Kandahar said, ”I don't think we need to start bombing them just yet, but we certainly need that option on the table and we need to start for preparing for it since it looks like we'll need to go that route eventually. None of the possible outcomes from this are good, but a nuclear Iran is the least acceptable outcome.”
You who are the anti-war LEFT and who think we shouldn’t have gone into Iraq or Afganistan, that it was none of our business, could you address these questions:
While aggressively pursuing nuclear power Iran has been accused of a secret ambition to use their new nuclear reactors to produce the needed fuel for nuclear weapons.
Isreal has Nukes... US has Nukes... India has Nukes... Pakistan has nukes... All the G8 countries have nukes...
So, why can`t Iran get their own? We have bombs why can’t they?
Why don’t they have that right?
Why would we bomb them? Don’t they have a right to defend themselves to protect themselves against their enemies, against us?
What right do we have to walk in and tell them what to do?
What have they done to us?
Who are we to impose are morality and views on them?
They are not backing down because of our warnings. What right do we really have to warn them at all? Why should they have to follow are rules?
Why shouldn't they have WMD?
I would think the community on the LEFT in America………would fight for Irans right to do whatever they want. Where is Michael Moore?…Babwa Streisand? Teddy “Hick-up” Kennedy? The Democratic Party? Shouldn’t they all be defending Iran?
I would think that those people who are so pro-choice everything, those who are on the LEFT would think America wrong to stop them. They bashed Bush for marching into Iraq, they say he lied about WMD that basically we have no rights to be there……How could anyone on the Left therefore support any sanctions against Iran for simply making nuclear bombs?
Now I am not military minded at all and I would be for getting rid of all nuclear bombs everywhere ………but I see a double standard here especially by those on the Left.