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DNC Trumps RNC on Star Power (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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What happened to the star power and pazazz that Donald Trump promised us would be at the RNC?? Scott Baio seems to have been the best he could come up with??? Seriously??? From all that promise of change Trump has made. Wouldn't one think that the RNC would be the perfect opportunity for Trump to showcase what his brand of reality television could bring to the boring snooze fest that conventions and dare I say government is?? If Scott Baio is the best change Trump can come up with, I want no part in it.

Did Trump's worldview get shaken when he realized none of his good hollywood friends or athletes would come speak for him??

For reference these are the stars that attended the DNC: A Handy Guide to all the Celebrities Attending the Democratic National Convention—and What They're Doing There | E! News

This is what Trump had to say for himself now that it's all over: Donald Trump Defends RNC: "I Wasn't Looking for Star Power, I Was Looking for Policy" - Hollywood Reporter
What a hypocritical loser!
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What happened to the star power and pazazz that Donald Trump promised us would be at the RNC?? Scott Baio seems to have been the best he could come up with??? Seriously??? From all that promise of change Trump has made. Wouldn't one think that the RNC would be the perfect opportunity for Trump to showcase what his brand of reality television could bring to the boring snooze fest that conventions and dare I say government is?? If Scott Baio is the best change Trump can come up with, I want no part in it.

Did Trump's worldview get shaken when he realized none of his good hollywood friends or athletes would come speak for him??

For reference these are the stars that attended the DNC: A Handy Guide to all the Celebrities Attending the Democratic National Convention—and What They're Doing There | E! News

This is what Trump had to say for himself now that it's all over: Donald Trump Defends RNC: "I Wasn't Looking for Star Power, I Was Looking for Policy" - Hollywood Reporter
What a hypocritical loser!

Celebrities? Please tell me you don't really give a **** what celebrities support a candidate.
If a celebrity supports a candidate that's usually a red flag for me. Most of them have wretched personal lives and are not people of integrity. Their single achievement is looking good and being able to act in most cases.
Who cares about celebrities? We're talking about the future of our country here.
Well....Trump did get Chachi and the Duck Dynasty guy.
What a hypocritical loser!

For months..."This Trump guy is a joke. The Republicans have nominated an entertainer. Who cares what a celebrity thinks! He's a joke. They need a real politician who actually knows what's going on with things.

Suddenly..."Look at all these Entertainers lining up to tell us what they think and how much they know about things. How come Trump doesn't have that! We should all listen to these Celebrities"

I seriously need a hammer to continually bang me on the head during this election cycle, it's the only way I'll maintain my sanity after it.
If a celebrity supports a candidate that's usually a red flag for me. Most of them have wretched personal lives and are not people of integrity. Their single achievement is looking good and being able to act in most cases.

You do realize that Trump is a celebrity in his own right, right?
Celebrities? Please tell me you don't really give a **** what celebrities support a candidate.

You do realize that Trump is a celebrity in his own right, right?

I care because he said he would get some star power at the convention and he couldn't even deliver that! That's pretty troubling, to me.
For months..."This Trump guy is a joke. The Republicans have nominated an entertainer. Who cares what a celebrity thinks! He's a joke. They need a real politician who actually knows what's going on with things.

Suddenly..."Look at all these Entertainers lining up to tell us what they think and how much they know about things. How come Trump doesn't have that! We should all listen to these Celebrities"

I seriously need a hammer to continually bang me on the head during this election cycle, it's the only way I'll maintain my sanity after it.

Those two statements just reinforces themselves IMO. We are asking this because Trump said he would shake things up at the convention and he didn't! I don't see why you think it's not a problem that he can't deliver on something he said he would do, that's something I want in a President, but I guess to each their own.
Not too hard to explain. Entertainers such as actors run...no... THRIVE on feelings. They crave the 'feels', Emotion and reaction are more important than logic and reason. Thus, they gravitate to the emotional rantings of the DNC. There's a bit of that in the RNC as well, but over all you'll hear crybaby platitudes and emotional appeals coming from the left.
It is no surprise they flock to emotional causes like the first woman or black or Hispanic, or political correctness crap like 'rape culture' and 'systemic racism'.
Not too hard to explain. Entertainers such as actors run...no... THRIVE on feelings. They crave the 'feels', Emotion and reaction are more important than logic and reason. Thus, they gravitate to the emotional rantings of the DNC. There's a bit of that in the RNC as well, but over all you'll hear crybaby platitudes and emotional appeals coming from the left.
It is no surprise they flock to emotional causes like the first woman or black or Hispanic, or political correctness crap like 'rape culture' and 'systemic racism'.

I thought that if anybody were to bring out the celebrities to the RNC. It would be Trump. Now Republicans have no hope to do that in future.
You do realize that Trump is a celebrity in his own right, right?

I care because he said he would get some star power at the convention and he couldn't even deliver that! That's pretty troubling, to me.

Yes, that's the most important thing in the world....listening to a celebrity. Why be troubled about legitimate things when you can worry about not having movie stars there. Hey wow, Sarah Silverman called for people to support Hillary, Because Sarah Silverman is so important. I mean, she knows what's best for our country. And Lena Dunham, who pried open the vagina of her 7 year old sister. Now there's a celebrity. Then there's Erika Alexander, of The Cosby Show fame. You remember The Cosby Show. It went off the air about 25 years ago, and starred that great family man, Bill Cosby.

I agree, it's troublesome that Trump couldn't get DJ Jazzy and Lenny Kravitz to come out in support of him. That right there is the reason why he'd be a terrible President. America Ferrara won't be at his inauguration.
Anyone that feels the need to have their choice of candidate (or their party affiliation) "validated'" by sharing it (or not sharing it, for that matter) with sports, media or other entertainment "stars" is so far removed from logical thinking as to be unworthy of debate. Why would anyone even attempt to appeal to a person (moron?) who is convinced that voting like star A is better/worse than voting like star B?
Yes, that's the most important thing in the world....listening to a celebrity. Why be troubled about legitimate things when you can worry about not having movie stars there. Hey wow, Sarah Silverman called for people to support Hillary, Because Sarah Silverman is so important. I mean, she knows what's best for our country. And Lena Dunham, who pried open the vagina of her 7 year old sister. Now there's a celebrity. Then there's Erika Alexander, of The Cosby Show fame. You remember The Cosby Show. It went off the air about 25 years ago, and starred that great family man, Bill Cosby.

I agree, it's troublesome that Trump couldn't get DJ Jazzy and Lenny Kravitz to come out in support of him. That right there is the reason why he'd be a terrible President. America Ferrara won't be at his inauguration.

Any celebrity shaming could be said the same for Trump.
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Not too hard to explain. Entertainers such as actors run...no... THRIVE on feelings. They crave the 'feels', Emotion and reaction are more important than logic and reason. Thus, they gravitate to the emotional rantings of the DNC. There's a bit of that in the RNC as well, but over all you'll hear crybaby platitudes and emotional appeals coming from the left.
It is no surprise they flock to emotional causes like the first woman or black or Hispanic, or political correctness crap like 'rape culture' and 'systemic racism'.
Future acting jobs affect most celebrities' endorsements of political candidates. Most of the 'powers that be' in Hollywood, for example, are progressive, are democrat, so if a celebrity wants ample opportunities for future acting gigs, they'd better not endorse a non-progressive candidate. /thread
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What happened to the star power and pazazz that Donald Trump promised us would be at the RNC?? Scott Baio seems to have been the best he could come up with??? Seriously??? From all that promise of change Trump has made. Wouldn't one think that the RNC would be the perfect opportunity for Trump to showcase what his brand of reality television could bring to the boring snooze fest that conventions and dare I say government is?? If Scott Baio is the best change Trump can come up with, I want no part in it.

Did Trump's worldview get shaken when he realized none of his good hollywood friends or athletes would come speak for him??

For reference these are the stars that attended the DNC: A Handy Guide to all the Celebrities Attending the Democratic National Convention—and What They're Doing There | E! News

This is what Trump had to say for himself now that it's all over: Donald Trump Defends RNC: "I Wasn't Looking for Star Power, I Was Looking for Policy" - Hollywood Reporter
What a hypocritical loser!

I'm not sure pointing out that Democrats require make believe idols in order to be impressed, pushes a very positive image of the party or it's faithful.
Oh, and Eva Longoria has gotten fat. That must be her star power..fatness.
You do realize that Trump is a celebrity in his own right, right?

I care because he said he would get some star power at the convention and he couldn't even deliver that! That's pretty troubling, to me.

It is? It really is?
Any celebrity shaming could be said the same for Trump.

The only person who is shaming based on the subject of celebrities is you. I think you can safely say none of the rest of us give a **** about celebrities.
Yes, that's the most important thing in the world....listening to a celebrity. Why be troubled about legitimate things when you can worry about not having movie stars there. Hey wow, Sarah Silverman called for people to support Hillary, Because Sarah Silverman is so important. I mean, she knows what's best for our country. And Lena Dunham, who pried open the vagina of her 7 year old sister. Now there's a celebrity. Then there's Erika Alexander, of The Cosby Show fame. You remember The Cosby Show. It went off the air about 25 years ago, and starred that great family man, Bill Cosby.

I agree, it's troublesome that Trump couldn't get DJ Jazzy and Lenny Kravitz to come out in support of him. That right there is the reason why he'd be a terrible President. America Ferrara won't be at his inauguration.

Aw Geeeeez!
If a celebrity supports a candidate that's usually a red flag for me. Most of them have wretched personal lives and are not people of integrity. Their single achievement is looking good and being able to act in most cases.

Are you kidding me? I had assumed, before reading this post, that your political views would not be swayed (in either direction) by what (or who) celebrity personality X, Y or Z did or did not happen to endorse.

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