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Do you believe in fate? (1 Viewer)

Do you believe in fate?

  • Yes, humans have no free will at all

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but only to a certain degree

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • NO!

    Votes: 10 66.7%

  • Total voters


Active member
Jul 20, 2005
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Political Leaning
Just wondering how many people actually believe that their life is not their own. I personally do not believe in fate, I don't think it makes any sense. But I'd like to know what everyone else believes.
Fate is logical fact.

If God knows everything then he knows the future then you have no free will.
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Fate is logical fact.

If God knows everything then he knows the future then you have no free will.

What? What do you mean fate is logical fact? It cannot be proven, and it cannnot be disporven. I believe in God but I don't believe in fate. I do not believe that God knows everything. I do not believe that he knows the future either. I don't know what religion you're talking about.
y not peace? said:
fate is god's will.

Will you please explain what you mean? If fate is real, then do we even exist? Are you saying that it makes no difference whther we make good choices or not, it has already been pre-determined what happens to us?
So. . .if I decided to walk onto a freeway and get myself run over by a truck, it was desinted for me to get run over by the truck since birth? No I definatly don't believe that.

But was it fate that led me to this thread???
FinnMacCool said:
So. . .if I decided to walk onto a freeway and get myself run over by a truck, it was desinted for me to get run over by the truck since birth? No I definatly don't believe that.

But was it fate that led me to this thread???

No, it's not. How could fate lead you to this thread? Are you suggesting that fate guides you but never takes control? If fate guides you in the right dirction, would it not be controlling your life?
Your fate is desided by what you do and what you do not do. Everything works out in the end. I can not prove it but at least this way I try to do the right thing.
quietrage said:
Your fate is desided by what you do and what you do not do. Everything works out in the end. I can not prove it but at least this way I try to do the right thing.

But if it is decided by your actions, it isn't fate, is it? When I think of fate I think of pre-determined choices. And if we choose our fate, I do not consider it to be fate, but more like an outcome.

But, if you believe that everything will work out in the end, what difference does it make if you try to do the right thing or not?

Do you believe in fate?

Who cares. Just whatever happens happens. And sometimes its sh!t. So look at it that way.
HAHAHA!!! It's like in the Matrix!!! Have you seen those movies? The parts about the Oracle? That was HILARIOUS!!! Fate, my rear end! Or in the words of Gary Larson: "Fate, Shmate."
Okay then, let's try sending this thread into a different direction. Is anyone Christian here?

Jesus knew that Peter would deny him 3 times, right? How did he know this?

Jesus knew he'd be betrayed by Judas, right? How did he know this?

How did Jesus know when he would die?

That's all I've got for now, but I'll try to think of more.
Peralin said:
Okay then, let's try sending this thread into a different direction. Is anyone Christian here?

Jesus knew that Peter would deny him 3 times, right? How did he know this?

Jesus knew he'd be betrayed by Judas, right? How did he know this?

How did Jesus know when he would die?

That's all I've got for now, but I'll try to think of more.

What? Am I right that Catholics believe in fate? Or am I wrong? They also say that we have free will, but that is obviously not the case? Is that right?

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