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Do white men and white women have equal white privilege? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 16, 2017
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Political Leaning
In the quest to remedy the crime of white privilege, we need to quantify it first. A first step would be to determine if white men and white women are equally privileged as far as their whiteness. We'll need to eliminate sex from the equation. Although there are many metrics by which to measure privilege, a common one is income.

Median weekly earnings for Black men ($869) were 77.5 percent of the median for White men ($1,122).
Median earnings for Hispanic men ($823) were 73.4 percent of the median for White men.
The difference was less among women, as Black women's median earnings ($768) were 84.4 percent of those for White women ($910), and
earnings for Hispanic women ($722) were 79.3 percent of those for White women.

Ignore that Blacks make more than Hispanics, as white privilege is about Blacks only. White men make 29% more than Black men, but white women only make 18.5% more than Black women. This suggests that white men are in possession of 57% more white privilege than white women as far as unfairly making more money than Blacks.

Therefore, the accusation of white privilege against white women, though perfectly valid, should carry less weight. White women are 'less guilty', so to speak.
Does white privilege exist through out the white population ........? I'd say no.
Does white privilege exist through out the white population ........? I'd say no.

Conventional wisdom says it does, as even a poor white meth addict living on a mountain would be even more destitute if not for his white privilege.

Other options may be to determine an income level at white white privilege kicks in, such as "all whites making under $30,000 are cleared from white privilege". There could also be a graduated determination of white privilege, such as between white men and white women.
Do rich and poor people have the same privilege?
In the quest to remedy the crime of white privilege, we need to quantify it first. A first step would be to determine if white men and white women are equally privileged as far as their whiteness. We'll need to eliminate sex from the equation. Although there are many metrics by which to measure privilege, a common one is income.

Median weekly earnings for Black men ($869) were 77.5 percent of the median for White men ($1,122).
Median earnings for Hispanic men ($823) were 73.4 percent of the median for White men.
The difference was less among women, as Black women's median earnings ($768) were 84.4 percent of those for White women ($910), and
earnings for Hispanic women ($722) were 79.3 percent of those for White women.

Ignore that Blacks make more than Hispanics, as white privilege is about Blacks only. White men make 29% more than Black men, but white women only make 18.5% more than Black women. This suggests that white men are in possession of 57% more white privilege than white women as far as unfairly making more money than Blacks.

Therefore, the accusation of white privilege against white women, though perfectly valid, should carry less weight. White women are 'less guilty', so to speak.

One might observe how (white) society reacts to the abduction and murder of a white girl compared to the abduction, murder of a black girl.
Do rich and poor people have the same privilege?

The prevailing wisdom would suggest that the more money one has, the more privileged they are. However, I think in practice we would be hard pressed to call a Black making $60,000 "privileged" compared to a Black making $20,000. The term is more or less reserved to describe the elevated status of whites over Blacks.

One might observe how (white) society reacts to the abduction and murder of a white girl compared to the abduction, murder of a black girl.

Correct. White women are endowed with a host of social advantages over Black women, income is but one easily quantifiable metric and may serve as a starting point for distributive racial justice. The example you mention, where lavish attention is unfairly bestowed to white female victims, could also factor in to redistribution. In other words, Black women could be compensated monetarily, commensurate with the unfair press coverage regarding white/Black female victims. Just throwing it out there, this structural racial disadvantage might amount to $50 per year, which would be a tax on white women and given to Black women.
A gibberish thread trying to tie all aspects of "privilege" to money. Nice try. That said the data presented shows where the money is. So does the OP have a point?

We already know that non-white women are the most oppressed demographic in America. That there are variables within women as a group would seem likely. if not obvious. You want to quantify it to what end? Its keyboard gibberish.

If you are trying to prove that women generally suffer inequity as a group more than subsets of women by race....go ahead. Won't matter soon enough. Men no longer go to college in the numbers needed to support white male societal supremacy or even male supremacy of any sort in this country unless muscle mass is the criteria. We men will soon enough be relegated to brute force labor which appears to be all we are capable or even interested in bringing back the old saw "strong back....weak mind". Well done gentlemen....Nobody to blame but ourselves. Fortunately I missed this phenomenon and avalanche of embarrassment as I am old as dirt and will be well in my grave while current generations of men relegate themselves to the back bench. We should have at least been able to hold our ground...but Oh no...not us. Again....well done gentlemen.

The world or the country may not be in better shape with women dominating the top of the decision tree. There is absolutely no chance of them doing worse than we have. As such, since the OP appears today to be into relativism......odds are that the world and the country will be better off with women dominating the top of the decision tree since they can't possibly do worse than we have.
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We already know that non-white women are the most oppressed demographic in America. That there are variables within women as a group would seem likely. if not obvious. You want to quantify it to what end?

To solve the disparity of course. Given that white women make 18% more than Black women, it stands to reason that the only possible cause for that disparity is racism / white privilege.
To solve the disparity of course. Given that white women make 18% more than Black women, it stands to reason that the only possible cause for that disparity is racism / white privilege.
You have gone out of your way for over a month to denigrate the entire idea of institutionalized white privilege and now you are trying to make us believe you are trying to eliminate it???? Sorry...nice try.
White privilege is not a "crime" anywhere that I'm aware of.
Why don't you take a stab at a less stupid question? You are likely to get better responses.

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