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Disney is Pro child predator ! (1 Viewer)


Requested Profile Delete. Bye
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Mar 27, 2022
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Picking a fight with disney in my opinion, is not a winning strategy.
Picking a fight with disney in my opinion, is not a winning strategy.
The far left progressive politicization of children is shameful. The democrats aren't defending children they are promoting a lie. Men are not women.
The far left progressive politicization of children is shameful. The democrats aren't defending children they are promoting a lie. Men are not women.
This is all from the minds of republicans. I just do not understand why the gop works so hard at alienating groups of people? The far left, it gives you guys something to complain about like the largest invasion of folks coming into America like nobody has ever seen, according to the donald with his endless bullshit.
This is all from the minds of republicans. I just do not understand why the gop works so hard at alienating groups of people? The far left, it gives you guys something to complain about like the largest invasion of folks coming into America like nobody has ever seen, according to the donald with his endless bullshit.
Illegal immigration? We do have laws and a process for coming here legally. The dems are ingnoring it.
  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia has accused the Walt Disney Co. of sexualizing children.
  • Greene also owns up to $45,000 worth of Disney stock.
  • Congress is actively debating whether to ban federal lawmakers from trading stock.
Just how dumb are today's Republicans?

This dumb. The Republican governor of Florida and the Republican legislature are attacking Disneyland.

It all began when Governor DeSantis signed into law a provision that put a muzzle on K through 3 teachers, forbidding them to teach sex to the little tykes.

All of this was caused by Disney’s opposition to Florida House Bill 1557, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by critics, which restricts the teaching of sexual orientation or gender identity. Disney has a special relationship with children.

"When asked about the unique arrangement during a public appearance on Thursday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis indicated Disney had long received special treatment that it may no longer merit," NBC

“Someone said Disney has all these special perks," DeSantis said. "Should you retaliate against them for them coming out and demagoguing this bill? I don’t believe you 'retaliate,' but I think what I would say is, as a matter of first principle, I don’t support special privileges in law just because a company is powerful, and they’ve been able to wield a lot of power."

There you have it. The Republicans in Florida are going after Disneyland.
Meanwhile, Disney is expanding into countries that make homosexuality a crime.

Walt is doing 360s in his cryo-chamber.
Illegal immigration? We do have laws and a process for coming here legally. The dems are ingnoring it.
Uh huh, every elected democrat spends all of their time at the border inviting people in, all day, every day. What would you guys do if you couldn't have your daily dose of outrage?
Meanwhile, Disney is expanding into countries that make homosexuality a crime.

Walt is doing 360s in his cryo-chamber.
It used to be a crime here. What's your point?

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