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Dislike of America increases Worldwide ~ polls (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
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Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning
I know lots of Americans couldn't give a toss what the world thinks of them, but hey FYI. This is a world poll conducted across the Globe

BBC said:
The US has lost ground in some key allied countries, the survey suggests.

In France, 65% had a negative view of the US, up from 54% in the 2004 poll. In Britain the numbers went from 50% to 57%.

Negative views of the US are also up by 20 points in China, eight points in Australia and nine points in Brazil.

Good views on China and Russia have been decreasing. Every country polled looked on Europe with good light.
Only Iran is more disliked than the US. Sorry guys. :smile:
I am not surprised. I live in the US and don't even like it. I would not say its the worst country though, the most negative country in my view is North Korea. And a few African countries. Don't like China either.
This just shows how stupid, envious, and irrational the world is!

First, views of Russia have gained favor? You mean as freedom has slipped from their peoples grip, and as Russia has helped cause the problems we now see in Iran?:shock:

Then China, a communist country? Just as they are gaining military strength, and threatening Tawain with military force, and all for being too free?:shock:

Then France, who's own minority rises up, and has to burn down major cities to get some attention?

And the U.K, who just got served their own 9/11, on 3/11, and we are fighting side by side to fight the evil that would do these thing?

No, this world is screwed, but it has little to do with this country, and everything to do with the "do nothing" rest of this God forsaken planet!:roll:

But you smile you foolish boy, as you type on an American forum, knee deep in everything we have to say here on the internet, Oh.....that's right, we brought you that little treat as well.:rofl
Deegan said:
This just shows how stupid, envious, and irrational the world is!

First, views of Russia have gained favor? You mean as freedom has slipped from their peoples grip, and as Russia has helped cause the problems we now see in Iran?:shock:

Then China, a communist country? Just as they are gaining military strength, and threatening Tawain with military force, and all for being too free?:shock:
Then France, who's own minority rises up, and has to burn down major cities
to get some attention?

And the U.K, who just got served their own 9/11, on 3/11, and we are fighting side by side to fight the evil that would do these thing?

No, this world is screwed, but it has little to do with this country, and everything to do with the "do nothing" rest of this God forsaken planet!:roll:

But you smile you foolish boy, as you type on an American forum, knee deep in everything we have to say here on the internet, Oh.....that's right, we brought you that little treat as well.:rofl

Deegan, you listed some reason why other countries should fall out of favour from the rest of the world's eye.

Can you think of any reasons why the world view on the US has diminished?
Middleground said:
Deegan, you listed some reason why other countries should fall out of favour from the rest of the world's eye.

Can you think of any reasons why the world view on the US has diminished?
I know this question was directed at Deegan but I would like to answer as well,
One reason that comes to mind is we support and help defend Israel and the world does not like this so they rebel against the U.S.
GarzaUK said:
I know lots of Americans couldn't give a toss what the world thinks of them, but hey FYI. This is a world poll conducted across the Globe


Good views on China and Russia have been decreasing. Every country polled looked on Europe with good light.
Only Iran is more disliked than the US. Sorry guys. :smile:

And I should give a sh!t about what Euro-trash think about us why exactly?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
And I should give a sh!t about what Euro-trash think about us why exactly?

That's certainly the way to foster peaceful relations between the countries of the world - insult them!
ThePhoenix said:
I know this question was directed at Deegan but I would like to answer as well,
One reason that comes to mind is we support and help defend Israel and the world does not like this so they rebel against the U.S.

Phoenix, I agree that that is the case with middle-eastern countries, including Saudi Arabia.

Now what about Europe, SA and the rest of North America? I'll give you a hint... read Traj's post in this thread.
ThePhoenix said:
One reason that comes to mind is we support and help defend Israel and the world does not like this so they rebel against the U.S.

I agree with your statement! A little short in 'my opinion' though. People around the world look at us (U.S.A.) as,well,bullies! And justifiiably so. We have troops in at least 200+ countries around the world. We are killing woman,children in the name of what? In the middle east, Israel is the one who are the terrorists. They have no more,if less,right to be in controll. Israel has no ligit claim to the land. The Arabs see American planes,tanks, bulldozers etc. being used by israel.(killing woman &children) Kinda would tick em off a bit,ey? The world sees this,and from being the worlds most repected Nation,we don't look so good anymore. Our foreign policy 'sucks'. Stay out of their affairs. And let that mini terrorist state fend for themselves. Enough American blood and $$$$$$$$$$$$.
Engimo said:
That's certainly the way to foster peaceful relations between the countries of the world - insult them!

Ya because foriegners are so polite when it comes to discussing the habits of Americans, I really don't give a sh!t if Europeans hate America, because I hate Europe. I know this is supposed to be the so called 'new,' Europe but I just don't see it all I see is the same bigoted, second rate, tyrant filled, old Europe that it always ways. Those people are always one recession short of putting another tyrant in power so I really don't give a fuc/k what they think.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Ya because foriegners are so polite when it comes to discussing the habits of Americans, I really don't give a sh!t if Europeans hate America, because I hate Europe. I know this is supposed to be the so called 'new,' Europe but I just don't see it all I see is the same bigoted, second rate, tyrant filled, old Europe that it always ways. Those people are always one recession short of putting another tyrant in power so I really don't give a fuc/k what they think.

And you hating an entire continent isn't bigoted? Making brash generalizations about what foreigners do isn't prejudiced?
Dondie said:
I agree with your statement! A little short in 'my opinion' though. People around the world look at us (U.S.A.) as,well,bullies! And justifiiably so.
So why don't you get the fuc/k out?
We have troops in at least 200+ countries around the world.
On invitation.
We are killing woman,children in the name of what?
Global security, liberation, and stability. If these people could handle their own sh!t then we wouldn't have to. And we don't target innoccent women and children, that's the terrorists that do that buddy.
In the middle east, Israel is the one who are the terrorists.
The Israelis aren't strapping bombs to the backs of 5 year olds to target civilians the last time I checked.
They have no more,if less,right to be in controll. Israel has no ligit claim to the land.

Except for that flimsy little reason that it's rightfully theirs and has been ever since the Romans and Muslims forced them to leave it.
The Arabs see American planes,tanks, bulldozers etc. being used by israel.(killing woman &children)

Umm the Israelis don't attack anyone they respond in kind, it's the Palestinians that are the ones who are targeting civilians, but I take it you don't get CNN. And we give far more aid to the Palestinians in the first place, it's the Israelis right to defend themselves, why shouldn't we sell them weapons.
Kinda would tick em off a bit,ey?

Aww poor oppressed radical Muslims. After they elected Hamas it just went to prove that the Palestinians support terrorism so fuc/k them.
The world sees this,and from being the worlds most repected Nation,we don't look so good anymore. Our foreign policy 'sucks'. Stay out of their affairs. And let that mini terrorist state fend for themselves. Enough American blood and $$$$$$$$$$$$.

We give alot of money to the Palestinians too (APPX. 1.5 billion since the 90s). So how do you feel about announcements that we will no longer be supportng that giant terrorst state any longer? I think it's great.
I really don't give a rats ass if we are liked the world over either.

No matter what America does we will be hated. We give billions of dollars to countries in financial aid every year, and these countries still have animosity towards us. We are the world's whipping boy whether we deserve it or not.

This may be a tad facetious but I for one am leaning toward a more isolationist view. I say we cut off all financial support and economic aid, withdrawl all troops from embassies and installations around the world and make one mesage clear especially to Muslim extremists and terrorists; any country who attacks our interests ever again will have their country turned into a glass parking lot.

Will this solve the problem? Am I to understand if we stop supporting Israel (which I don't believe is right) and stay out of global affairs we won't be hated and attacked anymore?
Seeing is believing. The whole world thinks Americans are a bunch of stupid, selfish, assholes that watch too much TV. And I couldn't agree more.

Orignally posted by Trajan Octavian Titus
I really don't give a sh!t, fuc/k Europe.
You can't even cus right. It's like this:
I really don't give a s.h.i.t, f.u.c.k Europe.
There, is that so hard?
Billo_Really said:
Seeing is believing. The whole world thinks Americans are a bunch of stupid, selfish, assholes that watch too much TV. And I couldn't agree more.


Then I suppose if the numbers are correct that you're a great representative for your people.
Middleground said:
Phoenix, I agree that that is the case with middle-eastern countries, including Saudi Arabia.

Now what about Europe, SA and the rest of North America? I'll give you a hint... read Traj's post in this thread.

Yea, those Mexicans really hate us. That's why they come over here like ants to a picnic.
Originally posted by Trajan Octavian Titus
Then I suppose if the numbers are correct that you're a great representative for your people.
Who the hell do you think your talking too?
I'm a god-damn American!
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I really don't give a sh!t, fuc/k Europe.

That's a great way to look at the world. It is this sort of attitude that is entirely counterproductive to international relations and just does a disservice to the United States and indeed humanity as a whole.
Engimo said:
That's a great way to look at the world. It is this sort of attitude that is entirely counterproductive to international relations and just does a disservice to the United States and indeed humanity as a whole.

Oh so you defend other people from making broad generalizations about Americans but I can't make broad generalizations about Europeans? Got to love that double standard.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Oh so you defend other people from making broad generalizations about Americans but I can't make broad generalizations about Europeans? Got to love that double standard.

No, I don't support anyone making broad generalizations about any group of people without merit. I think it is important to look at why people dislike us so damned much, not that they are necessarily justified in doing so. Showing total disregard for the opinions of half the world is not an attitude that is going to help anyone, and just saying "**** 'em." is going to make things worse.
Engimo said:
No, I don't support anyone making broad generalizations about any group of people without merit. I think it is important to look at why people dislike us so damned much, not that they are necessarily justified in doing so. Showing total disregard for the opinions of half the world is not an attitude that is going to help anyone, and just saying "**** 'em." is going to make things worse.

O.K. then look into the real reasons not the propaganda ones.

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