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Do you believe China has the ability to destoy more than 100 cities of US? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 26, 2005
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Shanghai, China
Political Leaning
On July 14th, General Zhu Chenghu of PLA( People's Liberation Army) said to HongKong press that China would attack US if US was involved in the war between China and Taiwan. He said if US attacked China's territory with missiles or Laser guiding weapons, China would counterattack with nuclear weapons. And the territory includes PLA's battleships and airplanes. China has gotten ready that all the cities east of Xi'an are destroyied but US should has the anticipation that 100 to 200 of it's cities are destoried too.
What do you think about it?
frankguy said:
On July 14th, General Zhu Chenghu of PLA( People's Liberation Army) said to HongKong press that China would attack US if US was involved in the war between China and Taiwan. He said if US attacked China's territory with missiles or Laser guiding weapons, China would counterattack with nuclear weapons. And the territory includes PLA's battleships and airplanes. China has gotten ready that all the cities east of Xi'an are destroyied but US should has the anticipation that 100 to 200 of it's cities are destoried too.
What do you think about it?
Welcome to Debate Politics! :wcm
Already had this discussion...The next day, China's official response was that the General was giving his personal views and not the views of the Chinese Administration.

As for whether or not China can destroy 100 US cities?...Why bother?...all they have to do is wait a few more years and they'll destroy themselves.;)
If they tried then we'd find out how good SDI is. Even the Russians after Gulf War 1 said "damn". No, China don't want to mess with us. A couple squadrons of F-22's could take out Chinas whole Air Force. Most missiles outbound would have trouble getting past our Aegis cruisers. And if they tried then we'd stop buying cheap clothing and sneakers from them and they would be screwed quick like. Taiwan would be SOL though. Keshi, wo xiang zhongguo ren bu shi ben.
How naive you are! I doubt if you know the Korea War? China could fight against all the world without lose. You exaggerated too much.
How naive you are! I doubt if you know the Korea War? China could fight against all the world. Maybe don't have good memory. But you exaggerated too much.
frankguy said:
How naive you are! I doubt if you know the Korea War? China could fight against all the world without lose. You exaggerated too much.

They bought their ballistic missile software from us. And I guess China can see stealth technology? Dude, I'm sure you have national pride and all but...just damn. Don't forget, you asked. And now you don't like the answers? Were you expecting me to say, "Oh, you guys would kick our asses". Ni zema nema ben? Wo zhidao, ni bu dong wo shuode hua. Wo jui shi meiguo ren. Duibuqi. Most all your technology you guys bought or stole from us. Fight the whole world? Please. The poorest people in my country have cell phones, cars and TV's. And I'm sure the Chinese Navy can hold it's own against a carrier task force. You guys need to worry about your little brother North Korea. Well take care of the rest of the world. Ni dei ziji wen. Nage meiguo ren, laoshi. Ta weishenma hui shuo zhongwen? let me ask you frankguy. Do you speak Mandarin?
first, I do speak Mandrin. But your Mandrin is a little poor, I can't understand completely.Soory. My English is terrible. I'll do my best.
Second, I knew what you mean. You just debase china and thought they has no ablility to possess nuke and other technology. Maybe, only US deserves these techonlogies. In the past two thousand yeas China has exported many technologies to other contries. How long has US?
Third, there are 340,000,000 Chinese people have cell phones. It's a great number. Dn't forget China is only a developing country. The number of PC is the seconder in the world.
frankguy said:
first, I do speak Mandrin. But your Mandrin is a little poor, I can't understand completely.
Wode zhongwen you shenma wenti? Mei guanqi.

Soory. My English is terrible. I'll do my best.
Wo dong ni.
Second, I knew what you mean. You just debase china and thought they has no ablility to possess nuke and other technology.
Not at all what I said. I told the truth. Your Balistic Missle accuracy went from miles to yards after Clinton let Lorreal sell you the software and OS.

Maybe, only US deserves these techonlogies.

That's just silly.
In the past two thousand yeas China has exported many technologies to other contries. How long has US?
We only been around so long and look what weve acomplished. You brag on one hand and then claim your only developing on the other. Don't sweat it dude. You can't win a Pis*sing contest here and that's not what I'm doing. Your nation has a miserable human rights record. What you do in Tibet is horrid. And when I say you I mean your government of old ass men. This is the USA. We know stuff.

Third, there are 340,000,000 Chinese people have cell phones. It's a great number. Dn't forget China is only a developing country. The number of PC is the seconder in the world.

That is good. You guys just need to take the next step. We want to trade with you, not war. Instead of arming yourselves with your huge trade surplus we LET you have, it should go towards more beneficial things. Like leaving Taiwan alone. What does the great nation of China want with tiny Taiwan. The money they make perhaps? Well China had nothing to do with Taiwan getting to where they are today. So you need to leave them alone. Stop trying to scare and intimidate them with your military maneuvers. We will stand by Taiwan. You don't want a war with us. Like I said. Well just stop buying your stuff and you'll be in a world of hurt big time. Don't you see we are trying to bring your country up by trading with you? Everything ludahai said is true. The whole world knows it. Propaganda doesn't work over here like it does in your nation. Ni zhidao bu zhidao wode yisi? There is only two communist countries left in this world. You and Cuba. That system of government has failed. You guys need to go the rest of the way with the freedom thing. Like ludahai said. It's not the people, it's the leaders. Stay with this site, it's fun. Too bad you had to hook up with the biggest assho*le on this site right away. Me. I'd love to visit China one day. I speak alittle Chinese. I practice San Chuan Dao. And your girls are hot. Food is great. But frankguy, I got to be honest with you here. You make too big a deal out of the Pandas. We got bears too. Our bears can kick your bears asses. So onward. Please defend your deal with Tibet. And when are you gonna reel North Korea in? That guys friggin nuts. His own people are starving. Your country could do something about him. Why don't they? Anyway. Huanying. Zaijian.
teacher said:
That is good. You guys just need to take the next step. We want to trade with you, not war. Instead of arming yourselves with your huge trade surplus we LET you have, it should go towards more beneficial things. Like leaving Taiwan alone. What does the great nation of China want with tiny Taiwan. The money they make perhaps? Well China had nothing to do with Taiwan getting to where they are today. So you need to leave them alone. Stop trying to scare and intimidate them with your military maneuvers. We will stand by Taiwan. You don't want a war with us. Like I said. Well just stop buying your stuff and you'll be in a world of hurt big time. Don't you see we are trying to bring your country up by trading with you? Everything ludahai said is true. The whole world knows it. Propaganda doesn't work over here like it does in your nation. Ni zhidao bu zhidao wode yisi? There is only two communist countries left in this world. You and Cuba. That system of government has failed. You guys need to go the rest of the way with the freedom thing. Like ludahai said. It's not the people, it's the leaders. Stay with this site, it's fun. Too bad you had to hook up with the biggest assho*le on this site right away. Me. I'd love to visit China one day. I speak alittle Chinese. I practice San Chuan Dao. And your girls are hot. Food is great. But frankguy, I got to be honest with you here. You make too big a deal out of the Pandas. We got bears too. Our bears can kick your bears asses. So onward. Please defend your deal with Tibet. And when are you gonna reel North Korea in? That guys friggin nuts. His own people are starving. Your country could do something about him. Why don't they? Anyway. Huanying. Zaijian.

Compliment, backhand, compliment, backhand, compliment...teach, you got this down to a science. :lol:
teacher said:
You don't want a war with us. Like I said. Well just stop buying your stuff and you'll be in a world of hurt big time. Don't you see we are trying to bring your country up by trading with you? Everything ludahai said is true. The whole world knows it. Propaganda doesn't work over here like it does in your nation. Ni zhidao bu zhidao wode yisi? There is only two communist countries left in this world. You and Cuba. That system of government has failed. You guys need to go the rest of the way with the freedom thing. Like ludahai said. It's not the people, it's the leaders. Stay with this site, it's fun. Too bad you had to hook up with the biggest assho*le on this site right away. Me. I'd love to visit China one day. I speak alittle Chinese. I practice San Chuan Dao. And your girls are hot. Food is great. But frankguy, I got to be honest with you here. You make too big a deal out of the Pandas. We got bears too. Our bears can kick your bears asses. So onward. Please defend your deal with Tibet. And when are you gonna reel North Korea in? That guys friggin nuts. His own people are starving. Your country could do something about him. Why don't they? Anyway. Huanying. Zaijian.
1.In the 50's last century, China didn't trade with any contry. But we can defeat UN troops in Korea. How come you are so sure you will win the next war? It's enought.
2. The Vietnam and North Korea are communist countries.
So late in the night. See you later.
frankguy said:
1.In the 50's last century, China didn't trade with any contry. But we can defeat UN troops in Korea. How come you are so sure you will win the next war? It's enought.
2. The Vietnam and North Korea are communist countries.
So late in the night. See you later.

I see you skimmed right over the bear part. I've found a weak spot.
Now in terms of military people mistakenly assume China has a very powerful military, this is untrue. China possesses very obsolete technology for it's land armies, it consists of mostly 1950 era tanks upgraded with weapon kits we sold them. Infantry strength is filled with bloated divisions that are lightly trained and barely armed to US or UK standards. Sheer mass of men has lost much of it's luster as air power has come into play along with modern tanks and artillery. China would lose the bulk of it's 2.8 million man combat army in 7-8 months of prolonged combat against US forces. They simply don't have enough real combat effective troops. The aerial corps of China has 7 wings only 3 of which are classified as an effective threat, those are the 2 at Taiwan and the one aerial defense wing at Beijing. The navy runs on inefficient Soviet circa world war 2 diesel engines preventing any major upgrades or the ability to last in prolonged combat.
So China really has an impressive force on paper and can keep it's borders defended against border attacks but against a fully mobilized US army, it would lose much of it's luster and bulk in 7-8 months of combat.Now if anyone here wants a list of China's full military orbit I would be glad to show it to you. I can also give US orbit if you like.

Also of thier modern aircraft only 20 are a real threat, the SU-25, and US aircraft outclass it since the SU-25 lacks long range air-air missles to repel US aircraft.
superskippy said:
Now in terms of military people mistakenly assume China has a very powerful military, this is untrue. China possesses very obsolete technology for it's land armies, it consists of mostly 1950 era tanks upgraded with weapon kits we sold them. Infantry strength is filled with bloated divisions that are lightly trained and barely armed to US or UK standards. Sheer mass of men has lost much of it's luster as air power has come into play along with modern tanks and artillery. China would lose the bulk of it's 2.8 million man combat army in 7-8 months of prolonged combat against US forces. They simply don't have enough real combat effective troops. The aerial corps of China has 7 wings only 3 of which are classified as an effective threat, those are the 2 at Taiwan and the one aerial defense wing at Beijing. The navy runs on inefficient Soviet circa world war 2 diesel engines preventing any major upgrades or the ability to last in prolonged combat.
So China really has an impressive force on paper and can keep it's borders defended against border attacks but against a fully mobilized US army, it would lose much of it's luster and bulk in 7-8 months of combat.Now if anyone here wants a list of China's full military orbit I would be glad to show it to you. I can also give US orbit if you like.

Also of thier modern aircraft only 20 are a real threat, the SU-25, and US aircraft outclass it since the SU-25 lacks long range air-air missles to repel US aircraft.
You said it. But it's human who determines the war outcome not weapons.
Why is everyone so worried about Chinese aggression against the United States? China neeeeeeds the US. They are buying our debt. They threw communism out the window decades ago in favor of capitalism under an oppressive government. China needs us, and will not attack us.

In terms of military strength, they are up there. They aren't high tech by any means, but they have the sheer numbers to put up a powerful attack. If it DID happen, I see it like if the Soviets fought Nazi Germany again, sheer numbers versus powerful but expensive weapons.
China´s ability to any military movement is about the same as russia. They live in 50´s. I really wait for the mistaken day they try to invase Taiwan. China army is mortarfood. Like in Nam. And their equipment is from russia. Can they send a warhead? Yes, of course. But before that ballistic missile is in space, all their big cities are vanished. Your question is little childish. There is only one country that is (speculatively speaking) able to destroy over 100 cities in another country. The other one (that has those corrosed warheads and narcs without boots) would morelikely destroy its own cities.
For USA it would take about same time to take China as with Iraq. About 3 weeks.
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frankguy said:
On July 14th, General Zhu Chenghu of PLA( People's Liberation Army) said to HongKong press that China would attack US if US was involved in the war between China and Taiwan. He said if US attacked China's territory with missiles or Laser guiding weapons, China would counterattack with nuclear weapons. And the territory includes PLA's battleships and airplanes. China has gotten ready that all the cities east of Xi'an are destroyied but US should has the anticipation that 100 to 200 of it's cities are destoried too.
What do you think about it?

im surpirsed that no ones pointed out the sad fact that the cheap goods that come to america [as a result of complete lack of labour legislation in china] are doing wonders for the american economy. Therefore its unlikely america would start a war with them. Mind you ive heard theres plenty of oil in china....
Red_Dave said:
im surpirsed that no ones pointed out the sad fact that the cheap goods that come to america [as a result of complete lack of labour legislation in china] are doing wonders for the american economy. Therefore its unlikely america would start a war with them. Mind you ive heard theres plenty of oil in china....

Dude, we are America, push comes to shove we can suck that up with ease. So we pay more for sneakers and plastic dolls. I get the feeling from non-Americans on this site that they don't know just how great our economy is. They're always saying were one step away from a full blown depression.Mei wenti. The name of my Dad's boat. California is the 5th largest economy in the entire friggin world, for Gods sake. And don't forget good old American ingenuity. I mean, how hard would it be to put an old box fan on your roof and wire it to a car alternator? Eh? If the shi*t ever does hit the fan, old teach is gonna have lights.
teacher said:
Just ask Saddam. Next go around it will be, damn, they got another Predator. Call the supplier.
1. The war US attacked Iraq is not a balance war. US has sanctioned Iraq for ten years. In this point, US is a bully. And you cannot compare Iraq and Afghanistan with China.
2. US caught Saddam, but it got into swamp in Iraq now. It's hard to say who is the winner eventually.
3. The excuse for invading Iraq was proven to be wrong. US found no mass of destruction in Iraq. Is this what your democratic Country should do? What can I call Iraq but a bully? Everyone of American should be shamed of what his country has done in Iraq ecxcept thick-skinned ones.
You said it. But it's human who determines the war outcome not weapons.

That Idea rang true far more in the World War 2 and back era's, but now we have the era of Cruise Missles, Tanks that can cover 300 miles and hit targets from 2 miles away, we have jets that engage each other from miles apart, we have ships capable of firing missles all over the world. This is the era of technology and on the battlefield it means everything. As weapons get more precise and destructive the idea of sheer mass and the will of man becomes more and more obsolete, when you have a single jet capable of delivering a payload that can knock out 12 tanks or kill 200 people the idea of the will of men winning war's goes further and further away. When men have the capacity to engage at a distance of hundreds of yards even more than a mile that old Maxim must be discarded. I must take Winston Churchill's quote out of context to illustrate my point. "Machines will beat Machines." In the age of Technology man must arm himself with the greatest machine available to him or he will lose. Like wise China cannot rely on manpower to win a fullscale war against a far more technologically superior foe. It would cost China to many son's to think in that fashion.
teacher said:
Dude, we are America, push comes to shove we can suck that up with ease. So we pay more for sneakers and plastic dolls. I get the feeling from non-Americans on this site that they don't know just how great our economy is. They're always saying were one step away from a full blown depression.Mei wenti. The name of my Dad's boat. California is the 5th largest economy in the entire friggin world, for Gods sake. And don't forget good old American ingenuity. I mean, how hard would it be to put an old box fan on your roof and wire it to a car alternator? Eh? If the shi*t ever does hit the fan, old teach is gonna have lights.

I know the american economys great. That was the point of my post :roll:
That will happen if USA win against China, becuase machines is really good at beating your enemy but not yet at controlling the population of the enemy. Look at Iraq with it's only 25 million peoples.
Rather interesting topic and it's too bad that it had to start off with it being taken as a challenge by most.

The answer at this time to the question is yes, China could probably destroy at least 100 cities with a first strike and probably even half that number otherwise. But it really is such a moot point considering that neither the U.S. or China has any intention of wiping out the other.

When Zhu Chenghu made his statement, it's my opinion that he wasn't speaking out of turn. That just doesn't happen in China and I don't recall any time in the past where it has happened. It may be put down by China as him speaking out of turn but that would have been planned all along as the diplomatic response. It's in China's best interest to make it clear to the U.S. in a diplomatic way that they will not tolerate U.S. interference and when one considers this event carefully, that is exactly what they have done. Perhaps it would be more palatable for Americans to consider the reverse where it was an American diplomat expressing some heavyhanded rhetoric and then that would make it much more understandable that the U.S. would have accomplished their objective. That is, make it damn clear that a nuclear strike against the U.S. will be retaliated with complete destruction of China. Vice versa. In truth we all should want to hear all sides express their determination to not tolerate any meddling in other countries affairs if the countries in question are nuclear armed. That way nobody is going to make the dumb mistake that was almost made during the Cuban missile crisis where the Generals thought that they could finish off Russia without getting wiped out themselves. Thank God for Kennedy that cooler heads prevailed!

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