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Did you see Kyle? (1 Viewer)

Was Kyle Acting In Self Defense?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 34.8%
  • No

    Votes: 33 50.0%
  • Other, Please explain

    Votes: 10 15.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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Aug 29, 2016
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By now everyone has seen the video of Kyle Rittenhouse being jumped by BLM the thugs, then shooting them in self defense. The only problem is, that it's a short clip of what took place that night and MSM won't show what actually happened. Luckily, for you people and Kyle, these videos are uploaded to twitter and internet sleuths can compile the footage to give an accurate account of what took place during the rioting.

You can clearly see Kyle did not instigate any hostility. The White BLM thug, that was yelling "Shoot me nigga", followed Kyle and attacked him. Kyle shot him in self defense, lost contact with his group, then was chased and attacked by more BLM thugs. Kyle was not roaming around looking for a fight, he was attacked multiple times and every person he shot was in self defense.

Backup link. FULL VIDEO: Kyle Rittenhouse Self Defense - Kenosha Wisconsin
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And yet he has been arrested for murder.
There is a reason why I don't wear colors into a biker bar.
Well it is not surprising that he was arrested. In most cases if you shoot and kill someone even in an obvious self.defense situation you will be arrested and have to defend yourself in court.

Lots of stupid stuff going on with this one.

I see.some problems for the defense here. Why was.he out walking around.with an ar15. Now i know it is legal but it makes him look like he was.out looking for trouble. I can't see why anyone would chase down and attack someone armed with an ar. If he got him on the ground why didn't he take the gun away from him.

In florida.or.texas they would turn him loose with a pat on the back. Not knowing where this happened we will see.
And yet he has been arrested for murder.

That's why I'm trying to present video evidence, showing why I think he was acting in self defense and the charges should be dropped.
That's why I'm trying to present video evidence, showing why I think he was acting in self defense and the charges should be dropped.

I'm sure the police department that decided to arrest him and charge him with murder is aware of this evidence and a lot of other evidence you and I aren't privy to.
And yet he has been arrested for murder.

Good luck getting a jury of his peers to convict. They take one look at the video and its over for the prosecution. As for the bogus fugitive from justice charge that's gona get tossed too.
By now everyone has seen the video of Kyle Rittenhouse being jumped by BLM the thugs, then shooting them in self defense. The only problem is, that it's a short clip of what took place that night and MSM won't show what actually happened. Luckily, for you people and Kyle, these videos are uploaded to twitter and internet sleuths can compile the footage to give an accurate account of what took place during the rioting.

You can clearly see Kyle did not instigate any hostility. The White BLM thug, that was yelling "Shoot me nigga", followed Kyle and attacked him. Kyle shot him in self defense, lost contact with his group, then was chased and attacked by more BLM thugs. Kyle was not roaming around looking for a fight, he was attacked multiple times and every person he shot was in self defense.

Backup link. FULL VIDEO: Kyle Rittenhouse Self Defense - Kenosha Wisconsin

On paper, Kyle did not violate any laws. But he did express the wrong political views, and will likely spend several decades in prison as a result.
By now everyone has seen the video of Kyle Rittenhouse being jumped by BLM the thugs, then shooting them in self defense. The only problem is, that it's a short clip of what took place that night and MSM won't show what actually happened. Luckily, for you people and Kyle, these videos are uploaded to twitter and internet sleuths can compile the footage to give an accurate account of what took place during the rioting.

You can clearly see Kyle did not instigate any hostility. The White BLM thug, that was yelling "Shoot me nigga", followed Kyle and attacked him. Kyle shot him in self defense, lost contact with his group, then was chased and attacked by more BLM thugs. Kyle was not roaming around looking for a fight, he was attacked multiple times and every person he shot was in self defense.

Backup link. FULL VIDEO: Kyle Rittenhouse Self Defense - Kenosha Wisconsin

First Kyle crossed the stateline with a weapon that he legally was not allowed to have in Wisconsin. He then involved himself in a group that (as of this morning) actually doesn't even acknowledge he was a part of them. Then he obviously strayed off (another stupid move) where he was chased by the first victim and had a plastic bag thrown at him. He peed his pants and shot the man in the head. Then he ran from the scene of the crime. When the people that followed him caught up and made their own moves he threatened them and shot shot two more. And then took off again. I did see him approach the police but they had no idea who he was or why so they ignored him. And he sure didn't become adamant that they hear what he'd just done.

We already know he had a cell phone because after the first killing he called someone and flat out told them--I just killed someone. So I'll just bet he could have called police and told them what he'd done, went back to his car and said where they could find him. Instead he crossed back over the stateline and ran home. And it doesn't much sound like he then called police and said---It was me.

Yes, it's sad that a 17 year old kid thought the best choice he had in this was to make all the wrong decisions and will likely be charged as an adult. Maybe some other kid who thinks he can understand (what even police have a hard time dealing with) will learn from this kids life being ruined. Heck, maybe Kyle can even do some good in making that a point to kids. It's not a video game.
Well it is not surprising that he was arrested. In most cases if you shoot and kill someone even in an obvious self.defense situation you will be arrested and have to defend yourself in court.

Lots of stupid stuff going on with this one.

I see.some problems for the defense here. Why was.he out walking around.with an ar15. Now i know it is legal but it makes him look like he was.out looking for trouble. I can't see why anyone would chase down and attack someone armed with an ar. If he got him on the ground why didn't he take the gun away from him.

In florida.or.texas they would turn him loose with a pat on the back. Not knowing where this happened we will see.

It's not legal for him to have that weapon in Wisconsin.
Why was.he out walking around.with an ar15.

The most logical and likely answer is that he was volunteering to protect property that rioters were destroying, and police were doing nothing about. The rioters didn't like that, so they decided to attack him.
That's why I'm trying to present video evidence, showing why I think he was acting in self defense and the charges should be dropped.

Can you claim self defense when you are committing a crime already?
On paper, Kyle did not violate any laws. But he did express the wrong political views, and will likely spend several decades in prison as a result.

How old is Kyle?
First Kyle crossed the stateline with a weapon that he legally was not allowed to have in Wisconsin. He then involved himself in a group that (as of this morning) actually doesn't even acknowledge he was a part of them. Then he obviously strayed off (another stupid move) where he was chased by the first victim and had a plastic bag thrown at him. He peed his pants and shot the man in the head. Then he ran from the scene of the crime. When the people that followed him caught up and made their own moves he threatened them and shot shot two more. And then took off again. I did see him approach the police but they had no idea who he was or why so they ignored him. And he sure didn't become adamant that they hear what he'd just done.

We already know he had a cell phone because after the first killing he called someone and flat out told them--I just killed someone. So I'll just bet he could have called police and told them what he'd done, went back to his car and said where they could find him. Instead he crossed back over the stateline and ran home. And it doesn't much sound like he then called police and said---It was me.

Yes, it's sad that a 17 year old kid thought the best choice he had in this was to make all the wrong decisions and will likely be charged as an adult. Maybe some other kid who thinks he can understand (what even police have a hard time dealing with) will learn from this kids life being ruined. Heck, maybe Kyle can even do some good in making that a point to kids. It's not a video game.

Nobody should be sad for Kyle. He's a piece of human trash that deserves to rot his life away in a prison cell.
Well it is not surprising that he was arrested. In most cases if you shoot and kill someone even in an obvious self.defense situation you will be arrested and have to defend yourself in court.

Lots of stupid stuff going on with this one.

I see.some problems for the defense here. Why was.he out walking around.with an ar15.

It looks like he was trying to help defend private property.

Now i know it is legal but it makes him look like he was.out looking for trouble.

That is standard case prosecutors will try to make.

I can't see why anyone would chase down and attack someone armed with an ar. If he got him on the ground why didn't he take the gun away from him.

In florida.or.texas they would turn him loose with a pat on the back. Not knowing where this happened we will see.

Go to 6:00 minutes on the video and you can see Kyle shot them before they had a chance.
What law was he breaking?

Screen Shot 2020-08-26 at 6.50.46 PM.jpg

Wisconsin Legislature: 948.60(2)(a)
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Well it is not surprising that he was arrested. In most cases if you shoot and kill someone even in an obvious self.defense situation you will be arrested and have to defend yourself in court.

Lots of stupid stuff going on with this one.

I see.some problems for the defense here. Why was.he out walking around.with an ar15. Now i know it is legal but it makes him look like he was.out looking for trouble. I can't see why anyone would chase down and attack someone armed with an ar. If he got him on the ground why didn't he take the gun away from him.

In florida.or.texas they would turn him loose with a pat on the back. Not knowing where this happened we will see.
If he beats the murder (or lessor) directly related charges, I think he'll still hang on a firearms' offense. He's not legally carrying in WI (he's too young). Ordinarily that charge itself might no be too stiff, but given the circumstances I suspect he'll get a decent stint - measured in years.
Good luck getting a jury of his peers to convict. They take one look at the video and its over for the prosecution. As for the bogus fugitive from justice charge that's gona get tossed too.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. Locals might see him as an out-of-state agitator. But you are right, in that it only takes one juror to toss the case. I suspect he will go down on an illegal carry, though.
The most logical and likely answer is that he was volunteering to protect property that rioters were destroying, and police were doing nothing about. The rioters didn't like that, so they decided to attack him.

You know he'd probably be sitting down to a home cooked meal tonight if he'd kept his but in his own state and not crossed into Wisconsin with a weapon he wasn't allowed to have there. And he might have made it home in one piece (and not looking at murder charges) if he had stayed with the initial group as you can hear them telling everyone in the confrontation at the gas station. This little dog wandered off the porch and now he's going to have to grow up pretty quick for his stupid choices.
Good luck getting a jury of his peers to convict. They take one look at the video and its over for the prosecution. As for the bogus fugitive from justice charge that's gona get tossed too.

The cops had no reason to arrest Kyle at the riot and he was clearly acting in self defense. Those charges should be dropped but they will try to get him on anything they can.

On paper, Kyle did not violate any laws. But he did express the wrong political views, and will likely spend several decades in prison as a result.

Some people want to kill another human being.

So they go to these protests in the hopes of getting an opportunity to shoot someone.

Kyle killed 2.

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