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DNC Researched Clinton Speeches, Travel Records (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
JUNE 21--The latest document dump from “Guccifer 2.0,” the hacker who breached the Democratic National Committee’s servers, shows that party officials have researched Hillary Clinton’s prior travel on private jets, the Clinton Foundation’s investments, and the Democratic presidential candidate’s speech contracts

Other records indicate that the party did not believe that Clinton would face any significant challenge on her way to the Democratic presidential nomination. Two months before Clinton formally announced she was running, a DNC researcher was already examining “Clinton foundation investments” and “Clinton foundation transparency and timelines.”
DNC Researched Clinton Speeches, Travel Records | The Smoking Gun
Her Crookedness and Greed, are hard to equal.
More crumbs, but reinforces the notion that the DNC have basically been part of Shillary's campaign apparatus throughout the entire race.

How much did this guy get though? Will this all end with speech transcripts (Please please, I promise I'll be good forever!)? I also find it a bit suspicious this is trickling out at a time that's best for Trump.
More crumbs, but reinforces the notion that the DNC have basically been part of Shillary's campaign apparatus throughout the entire race.

How much did this guy get though? Will this all end with speech transcripts (Please please, I promise I'll be good forever!)? I also find it a bit suspicious this is trickling out at a time that's best for Trump.

It is trickling out at a time when it makes the best sense to report on it. When "clicks" and "page visits" can bring in the most revenue possible.

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