagine a God that get's angry because people don't believe in Him any more. He might make it rain for 40 days and 40 nights and drown almost everyone, then erase all evidence the flood because He want's people to believe, not think. Of course, becuase He's busy erasing all the evidence of His existence, people don't believe He's there, and He'll start getting pissed again....

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