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Do republicans suppress women and use the bible to do so? (1 Viewer)

Do republicans suppress women?

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Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Another accusation from liberals. My other post being about whether republicans love abortion.

Please Explain your answer.
No, not all of them.

Do all liberals attack republicans for that?

Lets get this straight:

There are two main idealogies with a whole bunch of sub idealogies that I'm not gonna get into. That is Liberal and Conservative. All though Republicans have mostly conservatives supporting them and they support basically a conservative agenda, not everyone who is conservative is a republican. Similiarly, the Democrats are supported by mostly liberals who support a liberal agenda. But not all liberals are Democrats.
I meant to say THE liberals, referring to the ones from the previous poll that i submitted.
I see what you're doing now. Obviously the answer is no, but this poll is a straw man which I refuse to vote in. No one actually believes this.

Do you believe that liberals are all America-hating black-supremacist closet homosexuals?
Kandahar said:
I see what you're doing now. Obviously the answer is no, but this poll is a straw man which I refuse to vote in. No one actually believes this.

Do you believe that liberals are all America-hating black-supremacist closet homosexuals?
:good_job: :2funny:
I'm not using this to blame liberals for anything. I'm using it so that maybe the liberals who were saying these things will notice that they are way out of their parties margin.
I repeatedly try to suppress my wife nearly every day. To further my efforts, I often tell her to go read her Bible. I'm not sure what other GOP members do. Maybe they have more success than I.
Why use the bible when a police baton is quicker? :mrgreen: All kidding aside, I don't think sexism is a party affiliation problem as much as an individual one. The polarizing point of this stems from the same problem as just about every generalization such as; Abortion = sexism, wealth = suppression of lower classes, environmentalists = tree hugging hippee potheads, etc. Most of the problem with using general strawman arguments to further an agenda is that they get diffused among supporters and turn into a mantra, this becomes a general belief, and next thing you know the opposition becomes a stereotype.
LaMidRighter said:
Why use the bible when a police baton is quicker? :mrgreen: All kidding aside, I don't think sexism is a party affiliation problem as much as an individual one. The polarizing point of this stems from the same problem as just about every generalization such as; Abortion = sexism, wealth = suppression of lower classes, environmentalists = tree hugging hippee potheads, etc. Most of the problem with using general strawman arguments to further an agenda is that they get diffused among supporters and turn into a mantra, this becomes a general belief, and next thing you know the opposition becomes a stereotype.

Not to mention...there isn't a man on the planet that could use the bible to suppress his wife, if she knew her stuff, considering the passage so OFTEN misquoted is " Wives submit to your husbands" HOWEVER, no one quotes the second part.... which is.... "Husbands love your wives, as Christ loved the church" Hmmmm how many who try to use the FIRST part of that passage to control their wives, would be willing to fully live up to the second part?

Nice try with the ridiculous poll though... I suggest a course in Bible Lit before you try to further your agenda. (Disclaimer- LA... this statement isn't meant for you.. it's for the poll author. Your's just happened to be the last post on the thread)
Wel IMO if men loved their wives like He loved the church then the wives would have no problem submitting to their husbands. However, c'mon republicans suppressing wives? Geees now I have heard it all. :doh

A democrat can do this just as much as a republican can.
Lantzolot said:
Please Explain your answer.
I suppress my women and use the bible to do so all of the time...

What's really cool is when you are done suppressing them with the Bible, you can clearly see "King James Version" written backwards across their chest...:2wave:
Wel IMO if men loved their wives like He loved the church then the wives would have no problem submitting to their husbands. However, c'mon republicans suppressing wives? Geees now I have heard it all. :doh

A democrat can do this just as much as a republican can.

You are mistaken. I don't care how much a man loves me, I would never submit to him. I doubt many women would.
Kelzie said:
You are mistaken. I don't care how much a man loves me, I would never submit to him. I doubt many women would.

Well thats nice but the reality is that alot of women still do. Actually more than half the worlds women do. That would make you as minority in this. :rofl
Well thats nice but the reality is that alot of women still do. Actually more than half the worlds women do. That would make you as minority in this. :rofl

Umm. Right. Prove it.
Kelzie said:
Umm. Right. Prove it.

O I love it when you say that cause it just makes me right even more. Ok this si very simple.

How much of the earths population is muslim, hindu, catholic, protestant, and Mormon?

Well lets just take one of the religions like islam. There are over 2billion muslims in the world. Also islam is the second largest religion with the fastest growth rate. Also catholicism all over the world predicates women in their society to be subservient to men. Also in all of the Asain countries their women are treated like slaves. And the Asain population is approximately a thrid of the earths population.

Can you say debacled?
O I love it when you say that cause it just makes me right even more. Ok this si very simple.

How much of the earths population is muslim, hindu, catholic, protestant, and Mormon?

Well lets just take one of the religions like islam. There are over 2billion muslims in the world. Also islam is the second largest religion with the fastest growth rate. Also catholicism all over the world predicates women in their society to be subservient to men. Also in all of the Asain countries their women are treated like slaves. And the Asain population is approximately a thrid of the earths population.

Can you say debacled?

I know plenty, PLENTY of muslim, hindu, catholic, protestant, and Mormon wives that do not submit to their husbands. So really, what you'd have to do is ask each individual one, cause sure as hell it's going to change based on their location, upbringing, social status, education level, not to mention all the variables with the husband. And quite honestly, I think that any muslim, hindu, catholic, protestant, and Mormon women on this forum would be rather insulted that you assume they are submissive based off of the fact that they are religious.

I can say debacled just fine. I can also say that if you make broad, sweeping, negative statements like that, especially about women, it is going to be impossible to prove.
Kelzie said:
I know plenty, PLENTY of muslim, hindu, catholic, protestant, and Mormon wives that do not submit to their husbands. So really, what you'd have to do is ask each individual one, cause sure as hell it's going to change based on their location, upbringing, social status, education level, not to mention all the variables with the husband. And quite honestly, I think that any muslim, hindu, catholic, protestant, and Mormon women on this forum would be rather insulted that you assume they are submissive based off of the fact that they are religious.

I can say debacled just fine. I can also say that if you make broad, sweeping, negative statements like that, especially about women, it is going to be impossible to prove.

Yaeh americanized women. But life across the world is far different than here hun. You do know that womens rights doesnt see every country right?

There are only 300million people in the US. So again your wrong. Most of these religions women across the globe are very subservient. I know from first hand experience by meeting different women across the world on west packs. Why do you think alot of men like bringing back foreign women? They are very obedient. Especially the asians.
Yaeh americanized women. But life across the world is far different than here hun. You do know that womens rights doesnt see every country right?

There are only 300million people in the US. So again your wrong. Most of these religions women across the globe are very subservient. I know from first hand experience by meeting different women across the world on west packs. Why do you think alot of men like bringing back foreign women? They are very obedient. Especially the asians.

That is so stereotypical it is disgusting. I am very good friends with an Asian women and she is hardly "obedient". It is obvious you haven't had much contact with foriegners. They are just like Americans. They have submissive women and non-submissive women. It's got nothing to do with being "americanized"

Do we have a working definition of 'submit' for the purposes of this conversation? Or are we all talking about different concepts?

Further I thought we were talking about 'suppress'.
Re: Submit?

Simon W. Moon said:
Do we have a working definition of 'submit' for the purposes of this conversation? Or are we all talking about different concepts?

Further I thought we were talking about 'suppress'.

We were. But then someone brought up a bible quote about submitting women.
Re: Submit?

Kelzie said:
We were. But then someone brought up a bible quote about submitting women.
In a less silly vein than my previous comments ...

There're some areas of our daily life where I'm more competent than my wife. Not that she's incompetent or that she hasn't lived on her own and done quite well (cause she has).
There're just some areas where she defers to my judgment. Is that submission of just smart team-play?
Re: Submit?

Simon W. Moon said:
In a less silly vein than my previous comments ...

There're some areas of our daily life where I'm more competent than my wife. Not that she's incompetent or that she hasn't lived on her own and done quite well (cause she has).
There're just some areas where she defers to my judgment. Is that submission of just smart team-play?

I would say that a commandment/rule/whatever it was telling women to submit to their husbands would mean women should be submissive. Would you agree to that or not?

To submit to a more competent source does not mean you are submissive. Always submitting, even if you are more competent, means you are.
Re: Submit?

Kelzie said:
I would say that a commandment/rule/whatever it was telling women to submit to their husbands would mean women should be submissive. Would you agree to that or not?
It would seem that way. However, I'm clear on what the practical implications of "submissive" are. I don't see where it would necessarily mean that a woman should lower here eyes at all times and never speak unless spoken to.
Re: Submit?

Simon W. Moon said:
It would seem that way. However, I'm clear on what the practical implications of "submissive" are. I don't see where it would necessarily mean that a woman should lower here eyes at all times and never speak unless spoken to.

That's not the problem at all. A husband could say "Woman, I want you to raise your eyes and speak all the time". If she was supposed to submit to her husband, she would do it. It's the act of not thinking for yourself and not making your own decisions when you are capable, but instead relying on someone else to constantly make them for you, that is the problem.
Re: Submit?

Kelzie said:
That's not the problem at all. A husband could say "Woman, I want you to raise your eyes and speak all the time". If she was supposed to submit to her husband, she would do it. It's the act of not thinking for yourself and not making your own decisions when you are capable, but instead relying on someone else to constantly make them for you, that is the problem.
So you see the passage as directing women to not think for themselves and not make their own decisions and to rely on someone else to constantly make them for her?

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