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Do you believe in doctor assisted suicide? (1 Viewer)

Do you believe that doctor assisted suicide should be legal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
In some cases death is only way to relieve the suffering. I feel that people who are terminal should have the right to end the suffering in the most humane way possible, it is their life and if they choose to end it instead of continuing to suffer then it's not the laws right to keep them alive.
Unquestionably yes. Gdalton, I agree with what you have said.

If my quality of life was horrible and I had no incentive to live, I would want someone to be able to give me something that would allow me to die in peace.
Well, I don't beleive in suicide period, but sometimes it's better just to close the door and look away. It's their life.
Scardy said:
Well, I don't beleive in suicide period, but sometimes it's better just to close the door and look away. It's their life.

With all respect that is not what a doctor who assists in a suicide does.....
The question should perhaps instead be...
Do you believe prolonging the final stage of life of the terminally ill, when they are going through terrible suffering & have lost their dignity, is tantamount 'misuse of modern medicine' & not the true prupose for which it was intended ?
Well in my onpinion, I beleive it should be up to the person who is sick whethor or not they want to live or die. I dont by any means condone suicide but who am I to tell them to live or not. I beleive its their life and they will have to answer to God when that time of judgement comes. I dont think the docs should be in any way responsible for their patients decisions.
Well in my onpinion, I beleive it should be up to the person who is sick whethor or not they want to live or die. I dont by any means condone suicide but who am I to tell them to live or not. I beleive its their life and they will have to answer to God when that time of judgement comes. I dont think the docs should be in any way responsible for their patients decisions.

I agree with a lot of what you say..........Its a tough call for me since I am Vehemently pro life but I can understand a person who has no hope for a recovery wanting to put and end to it........
Why does anyone need a doctor to help?

If you consider your life not worth living any more, you go to your garage, make sure the doors are closed, start your car, open your car window and listen to the radio. 15 minutes later, you are gone.

Why do people always need someone to help them with something they can do themselves?
Old and wise said:
Why does anyone need a doctor to help?

If you consider your life not worth living any more, you go to your garage, make sure the doors are closed, start your car, open your car window and listen to the radio. 15 minutes later, you are gone.

Why do people always need someone to help them with something they can do themselves?

For a lot of people that is easier said then done.......I know speaking for myself no matter how hopeless my situation was I could never take my own life........
Old and wise said:
Why does anyone need a doctor to help?

If you consider your life not worth living any more, you go to your garage, make sure the doors are closed, start your car, open your car window and listen to the radio. 15 minutes later, you are gone.

Why do people always need someone to help them with something they can do themselves?
Becuase they might just be incapacitated due to agonising bone secondaries from cancer or some such thing.
Navy Pride said:
Your thoughts please:

Regardless of whether you believe in doctor assisted suicide, or if I believe in it, or heck Joe Schmoe down the block believes in it, the fact is the voters of Oregon believed in it, and believed in it so much that they voted within their state to make it legal. I believe the Supreme Court is going to blatantly walk all over that states rights, as they did with California's medical marijuana law, and that is making my blood boil. Why is it the federal government screamed states rights, rightfully so, when Mayor Nagan and Governor Blanco pointed a finger to them saying they didn't get the help they needed from this administration, and yet, now all of a sudden states rights don't exist? Hmmm funny if you ask me.

And just so you can't tell which way I lean on this issue, I believe it is up to the voters of individual states to decide whether it should be legal within their state. Now, if Fast Eddie Rendell and this legislature (once we rob them of their so called pay raise) put this before me on a ballot, I would vote YES!
debate_junkie said:
Regardless of whether you believe in doctor assisted suicide, or if I believe in it, or heck Joe Schmoe down the block believes in it, the fact is the voters of Oregon believed in it, and believed in it so much that they voted within their state to make it legal. I believe the Supreme Court is going to blatantly walk all over that states rights, as they did with California's medical marijuana law, and that is making my blood boil. Why is it the federal government screamed states rights, rightfully so, when Mayor Nagan and Governor Blanco pointed a finger to them saying they didn't get the help they needed from this administration, and yet, now all of a sudden states rights don't exist? Hmmm funny if you ask me.

And just so you can't tell which way I lean on this issue, I believe it is up to the voters of individual states to decide whether it should be legal within their state. Now, if Fast Eddie Rendell and this legislature (once we rob them of their so called pay raise) put this before me on a ballot, I would vote YES!

Do you feel that abortion should be a states issue too?
To a certain degree, abortion is already a states issue in this... The Supreme Court decided Roe V Wade. The states have the power to regulate the abortion issue as they will PROVIDED they don't deny women access to the counseling or the service. For instance, Democrat Bob Casey Sr. many moons ago, signed a bill into law (in Pennsylvania) making it illegal for a teenage girl to receive an abortion procedure without her parents consent. This bill also made it illegal to take a teenage girl across state lines, to give her access to an abortion in a state that did not have a parental consent laws.

I don't recall any statutes that made doctor assisted suicide illegal, as Dr. Kavorkian wasn't prosecuted under any such law. He was charged with murder, because no state had a law, at the time, declaring the voters within those borders wanting dr. assisted suicide.

I'm too young to remember if there were any actual abortion laws on the books of this (PA) state or any other state, though I will research in the morning and get back to you on that. Sorry, I was almost 2 in 1973. :)

I've given what I can now.. give you the rest when it's not 1 AM.
It is hard for me to vote on this one since there are only two very vague answers! Only to a certain degree. If it is the only way to ease suffering or if the person is in a vegitative state!

My best friend had to pull the plug on his father (his only parent left, his mom died when he was 11) becuase he had a brain anurism (spelling)! If it is something that could be worked out or controled, than no! But i did not vote on this one..
AK_Conservative said:
It is hard for me to vote on this one since there are only two very vague answers! Only to a certain degree. If it is the only way to ease suffering or if the person is in a vegitative state!

My best friend had to pull the plug on his father (his only parent left, his mom died when he was 11) becuase he had a brain anurism (spelling)! If it is something that could be worked out or controled, than no! But i did not vote on this one..

I believe you are talking about 2 different things......A person that requests a doctor assisted suicide would have to be of sound mind.......A person in a vegetative state would not apply........
If i believed in it I would already be dead
I chose to fight, despite how hard the battle was

I was given a 50% chance of seeing 1995
i was given a 10% chance of seeing 2000

as you probably surmised, i am still here :doh
I endured absolutely hell overcoming it, I endured the horrific side effects of study drugs to survive, I have been clinically dead 2 times, but i am so glad i did fight
i still live in chronic pain, but just like anything else in life you dont like, you deal with it

SUCK IT UP wusses

for all anybody knows, we may only get one ride on the Merry-go-round we call life. might as well make it last as long as possible and go for the brass ring while we are here
anything else would be an absolute waste of time
Navy Pride said:
Do you feel that abortion should be a states issue too?

i believe abortion should remain a legal option
but Rowe v Wade must be overturned immediately
Well in my onpinion, I beleive it should be up to the person who is sick whethor or not they want to live or die. I dont by any means condone suicide but who am I to tell them to live or not. I beleive its their life and they will have to answer to God when that time of judgement comes. I dont think the docs should be in any way responsible for their patients decisions.

and it could be a good way to save money, help in population control, among other things
i know I would never use it, but others, hmmmmmmm
why the hell would i care? I don't actually.
DeeJayH said:
and it could be a good way to save money, help in population control, among other things
i know I would never use it, but others, hmmmmmmm
why the hell would i care? I don't actually.

Yes it would save alot of money. However, there are pros and cons either way.
For terminally ill people, yes. For "my life sucks and I can't go on anymore" people, no.
Navy Pride said:
I believe you are talking about 2 different things......A person that requests a doctor assisted suicide would have to be of sound mind.......A person in a vegetative state would not apply........

heh, ok bad example! How about a terminally ill person in such excrutiating pain and nothing can help! :D
Binary_Digit said:
For terminally ill people, yes. For "my life sucks and I can't go on anymore" people, no.

I don't think that the issue is whether an unhappy person can benefit from the doctor assisted suicide, considering the only way (under Oregon law) that a person can receive the shot is if they have been given six month or less to live.

Beyond that, I agree that it more of an issue of states rights. Whether or not I agree or you agree, the people of the state of Oregon think it should be an option. If that changes, then a state-wide vote should reflect that. Until then I think that is absurd that the Federal government finds it to be their responsibility to step in and overturn this bill.

If I lived in Oregon, I would YES. And that would be my right. The Federal government needn't come in and trump that.
AK_Conservative said:
heh, ok bad example! How about a terminally ill person in such excrutiating pain and nothing can help! :D

Its really a tough call but I believe all life is sacred, with the exception of the low life that murder, rape and destroy peoples lives......

I do think the SCOTUS will rule against Oregon on this one......I am glad I don't have to make the call...........
Navy Pride said:
Its really a tough call but I believe all life is sacred, with the exception of the low life that murder, rape and destroy peoples lives......

I do think the SCOTUS will rule against Oregon on this one......I am glad I don't have to make the call...........

Life is survival of the fittest
kill em all for all i care, now that i think about it
might as well eliminate them from the gene pool ASAP

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