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dislike bush and blair (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Why is it the 2 most dislike poeple on this planet, BUSH AND BLAIR get again
elected again,how can the US and the UK do this to our people,escuse my spelling cause i have i drink on me just now, i cant believe this, it is be yonde
me is it posible to remove them. "PLease"

god bless us

regards Mikeey
I would say their re-elections would show that they are not the 2 most disliked people on the planet.
gdalton what u say is right "hidden"

what can we do then
my American friend
kind regards to U


We can respect their office and quit degrading their positions as leaders by flinging worthless crap at them to see what sticks. Find the real problems and raise your voice against the cause. They are not perfect, no human is, but they did something few have, they got people to follow them. We can not remove the blind followers by clouding our own vision with hate. If you believe their actions to be wrong find the proof and produce it for others to see. But we must reframe from personal attacks for this only leads to blind hatred from the blind supporters. Respect is the key; if you give respect you’re more likely to receive it in kind.

By the way I don’t believe either should be removed from office, but if you feel this strong about it then show your opposition that you can stand above their petty name calling and hate mongering, push for the truth you believe in and remember to not fall for the fallacies in your own argument, lest your opponents point it out and degrade your position in the minds of others.
gdalton said:
but they did something few have, they got people to follow them.
Now in the case of Blair I agree with you ... He seems like a good leader with vision ... but Bush leading his people toward something .. somehow I don't think so .... He looks stupid and childish most of the time .. especially when he waves for the camera .. He looks like a little child who doesn't know anything about the circumstances around him .. He looks blur , undetermened and most of all inexperienced .... Nevertheless ,Tony Blair is exactly the opposite
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Find the real problems gdalton i do, the American soldiers lost there lives
thats more important,thats what i say, as respect i love the the American
soldiers and poeple "they are the best" your bush and blair, not for us, the deaths they have caused is not on.

I am sorry if i up set U

I'm not upset, to each his own I say, I was just trying to give you some real advice on how to gain support.
mustafa said:
Now in the case of Blair I agree with you ... He seems like a good leader with vision ... but Bush leading his people toward something .. somehow I don't think so .... He looks stupid and childish most of the time .. especially when he waves for the camera .. He looks like a little child who doesn't know anything about the circumstances around him .. He looks blur , undetermened and most of all inexperienced .... Nevertheless ,Tony Blair is exactly the opposite

To judge somebody as having a particular nature or leadership quality by distinctive gestures.... or his repertoire of words.... is superficial at best.
MiamiFlorida said:
To judge somebody as having a particular nature or leadership quality by distinctive gestures.... or his repertoire of words.... is superficial at best.
I agree ... but you can get a sense of what kind of people anyone is by looking and observing him ... The way they talk , communicate and their body language tells you what kind of person they are .. especially when they're over 40
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