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Do you approve of these new driving laws? (1 Viewer)

Approve of Limits on Younger Drivers? Please explain why

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 1 12.5%

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This is a new TX law, I want to know what you think of this.

New Traffic Laws Target Younger Drivers

POSTED: 5:24 pm CDT August 22, 2005
UPDATED: 10:48 am CDT August 23, 2005

FORT WORTH, Texas -- Lawmakers passed a new set of traffic laws that take effect Sept. 1. At least three of the laws, designed to improve roadway safety, affect drivers younger than 21 for the first six months they have a driver's license.

Beginning next week, drivers younger than 21 will not be allowed to talk on cellular telephones while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.

Younger drivers also will be prohibited from carrying more than one passenger who is younger than 21 and not related to the driver.

Jeff McGrew, an 18-year-old student at Eastern Hills High School in Fort Worth, recently received his driver's license. He said some of his friends depend on other drivers because they don't have a vehicle.

"Carpooling saves gas," he said. "Some people don't have cars, so they should be able to ride with other people."

Another law prohibits drivers younger than 21 from driving between midnight and 5 a.m. unless they are driving for work.

One Fort Worth police officer said the new laws should make roads safer for all drivers by removing distractions from younger drivers.

"The attention span and attentiveness to their business, and learning the rules of the road and watching over the traffic -- it's an acquired capability and ability to avoid accidents," Lt. Gary Gray said.

Some younger drivers also said they support the limits placed on driving while using a cell phone.

"Talking on your cell phone distracts you, and you have accidents," said Shelina Alexander, a junior in high school.

Police, however, said the new cell-phone law could be difficult to enforce because drivers younger than 21 must be stopped for a separate violation before they can be cited for using a cell phone while driving.

As far as I am concerned, everyone is distracted by cell phones, not just younger drivers. As far as the number of people in the car, we advocate car pooling and then ban it for those who need it. Curfew? Let my parents decide on my curfew please and thank you.
I aggree with you, Majesty.

IMHO it should be illigal for anybody to talk on a hand-held phone whilst driving. The rest of it sounds not only unfair, but also pretty much uneforcable.
Students can become a lot more involved with their schools, their sports, bands, ROTC programs and extra-curricular activities if they have cars. The majority of parents don't go through the effort to drive their children around to every single event. In my area, there is an advanced program being held at one of the schools in the center of the city, which many times requires the students to come an hour before school actually starts and stay after school. By limiting students from driving they can't participate in many of these similar programs.

I don't have anything to base this on, but I'm thinking the stupid people who will crash at 16 are the same stupid people that will crash at 18. While maturity may help, it's also said that learning things at a younger age is easier.
I don't support different driving laws for younger people, however I believe existing laws need to be toughened. First, the age for a driver's license should be raised to 18 from 16. The majority of 16 year olds are simply not mature enough to handle the responsibility of driving. Also, drunk driving laws need to be toughened, similar to Europe's laws. First offense = hefty fine + mandatory jail time + temporary revocation of license, second offense = longer jail sentence + permanent revocation of license.
barefootguy said:
I don't support different driving laws for younger people, however I believe existing laws need to be toughened. First, the age for a driver's license should be raised to 18 from 16. The majority of 16 year olds are simply not mature enough to handle the responsibility of driving. Also, drunk driving laws need to be toughened, similar to Europe's laws. First offense = hefty fine + mandatory jail time + temporary revocation of license, second offense = longer jail sentence + permanent revocation of license.

I disagree, by the time you turn 16 most are involved in so many activities, including a job, that they need a car. Parents have lives too, and don't have time to be chauffeurs.
Beginning next week, drivers younger than 21 will not be allowed to talk on cellular telephones while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.
Good. Drivers over 21 shouldn't be allowed to talk on cell phones while driving too.

Younger drivers also will be prohibited from carrying more than one passenger who is younger than 21 and not related to the driver.
All right. I was young once, still am kinda, and I know how stupid friends can be. It's distracting when you've had your license for 2 days and your stupid friends are screaming and playing stupid loud music.

Jeff McGrew, an 18-year-old student at Eastern Hills High School in Fort Worth, recently received his driver's license. He said some of his friends depend on other drivers because they don't have a vehicle.
Uh...no one has parents? I mean I can understand one or two friends, but it sounds like he's driving the only car in town.
barefootguy said:
I don't support different driving laws for younger people, however I believe existing laws need to be toughened. First, the age for a driver's license should be raised to 18 from 16. The majority of 16 year olds are simply not mature enough to handle the responsibility of driving. Also, drunk driving laws need to be toughened, similar to Europe's laws. First offense = hefty fine + mandatory jail time + temporary revocation of license, second offense = longer jail sentence + permanent revocation of license.

If I lived in Europe, I'd agree that the age for a drivers license should raised to 18... But in the United States, we don't boast the public transportation systems they have, and because that the United States is such a big place, you never really could connect everyone together with one. Not now anyway. Still too much rural area.

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