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Do Athiests/Skeptics Have An Imagination? (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Oct 5, 2005
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Under The Northern Star, Alaska
Political Leaning
I've been thinking. Do Athiests and Skeptics have imaginations? If so, then they are really limited to the amount of creativity they have. Think about it. Some of the greatest, creative minds have followed a religion of some sort. Einstein was Jewish. J.R.R. Tolkien and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle were Christians. All of the Ancient Greek/Roman Philosophers. The US Founding Fathers were mostly Christian.

But if you ignore the religious aspect, you have the skeptics who disbelieve in big foot, Nessy, UFOs, Chupacabra, etc. This is probably due to the lack of creativity and an imagination. Murphy's Law also applies to this (anything that could possibly happen can/will/has happen[ed]). Skeptics once believed that giant squids didn't exist, but lo and behold several wash up on shore, and the Japanese have taken photos of a live one. Skeptics also didn't believe that mountain gorillas existed, until lo and behold a couple of the critters were captured and brought back to UK for further study.

Does the lack of creativity and an imagination hinder the the Athiest/Skeptic's argument against such subjects as Religion, Ufology, Demonology, Paranormal Activity (ghosts), and Cryptozoology? I think it does. All possibilities are limitless. How can a skeptic say that Big Foot (not the monster truck) doesn't exist when footprints have been found and thousands of eyewitness testimonies have been recorded? Are all these people really lying? I doubt that. Athiests and Skeptics were always the ones in school telling the little kids that Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy don't exist (of which they don't, they are only commercial and fictional characters). They always gotta ruin everyone's fun cuz they're not happy with their own lives. What's so wrong about believing in God or that life exists on other planets, and that that life might be visiting us now? It's all because of the lack of creativity and imagination on the part of the Athiests/Skeptics.
There is an enormous area between Imagination....and Gullability.

This area can be somewhat shrunken by Data....and the ability to reason.
I am what one might call a 'spiritual' atheist. God is not a being, more a form of self-control and used as an excuse for inexcusable actions at times.
But my imagination is fluid, large and always present.
There's a big difference in blind faith, pragmatism and skepticism, none having to do with imagination.
Those who kill the ideas of Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc. are sometimes, I think, doing it for mind control. Children need dreams, they need free thought and hopefully, that continues on an adult level. Without our dreams, who are we and what's the use of trying anything?
tecoyah said:
There is an enormous area between Imagination....and Gullability.

This area can be somewhat shrunken by Data....and the ability to reason.

Oh, were you insulted by my post? AWWWWWWWWW, sowy! It's not gullibility. It takes an open mind to believe in such things. I don't believe it ALL, but the stuff with photographic and testimonial evidence is believeable. And I know that some UFO photos are hoaxes, but not all of them are. Skeptics are just afraid of the fact that their might be something far more intelligent than us.
Browse the science fiction section in a bookstore. Chances are, any book you pick up was dreamed up and written by an atheist. No imagination, indeed!

Perhaps it takes too much imagination to look at tinky-winky teletubby and see a threat to our children. :roll:
hiker said:
Browse the science fiction section in a bookstore. Chances are, any book you pick up was dreamed up and written by an atheist. No imagination, indeed!

Perhaps it takes too much imagination to look at tinky-winky teletubby and see a threat to our children. :roll:

Those sci-fi authors may be Athiests, but I doubt if they're skeptics.
FinnMacCool said:
I'm a writer and I am an atheist. There you go.

Good for you. But I don't recall ever saying that ALL Athiests/Skeptics are unimaginative or uncreative. I apologize if I didn't put that into context better. I should have made myself clearer in my first post.
Donkey1499 said:
I've been thinking. Do Athiests and Skeptics have imaginations? If so, then they are really limited to the amount of creativity they have. Think about it. Some of the greatest, creative minds have followed a religion of some sort. Einstein was Jewish. J.R.R. Tolkien and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle were Christians. All of the Ancient Greek/Roman Philosophers. The US Founding Fathers were mostly Christian.

But if you ignore the religious aspect, you have the skeptics who disbelieve in big foot, Nessy, UFOs, Chupacabra, etc. This is probably due to the lack of creativity and an imagination. Murphy's Law also applies to this (anything that could possibly happen can/will/has happen[ed]). Skeptics once believed that giant squids didn't exist, but lo and behold several wash up on shore, and the Japanese have taken photos of a live one. Skeptics also didn't believe that mountain gorillas existed, until lo and behold a couple of the critters were captured and brought back to UK for further study.

Does the lack of creativity and an imagination hinder the the Athiest/Skeptic's argument against such subjects as Religion, Ufology, Demonology, Paranormal Activity (ghosts), and Cryptozoology? I think it does. All possibilities are limitless. How can a skeptic say that Big Foot (not the monster truck) doesn't exist when footprints have been found and thousands of eyewitness testimonies have been recorded? Are all these people really lying? I doubt that. Athiests and Skeptics were always the ones in school telling the little kids that Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy don't exist (of which they don't, they are only commercial and fictional characters). They always gotta ruin everyone's fun cuz they're not happy with their own lives. What's so wrong about believing in God or that life exists on other planets, and that that life might be visiting us now? It's all because of the lack of creativity and imagination on the part of the Athiests/Skeptics.
You're trying hard to bunch groups of people in there and present them as a whole. It's not working. It doesn't work when you bunch theists together nor does it work when you even bunch Christians together, or Lutherans together, or Missouri Synod Lutherans together, or Minnesotan Missouri Synod Lutherans together, or Minneapolis, Minnesota Missouri Synod Lutherans together, or Church X row Q in Minneapolis, Minnesota Synod Lutheran. People are all different and because they subscribe to one doesn't necessitate that they do or don't subscribe to another. In other words, blanket statements are for lazy people.
shuamort said:
You're trying hard to bunch groups of people in there and present them as a whole. It's not working. It doesn't work when you bunch theists together nor does it work when you even bunch Christians together, or Lutherans together, or Missouri Synod Lutherans together, or Minnesotan Missouri Synod Lutherans together, or Minneapolis, Minnesota Missouri Synod Lutherans together, or Church X row Q in Minneapolis, Minnesota Synod Lutheran. People are all different and because they subscribe to one doesn't necessitate that they do or don't subscribe to another. In other words, blanket statements are for lazy people.

Yes, I am a lazy person. But I can see that you were insulted by this thread as well. I just love how people misread my posts. I didn't say that ALL athiests/skeptics have no imagination. And if it came out that way, then sorry. ok?
You can also put this the other way around.
All the Theist who didn't believe in things like Heliocentrism. Didn't they have enough imagination? or were they only afraid of the idea that they aren't the center of everything? There are many examples like this.
nope said:
You can also put this the other way around.
All the Theist who didn't believe in things like Heliocentrism. Didn't they have enough imagination? or were they only afraid of the idea that they aren't the center of everything? There are many examples like this.

True. There are many examples and possibilities for everything.

Didn't I state Murphy's Law on here?

This is like politics, you've got the far left, the far right, and then you got the centrist groups. Same thing applies to this argument, kinda.
Donkey1499 said:
Yes, I am a lazy person. But I can see that you were insulted by this thread as well. I just love how people misread my posts. I didn't say that ALL athiests/skeptics have no imagination. And if it came out that way, then sorry. ok?
I'm reading your statement as not ALL but MOST. My statement still stands. Moreover, considering all of the people who have responded to your post who have allegedly "misread it", I would have to say that the onus is on you to write more clearly.
shuamort said:
I'm reading your statement as not ALL but MOST. My statement still stands. Moreover, considering all of the people who have responded to your post who have allegedly "misread it", I would have to say that the onus is on you to write more clearly.

Then just scrap this thread. Get rid of it. Don't you, a moderator, have the power to do that? I didn't get the responses I thought I'd get. So could you please just scrap it? I'm done with it anyways.
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