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Do Republicans Have a Plan for the Future? (1 Viewer)

Do the Republicans Have a Plan for the Future?

  • YES

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 11 57.9%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
When looking at the direction our country is going, im certain you must ask yourself this question. Do the Republicans have a Plan for the Future? Many issues that make me ponder this have to do with thier "plan" for Iraq. The "plan" it to stick to the original "plan". Is that really a plan for the "future"? Change is necessary, where would this country be without it? Also, one must look at the fiscal issues concerning our nation at the moment. The "plan" for the war was that the oil revenues would pay for the cost of the war. Instead, I have noticed that the future of the Social Security plan has paid for the War instead. Many people believe that this should be privatized, I ask you then, just how that is going to work for people who know nothing of the market, and don't make the kind of money to afford to pay someone for advise on it. The government refuses to address national medical insurance, as restrictions on foreign drugs cause drug costs to go through the roof, as well as medical insurance, and drug companies are making record profits. Millions and Millions of Americans are unemployed, yet the President and his party are allowing illegal immigrants to come over and take jobs he says "Americans' won't do". Many companies are forcing employees to quit smoking by a certain date or be fired because medical insurance is getting too costly. We are at war overseas, yet the government is cutting VA benefits to those who have fought in past wars in order to pay for this one. Americans here at home are suffering because the main focus of our government is a "Nation-Building" war in which the President himself said he does not agree with before being elected in 2000. The White House administration led by President Bush has come under legal scrutiny, as well as the Republican House Chair for illegal actions, and a Californian Republican congressman as well, for accepting bribes.

With all these problems, you must ask... Do the republicans really have a plan for the future??????
Oh.. I forgot to mention the fact that with all the money we are now in debt...

The republicans want to continue giving large amounts of tax cuts to already wealthy people, which is again, keeping us even more and more in debt, but keeping the large corporate campaign donations coming into the republican party.
Hmm... Im sure I'll remember something else as I go on...
My answer is the same as it was to the other poll: Of course not. Why would politicians waste time with trivial things like running the country, when they have a reelection to worry about?
We are doing it right now, of course we do, it's the one that the Dem's are complaining about, and fighting every inch of the way.:roll:
Deegan said:
We are doing it right now, of course we do, it's the one that the Dem's are complaining about, and fighting every inch of the way.:roll:

Did you bother reading all the comments I made about where thier plan is taking us?

I guess you agree with all that stuff cause your already fine doing your sales executive crap and getting your phat bonus from Uncle George every year....

You don't give a **** about social security because you most likely won't need it, or have the knowledge to use it when it is "Privatized"
Probably didn't fight in the war or have friends or family who did.
Didn't watch someone get killed for protecting a "trash dump Site"
Don't care that veterans are getting thier benefits cut... don't care about medical insurance because you can afford it.....

Am I right?
Caine said:
Did you bother reading all the comments I made about where thier plan is taking us?

I guess you agree with all that stuff cause your already fine doing your sales executive crap and getting your phat bonus from Uncle George every year....

You don't give a **** about social security because you most likely won't need it, or have the knowledge to use it when it is "Privatized"
Probably didn't fight in the war or have friends or family who did.
Didn't watch someone get killed for protecting a "trash dump Site"
Don't care that veterans are getting thier benefits cut... don't care about medical insurance because you can afford it.....

Am I right?

No, actually you could not be more wrong.

My son is in the Air Force, and is going to Iraq any day now. My entire family has fought in every war this country has seen, two uncles in Nam, my father was a Medivac pilot, and was shot down, he did survive, but was never the same. My grandfather was in the 817th tank destroyer division, and drove a tank for 3 years in Germany, and was there when they freed a death camp there, something he never forgot, till the day he died, and I'll never forget his stories. I tried to join before college, and was denied because of a medical condition, something silly I thought, but my dream to be an Air Force pilot was not to be. I care very much about S.S, and I am concerned that if nothing is done, there will not be a program for those who need it most. I hope I don't need it, but i don't know, you never know. I worked hard to get where I am at, and my "phat bonus" is something I earned, and I don't apologize for that, EVER.

To your other questions, I believe my answer covers those as well, and I think my party does more for vets then the other, that is the main reason I am a Republican.

Anything else, or does that about cover it?

Again, as I have in the past, thank you for your service.
Deegan said:
No, actually you could not be more wrong.

My son is in the Air Force, and is going to Iraq any day now. My entire family has fought in every war this country has seen, two uncles in Nam, my father was a Medivac pilot, and was shot down, he did survive, but was never the same. My grandfather was in the 817th tank destroyer division, and drove a tank for 3 years in Germany, and was there when they freed a death camp there, something he never forgot, till the day he died, and I'll never forget his stories. I tried to join before college, and was denied because of a medical condition, something silly I thought, but my dream to be an Air Force pilot was not to be. I care very much about S.S, and I am concerned that if nothing is done, there will not be a program for those who need it most. I hope I don't need it, but i don't know, you never know. I worked hard to get where I am at, and my "phat bonus" is something I earned, and I don't apologize for that, EVER.

To your other questions, I believe my answer covers those as well, and I think my party does more for vets then the other, that is the main reason I am a Republican.

Anything else, or does that about cover it?

Again, as I have in the past, thank you for your service.

Don't you feel concerned that the "Plan" of the Republican party is not working well when it comes to VA Benefits?????
Being a Member of VFW, I get alot of info from them, and even the VFW seems to have a problem with the lowering benefits, and poor quality of the system... if we can't provide adequate healthcare for our entire country, at least we can provide quality healthcare to our veterans... am I right??

I know what your thinking, and to go and answer your claims... I don't know and Don't care WHICH party has a plan for it... But veteran benefits are an important part of respect that the veterans deserve for thier hard work and sacrifice for this country.......... And I don't give a **** which party it is, nobody should mess with a veterans benefits.
Caine said:
Don't you feel concerned that the "Plan" of the Republican party is not working well when it comes to VA Benefits?????
Being a Member of VFW, I get alot of info from them, and even the VFW seems to have a problem with the lowering benefits, and poor quality of the system... if we can't provide adequate healthcare for our entire country, at least we can provide quality healthcare to our veterans... am I right??

I know what your thinking, and to go and answer your claims... I don't know and Don't care WHICH party has a plan for it... But veteran benefits are an important part of respect that the veterans deserve for thier hard work and sacrifice for this country.......... And I don't give a **** which party it is, nobody should mess with a veterans benefits.

You would know better then I, but my father, and uncles have said it has gotten better. My father just had a tumor removed from his brain, and he don't pay a penny for the procedure, he was even sent out of the VA for the operation, so he could get the best care, or doctor actually. I just called my uncle, and he says he has never had a problem, no matter the admin. This is one area where these politicians can never wiggle, they may try, but they know these armed men will form a militia quick like.;)
Caine said:
When looking at the direction our country is going, im certain you must ask yourself this question. Do the Republicans have a Plan for the Future? Many issues that make me ponder this have to do with thier "plan" for Iraq. The "plan" it to stick to the original "plan". Is that really a plan for the "future"? Change is necessary, where would this country be without it? Also, one must look at the fiscal issues concerning our nation at the moment. The "plan" for the war was that the oil revenues would pay for the cost of the war. Instead, I have noticed that the future of the Social Security plan has paid for the War instead. Many people believe that this should be privatized, I ask you then, just how that is going to work for people who know nothing of the market, and don't make the kind of money to afford to pay someone for advise on it. The government refuses to address national medical insurance, as restrictions on foreign drugs cause drug costs to go through the roof, as well as medical insurance, and drug companies are making record profits. Millions and Millions of Americans are unemployed, yet the President and his party are allowing illegal immigrants to come over and take jobs he says "Americans' won't do". Many companies are forcing employees to quit smoking by a certain date or be fired because medical insurance is getting too costly. We are at war overseas, yet the government is cutting VA benefits to those who have fought in past wars in order to pay for this one. Americans here at home are suffering because the main focus of our government is a "Nation-Building" war in which the President himself said he does not agree with before being elected in 2000. The White House administration led by President Bush has come under legal scrutiny, as well as the Republican House Chair for illegal actions, and a Californian Republican congressman as well, for accepting bribes.

With all these problems, you must ask... Do the republicans really have a plan for the future??????

Someone else mentioned that the Republican plan is already in progress with fighting the terrorists in their back yard so as not to have mushroom clouds hovering over our populated cities. Actually the republican plan started in 1994 when Newt Gingrich and boys took control over our congress. Some 40+ years of Democratically controlled congress had led to the greatest welfare state our country had seen. FDR's New Deal started the socialization of America. That then led to LBJ's Great Society where government dependency became the liberal ideology. People expected to reap cradle to grave benefits without lifting a finger.
Now, let me try to address many of your points that I simply refused the premise as they were presented here. First, the change you speak of came with the republican majorities in our governors, our senate, our congress, and of course with our presidency. The change you seek is one that you must learn to accept--and that is to a conservative view point...especially with regards to our government. Now the deficits were to be expected since Bush took the reigns from the last year of Clinton's recession. Add to that recession the fact that we were attacked on 9/11 leaving approximately 1 million Americans without a job. Add to that the cost to repair the damages from the many hurricanes, floods, and fires throughout our nation, and you can readily see where the money has gone.
Millions and millions of Americans are unemployed? Well, what's new? You failed to mention that our current unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in years. We are on a two year span of a booming economy, but you won't hear that in the liberal media outlets.
I don't see where the VA is cutting benefits. I'm a 100% disabled veteran with PTSD and I have never had a problem getting any medicine, any help, or any services from the VA--and they are all free. Is there a specific benefit that you're overly concerned about?
Americans at home are suffering because our government's main focus is in nation building overseas? What a crock that statement is. Since when have you and other Americans depended so much with your lives to government support? Just what is or has the government done to make your life easier? You know, it was a democrat John Kennedy that once said, "ask not what your country can do for you, rather, ask what you could do for your country". Even his brother Teddy renages on that slogan time and time again. And it was JFK that cut taxes repeatedly; something that goes against the grain of the Democrat platform since they want to raise your taxes any chance they get.
The legal scrutiny of some Republicans has come from liberal attornies etc. None of these Republicans have been convicted.
Privatizing 6% of Social Security doesn't go far enough. They should destroy Social security as we know it. Did you know how much return you get on your SS monies? Figuring you get your due at age 65--your return on this lifelong investment is -6%. If you were to sock just 6% of your SS monies into the stock market, your return would be approximately +7% over the same time period. This is investing that 6% in a mixture of the Fortune 500 stocks or in a similar mutual fund. You are right though--many liberals have a hard time making simple decisions. In Florida, some liberals voted for Pat Buchanan over Algore because the ballot had confused them. Add some hanging chads into the mix and I can see your dilemma. I think if privatization ever comes into play--I'm sure there will be SS experts ready to give these liberals pointers on investing.
Tax cuts for the rich? That liberal mantra has been dying a slow death. Tax cuts benefit everyone, and that includes rich liberal senators like John Kerry and Ted Kennedy. Most poor people don't even pay taxes. The top 1% of the wealthiest Americans pay over 95% of all our taxes. Time for you liberals to bark up another tree; red-stated America isn't buying your doom and gloom scenarios any longer.
The change in plan you speak of is in getting the American majority to feel a little more responsible for their own lives without depending on the government for everything. The plan also includes to get liberal America to smile and enjoy themselves and life just a little more.
You don't give a **** about social security because you most likely won't need it, or have the knowledge to use it when it is "Privatized"

Yep! As should you.

Probably didn't fight in the war or have friends or family who did.

I haven't but I know some people.

Didn't watch someone get killed for protecting a "trash dump Site"


And I don't give a **** which party it is, nobody should mess with a veterans benefits.

Deegan said:
You would know better then I, but my father, and uncles have said it has gotten better. My father just had a tumor removed from his brain, and he don't pay a penny for the procedure, he was even sent out of the VA for the operation, so he could get the best care, or doctor actually. I just called my uncle, and he says he has never had a problem, no matter the admin. This is one area where these politicians can never wiggle, they may try, but they know these armed men will form a militia quick like.;)

LOL @ Militia..... This is a bit off topic, but its true that many people, even if they are ETS and not Retirees (more specifically the young ones) tend to have alot of military items and displays and like to play with purchasing thier own "legal" assault rifles, some who were armorer's in the military even have spare parts from thier military job to "customize" thier weapons in ways to mock thier military M-4s (I know a few guys like this).

Anyways, My point in this thread is that our country isnt headed in a good direction, which prompts me to wonder if the republicans have a plan for the future.. I know as soon as something that seems negative towards republicans is posted, people get on a defensive as if I am some one who completely agrees with every Democrat no matter what.. but I don't.

In fact, the only reason why I claim Democrat is because they tend to have views that agree with my own on issues (abortion rights, economy, social programs, ethics (compared to current admin anyhow) etc..... But its not to say im not disappointed in how the Democrats are representing themselves. I DO disagree with a "typical" Democrat (or should I say liberal on this one) view when it comes to things like gun control and the "death penalty" issue, which I agree if they do something that deserves the penalty, we should kill 'em........

SO, anyone who thinks I am a partisan hack needs to actually read the message in my words and stop being so god damned offensive.
ptsdkid said:
I don't see where the VA is cutting benefits. I'm a 100% disabled veteran with PTSD and I have never had a problem getting any medicine, any help, or any services from the VA--and they are all free. Is there a specific benefit that you're overly concerned about?

I only feel like responding to this one at the moment......

VFW SIte said:
Washington, Nov. 8, 2005 - In 1932, more than 20,000 World War I veterans marched on Washington in an attempt to obtain benefits from a government that felt no need to compensate them for their service. President Herbert Hoover called in the military and drove this "Bonus Army" out of town at the end of a bayonet.

"Bayonets aren't pointed at us anymore," said Robert. E. Wallace, executive director of the Washington Office of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., "but they might as well be because the federal government is once again committing a tremendous injustice. Their target this time is 72,000 military veterans who have been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD."

The government's plan is to reduce or eliminate the benefits of those who are rated 100 percent disabled from an impairment that's just as debilitating as the worst physical wound.

For more info, check out this link...

ptsdkid said:
Someone else mentioned that the Republican plan is already in progress with fighting the terrorists in their back yard so as not to have mushroom clouds hovering over our populated cities.
Yes, Lets hope this isnt the only plan the republicans have for OUR country... we have problems here at home too..
FDR's New Deal started the socialization of America. That then led to LBJ's Great Society where government dependency became the liberal ideology. People expected to reap cradle to grave benefits without lifting a finger.
Could you imagine how bad poverty would be without this program???[/quote]

Now the deficits were to be expected since Bush took the reigns from the last year of Clinton's recession. Add to that recession the fact that we were attacked on 9/11 leaving approximately 1 million Americans without a job. Add to that the cost to repair the damages from the many hurricanes, floods, and fires throughout our nation, and you can readily see where the money has gone.
Yet we gave "HAND OUTS" in the form of tax cuts, and have no plans to change the next round of tax cuts despite our record deficit? We're talking about a Plan here.. thats no plan
Millions and millions of Americans are unemployed?
Yes they are unemployed.
You failed to mention that our current unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in years. We are on a two year span of a booming economy, but you won't hear that in the liberal media outlets.
As booming as the economy during Clinton's administration?[/quote]

And it was JFK that cut taxes repeatedly; something that goes against the grain of the Democrat platform since they want to raise your taxes any chance they get.
What does JFK have to do with the Republican plan for the future? And yes, the next time a Democrat DOES take presidential office, he WILL have to raise taxes to try to repair the debt that the republicans could care less about

The legal scrutiny of some Republicans has come from liberal attornies etc. None of these Republicans have been convicted.
Baming it on the DAs? What about the republican in California who was accepting bribes and finally admitted to it?

Privatizing 6% of Social Security doesn't go far enough. They should destroy Social security as we know it. Did you know how much return you get on your SS monies? Figuring you get your due at age 65--your return on this lifelong investment is -6%. If you were to sock just 6% of your SS monies into the stock market, your return would be approximately +7% over the same time period. This is investing that 6% in a mixture of the Fortune 500 stocks or in a similar mutual fund.
The "stock market" is not actually a safe investment, and depending on where your money goes, you could LOSE money, even WITH mutual funds. Not to mention the garbage collectors, mcdonald's workers, and other low income people who know nothing about the stock market.
Tax cuts for the rich? That liberal mantra has been dying a slow death. Tax cuts benefit everyone, and that includes rich liberal senators like John Kerry and Ted Kennedy. Most poor people don't even pay taxes. The top 1% of the wealthiest Americans pay over 95% of all our taxes. Time for you liberals to bark up another tree; red-stated America isn't buying your doom and gloom scenarios any longer.
Yes, lets give more of the money the government doesn't have back to the people... and lets give an extremely large percentage of that to the people who already have enough to buy small countries. Excellent way of keeping our nation out of debt.

The rest of your post didn't warrant comment on... so I will leave it at that.
Caine said:
Yes they are unemployed.

From http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm

The unemployment rate was unchanged in November at 5.0 percent. The jobless
rate has ranged between 4.9 and 5.1 percent since May. The number of unemployed
persons, 7.6 million, was essentially unchanged in November. The unemployment
rates for adult men (4.3 percent), adult women (4.6 percent), teenagers (17.2
percent), whites (4.3 percent), and Hispanics or Latinos (6.0 percent) showed
little or no change in November. The jobless rates for blacks (10.6 percent)
and, specifically, for adult black women (9.1 percent), rose over the month.
In November, the unemployment rate for Asians was 3.6 percent, not seasonally
adjusted. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

I know that only gives the numbers for people that are actually receiving unemployment checks, but I think it's high enough to back up what you said :mrgreen:
Could you imagine how bad poverty would be without this program

I sugesst you check out the Welfare pros and cons thread.

Yet we gave "HAND OUTS" in the form of tax cuts, and have no plans to change the next round of tax cuts despite our record deficit? We're talking about a Plan here.. thats no plan

Tax cuts are great and should continue. But if you would like you are free to give the gov more of your money. I'm sure they will be glad to take it.

Yes they are unemployed.

They need to get a job! :rofl

As booming as the economy during Clinton's administration?

What the heck do you mean? What did Clinton do to get people jobs?

And yes, the next time a Democrat DOES take presidential office, he WILL have to raise taxes to try to repair the debt that the republicans could care less about

Or may just to fund more useless programs like the public schools and welfare.

The "stock market" is not actually a safe investment, and depending on where your money goes, you could LOSE money, even WITH mutual funds. Not to mention the garbage collectors, mcdonald's workers, and other low income people who know nothing about the stock market.

They need to learn! If you think the gov is going to make anyone "Socially Secure" your out of your mind.
Bustabush said:
I sugesst you check out the Welfare pros and cons thread.

Tax cuts are great and should continue. But if you would like you are free to give the gov more of your money. I'm sure they will be glad to take it.

They need to get a job! :rofl

What the heck do you mean? What did Clinton do to get people jobs?

Or may just to fund more useless programs like the public schools and welfare.

They need to learn! If you think the gov is going to make anyone "Socially Secure" your out of your mind.

What? Not even a real conservative would agree with you on some of this junk.....

And public schools are USELESS? Okay... You are now not worthy of speaking in here..... Not everyone 11 THOUSAND dollars PER KID PER YEAR to send thier children to private schools......Especially the poor urban families.

You aren't a good representative of a Conservative (at least I hope not) so Im not going to take these comments seriously.
Bustabush said:
Tax cuts are great and should continue. But if you would like you are free to give the gov more of your money. I'm sure they will be glad to take it.

Haha, what money? I, for one, am broke.

They need to get a job! :rofl

It's not always that easy.

Or may just to fund more useless programs like the public schools and welfare.

Umm...how is public school useless, exactly? I'd wager a guess that most of us around here went to a public school. How else are we supposed to get an education? Seeing as how not everyone in this country makes enough money to send even one child to private school, let alone two, three, or more at the same time.....and home school isn't an option when many families depend on having two incomes just to pay the bills....

And welfare.....I think it's a good program, there's just too many people that abuse it 'cause they're lazy and/or think the government owes them something.

They need to learn! If you think the gov is going to make anyone "Socially Secure" your out of your mind.

And where do you suggest they learn? Sure, there's plenty of articles online, but what if they can't afford internet? There's books, but those aren't easy to understand if you have no clue to begin with.
Caine said:
Many issues that make me ponder this have to do with thier "plan" for Iraq. The "plan" it to stick to the original "plan". Is that really a plan for the "future"?

Until the plan fails, there's no reason to abandon it. Certainly the proper course in Iraq is the one we're currently following, ie help them out, remain as a stabilizing force, and ease out when it's proper.

Caine said:
Change is necessary, where would this country be without it?

I hate getting to the soda machine and discovering I don't have enough change. Other than that, change should be considered only on a "as needed" basis.

Caine said:
Also, one must look at the fiscal issues concerning our nation at the moment. The "plan" for the war was that the oil revenues would pay for the cost of the war.

Was that written somewhere that I missed? Can anyone cite an official document as a source for this? Certainly it would have been easier to drill ANWAR for oil. Gotta wonder why the lefties oppose this.

Caine said:
Instead, I have noticed that the future of the Social Security plan has paid for the War instead. Many people believe that this should be privatized, I ask you then, just how that is going to work for people who know nothing of the market, and don't make the kind of money to afford to pay someone for advise on it.

The Democrats in late 70's or early 80's started raiding Socialist Security funds. No point in trying to blame the Repubicans for that, they're just carrying on with the change the Democrats started. Everything's gotta change.

Many of us don't feel that Socialist Security should be privatized. Ending is a better solution. As for ignorant people that won't learn about the market, if you're concerned about them, you're free to help them with your own money. They're clearly not an obligation that should be forced on everyone.

(And, of course, the program would have to be phased out, it's like a heroin addiction and can't be done cold turkey)

Caine said:
The government refuses to address national medical insurance, as restrictions on foreign drugs cause drug costs to go through the roof, as well as medical insurance, and drug companies are making record profits.

Not the fed's business. The reason it's so expensive is the fed's interference in the first place. You want national medical insurance? Go live in Canada for a while.

Caine said:
Millions and Millions of Americans are unemployed, yet the President and his party are allowing illegal immigrants to come over and take jobs he says "Americans' won't do".

As do the Democrats when they're in power. Not a partisan issue, neither party will fix it.

Recommend the correct start: cut the hammock down. End all welfare payments to everyone. then see how many jobs there are that "americans won't do". Also eliminate the minimum wage and let free markets, not politicians buying votes, determine what a fair wage is.

Caine said:
Many companies are forcing employees to quit smoking by a certain date or be fired because medical insurance is getting too costly.

Yeah, if the government would let employers cancel medical insurance, or better yet, let employers let employees pay for their own medical insurance, this wouldn't be an issue.

Typically it's the Democrats forcing the anti-tobacco hysteria that in turn justifies this sort of response.

Caine said:
We are at war overseas, yet the government is cutting VA benefits to those who have fought in past wars in order to pay for this one.

That's real issue.

Caine said:
Americans here at home are suffering because the main focus of our government is a "Nation-Building" war in which the President himself said he does not agree with before being elected in 2000.

Remember what you said about "change"? Bush's attitude on this changed as a result in the change in the integrity of the World Trade Center.

Caine said:
The White House administration led by President Bush has come under legal scrutiny, as well as the Republican House Chair for illegal actions, and a Californian Republican congressman as well, for accepting bribes.

Fair enough. If they broke laws, hang'em.

Caine said:
With all these problems, you must ask... Do the republicans really have a plan for the future??????

Well, yeah. It's the same plan as the Democrats. Buy votes with deficit spending, pay off friends with government action, get re-elected.
Caine said:
Could you imagine how bad poverty would be without this program???

Yes. Poverty was declining at a linear rate before the implemention of the Greedy Society, poverty continued to decline on the same slope during the Greedy Socieity, and poverty flattened out after the Greedy Society and remains floating in a narrow range since then.

The Greedy Society of LBJ had nothing to do with the change in poverty rates from the early fifties to today.

One of the threads on this board has that curve.
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Until the plan fails, there's no reason to abandon it. Certainly the proper course in Iraq is the one we're currently following, ie help them out, remain as a stabilizing force, and ease out when it's proper.

I hate getting to the soda machine and discovering I don't have enough change. Other than that, change should be considered only on a "as needed" basis.

Was that written somewhere that I missed? Can anyone cite an official document as a source for this? Certainly it would have been easier to drill ANWAR for oil. Gotta wonder why the lefties oppose this.

The Democrats in late 70's or early 80's started raiding Socialist Security funds. No point in trying to blame the Repubicans for that, they're just carrying on with the change the Democrats started. Everything's gotta change.

Many of us don't feel that Socialist Security should be privatized. Ending is a better solution. As for ignorant people that won't learn about the market, if you're concerned about them, you're free to help them with your own money. They're clearly not an obligation that should be forced on everyone.

(And, of course, the program would have to be phased out, it's like a heroin addiction and can't be done cold turkey)

Not the fed's business. The reason it's so expensive is the fed's interference in the first place. You want national medical insurance? Go live in Canada for a while.

As do the Democrats when they're in power. Not a partisan issue, neither party will fix it.

Recommend the correct start: cut the hammock down. End all welfare payments to everyone. then see how many jobs there are that "americans won't do". Also eliminate the minimum wage and let free markets, not politicians buying votes, determine what a fair wage is.

Yeah, if the government would let employers cancel medical insurance, or better yet, let employers let employees pay for their own medical insurance, this wouldn't be an issue.

Typically it's the Democrats forcing the anti-tobacco hysteria that in turn justifies this sort of response.

That's real issue.

Remember what you said about "change"? Bush's attitude on this changed as a result in the change in the integrity of the World Trade Center.

Fair enough. If they broke laws, hang'em.

Well, yeah. It's the same plan as the Democrats. Buy votes with deficit spending, pay off friends with government action, get re-elected.


Looks like someone ISNT a partisan hack. Its nice to see that someone I consider conservative doesn't follow blindly. Good for you.

Personally, I hate all the attacks on the Tobacco industry.... not cause I smoke, since I quit...... But because my state is the national leader in tobacco growth.. and its gonna hurt my local economy :smile:
Yes.. Im selfish...

About the mention of oil profits paying for the war... Its been mentioned, I don't have an Offical Document, because I don't think it was written in an Official document.. but whatever......

The Social Security deal... that is kinda important I think. And as for your comment about the "ignorant"... how many people working at Burger king do you know are experts in the market? Alot of thier social security money would be spent up in fees and comissions. Now, if the government would provide a way for us to invest SS money easily without going through a broker or something, and not being charged any money, thats great... but at the same time, you could lose your SS money if your not careful and don't know anything. The uneducated and as you called it "ignorant" shouldn't be excluded just because the elite know what to do in a private social security.

As far as medicine.. there is alot that can be done about the cost of drugs in this country..... like letting those cheaper drugs from canada in for one example. The drug companies are OBVIOUSLY making good profits if every time I turn around I see a new drug ad on TV, which I didn't 8 years ago.
Hello Cain,

What? Not even a real conservative would agree with you on some of this junk.....

As apposed to a fake conservative? :confused:

You aren't a good representative of a Conservative (at least I hope not) so Im not going to take these comments seriously.

No I am NOT a Conservative. If I said I was then will you take them seriously? There are more views than just libreal and conservative you know. I admit I was partly joking but everything I said I will defend if you seek to debate. I assume you do so I shall start.

And public schools are USELESS?

Indeed they are. But this is a topic for a new thread. I shall make one in the Education Forum.

And welfare.....I think it's a good program, there's just too many people that abuse it 'cause they're lazy and/or think the government owes them something.

I sugesst you debate this with me in the Welfare Pros and Cons thread. Your side dosen't seem to be doing such a good job there.

And where do you suggest they learn?

Your local Library.

There's books, but those aren't easy to understand if you have no clue to begin with.

Get a clue. I'm sorry but it's not my job (or anyone elses) to spoon feed the poor.

The die is cast. Rubuttle?
Bustabush said:
Hello Cain,
Indeed they are. But this is a topic for a new thread. I shall make one in the Education Forum.
How do you suggest the poor PAY for thier "private" schools then????
Where is a poor man working as a construction laborer, and his wife working at the local sears going to pay for thier three children to attend private school at a whopping 11 THOUSAND per child per year?????
Thats.... 33 thousand... more than the construction laborer makes, and most of the sears salary as well. I guess you agree with Bush while he is attempting to widen the gap between rich and poor, destroying the middle class.

Get a clue. I'm sorry but it's not my job (or anyone elses) to spoon feed the poor.

The die is cast. Rubuttle?

Sure, but when the poor start getting MORE poor and start rioting, and the cops are right there with them because even the cops can't afford to live in a society that it seems you would like to create (with no public education and basically not giving a **** about the poor), do you think the government is going to protect you then? It will be another civil war and we will be no better off than some of these other countries with problems.
Hi Cain,

Sure, but when the poor start getting MORE poor and start rioting, and the cops are right there with them because even the cops can't afford to live in a society that it seems you would like to create (with no public education and basically not giving a **** about the poor), do you think the government is going to protect you then? It will be another civil war and we will be no better off than some of these other countries with problems.

I don't think so. We are getting a bit off topic shall we continue this in the other threads?
Bustabush said:
Hi Cain,

I don't think so. We are getting a bit off topic shall we continue this in the other threads?

Nope, you've proven to me that your comments aren't worth debating..
If you honestly think that society will stand without a public education system you are just dead wrong.......
We will become the most illiterate, crime infested country in the world.... right next to the fattest.
Caine said:
How do you suggest the poor PAY for thier "private" schools then????
Where is a poor man working as a construction laborer, and his wife working at the local sears going to pay for thier three children to attend private school at a whopping 11 THOUSAND per child per year?????
Thats.... 33 thousand... more than the construction laborer makes, and most of the sears salary as well. I guess you agree with Bush while he is attempting to widen the gap between rich and poor, destroying the middle class.

they don't have to go to Sidwell Friends, where the great supporter of public education sent his cocker spaniel to get taught....er I mean where President Clinton sent Chelsea. Al Gore's kids went there too, if I'm not mistaken.

Somebody'll have to chase this with harder facts, but my niece went to a catholic school for about $2000 a year.

Also, and I know this is way way off thread, but if the illegal immigration issue was fixed, American construction workers wouldn't have to compete with illegal wage-depressing labor.

This is clearly part of the Plan neither party wants to address.

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