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Do we leave in a democracy? (1 Viewer)


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Jul 31, 2005
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Does the choice between a democrat or republican make this a democracy. Does simply haveing the choice of many different candidates make this a democracy or do we have to have to give all the candaites and equal chance not based on wealth or birth?
who knows.... i didn't like either of the candidates in this election, but this kinda stuff has gotta happen once in a while....
Should the government limit the amount of money any individual campaign can have, to level the playing field?
Should the government limit the amount of money any individual campaign can have, to level the playing field?

Yes, yes, and yes. Many will say that those with more money are more liked and better backed by the people. On paper it looks great, the most liked candidate gets the most money and can spend the most. Not true. It's become a democracy of the rich and race to grab up bribes from corporations and big business.
I realy think the politcal campaign realy to much on money,advertiseing, and political analists, and not enough on the actual candidate. You have to be rich, or marry rich to have a chance. I think that there should be a cap on the amount of funding.
TJS0110 said:
Does the choice between a democrat or republican make this a democracy. Does simply haveing the choice of many different candidates make this a democracy or do we have to have to give all the candaites and equal chance not based on wealth or birth?

No, it does not make this a democracy. A democracy is a system where citizens directly participate in voting for or against legislation. We live in a republic, supposedly. In a republic, the citizens vote for a president that is supposed to be accountable to our needs. However, a few (MNC's) multinational corporations with deep pockets (deeper than our national deficit) employ lobby's (groups of talented lawyers, and influential characters) that maintain close relationships with political representatives in congress, the white house, the supreme court, and mainstream media executives. Since, it is impossible for citizens to do this, inherently, our power is undermined. Corporate interest's determine our future at all levels of life, from standards of beauty, to standards of living.

So, If a true democracy is what you seek, then we must get rid of most of our reprentatives and come up with a way where we can all vote on issues, which with the internet, shouldn't be all that difficult. Then we've got figure out a way to limit MNC's from overtly muscling their way into controlling legislation. This is not going to be easy. But, if it can be thought of, it can happen.
I meant democracy in the way that most Americans presieve it, Democratic republic. You went kind of off topic, I want to know do we have to level the playing feild or is it already fair letting everyman run for himself. Internet wouldn't be secure enough.
TJS0110 said:
I meant democracy in the way that most Americans presieve it, Democratic republic. You went kind of off topic, I want to know do we have to level the playing feild or is it already fair letting everyman run for himself. Internet wouldn't be secure enough.

We need to encourage multi-party competition for the presidential election. Two choice's is definitely not enough considering the wide range of political ideology among citizens. I think we should have four party's on the ticket, some people may argue more. I would start by allowing the Green's and the Libertarian's to run their candidates.
Democracy can only exist when you have a well informed Republic. Us Americans get too much of our information from the "box" in the corner to be considered well informed. As a result, what we have now, is an Oligarchy!
ban.the.electoral.college said:
We need to encourage multi-party competition for the presidential election. Two choice's is definitely not enough considering the wide range of political ideology among citizens. I think we should have four party's on the ticket, some people may argue more. I would start by allowing the Green's and the Libertarian's to run their candidates.

:smile: libertarians
Billo_Really said:
Democracy can only exist when you have a well informed Republic. Us Americans get too much of our information from the "box" in the corner to be considered well informed. As a result, what we have now, is an Oligarchy!

I agree people relie to much on what Bill O'Riely and Michael Moore say. We need a media that reports fact only and not opinions.
TJS0110 said:
I agree people relie to much on what Bill O'Riely and Michael Moore say. We need a media that reports fact only and not opinions.

Bill O'Riely get's much more consistent exposure than MM. The difference, that people forget is that MM is an docu-activist. He doen't really do a whole of "informing", although he does present the other side of issues which for some reason people resent that. I know a lot of people who complain that the media sucks, but when someone comes along and shows the other side of the story people get angry. It's a really strange phenomona. I have see n Michael Moore do some really radical and positive things for people.
It's ashame everyone hates him for putting out F.9/11, because he really is a great documentary film maker. And he should be commeded for shaking things up. It's about time someone came along to get "the people" talking. Up until that point, politics was a taboo topic. Now, Americans are talking about politics almost as much as the Canadians, and Europeans!

Do we leave (live) in a democracy? Well, we have democratic elements and structure. Although, currently corportisim is dominating all aspects of our lives, including the media and the government. If citizens learn the issues, organize, and become active, we can change things. But, as long as people are glued to the tube and other distractions, corporations will only continue to get stronger and stronger, and in effect, democracy will only be a myth.

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