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Did you know that Republicans don't want to outlaw abortion? (1 Viewer)


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Jan 6, 2006
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I am a pro-life libertarian, which is odd, but I am. Now, it is usually Republicans talking about being pro-life, but this is not reality. Republicans actually want abortion to remain legal so that they can always have it ready as a political issue to divide and conquer. Of course, it is my opinion that abortion is being used by Nazis in government to eliminate black people, as that is the community it most targets, and we all know that many Republicans like Trent Lott are racist. Yes you pro-life Republicans, your precious Messiahs are not really pro-life, they just have it to use you. The most telling evidence is the reluctance of conservative judges to do any real actions against Roe vs. Wade. If you want to be truly pro-life, don't vote Republican.
Axismaster said:
Of course, it is my opinion that abortion is being used by Nazis in government to eliminate black people, as that is the community it most targets, and we all know that many Republicans like Trent Lott are racist. Yes you pro-life Republicans, your precious Messiahs are not really pro-life, they just have it to use you. The most telling evidence is the reluctance of conservative judges to do any real actions against Roe vs. Wade. If you want to be truly pro-life, don't vote Republican.
One quote for you ngdawg.

"Sometimes the hardest things to see are those that are right in front of your nose." -George Orwell
Do you read at all or are you just here to yank chains and make totally pointless bigotted remarks?

Abortion Statistics - U.S.

Approximately 1,370,000 abortions occur annually in the U.S. according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute. Click here to see the approximate number of abortions in the U.S. per year from 1973-1996. In 2001, 1.31 million abortions took place.
88% of abortions occur during the first 6 to 12 weeks of pregnancy.
60% of abortions are performed on women who already have one or more children.
47% of abortions are performed on women who have already had one or more abortions.
43% of women will have had at least one abortion by the time they are 45 years old (this statistic includes miscarriages in the term "abortion").
Abortion Statistics - Demographics
Age - The majority of women getting an abortion are young.
52% are younger than 25 years old and 19% are teenagers. The abortion rate is highest for those women aged 18 to 19 (56 per 1,000 in 1992.)
Marriage - 51% of women who are unmarried when they become pregnant will receive an abortion. Unmarried women are 6 times more likely than married women to have an abortion. 67% of abortions are from women who have never been married.
Race - 63% of abortion patients are white, however, black women are more than 3 times as likely to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are 2.5 times as likely.
Religion - 43% of women getting an abortion claimed they were Protestant, while 27% claimed they were Catholic.

Abortion Statistics - Decisions to Have an Abortion (U.S.)

25.5% of women deciding to have an abortion want to postpone childbearing.
21.3% of women cannot afford a baby.
14.1% of women have a relationship issue or their partner does not want a child.
12.2% of women are too young (their parents or others object to the pregnancy.)
10.8% of women feel a child will disrupt their education or career.
7.9% of women want no (more) children.
3.3% of women have an abortion due to a risk to fetal health.
2.8% of women have an abortion due to a risk to maternal health.

Abortion Statistics - Using Contraception (U.S.)

54% of women having an abortion said they used some form of contraception during the month they became pregnant.
90% of women who are at risk for unplanned pregnancies are using contraception
8% of women having an abortion say they have never used contraception.
It is possible that up to 43% of the decline in abortion from 1994-2000 can be attributed to using emergency contraception.
From: http://womensissues.about.com/cs/abortionstats/a/aaabortionstats.htm
From the CDC:


Well, I guess I was mistaken and used overblown rhetoric. Don't worry, unlike many people these days, I can admit it when I am wrong. Now I can see your pro-choice argument based on unplanned pregnancies, and I have no problem with birth control and I oppose the FDA's purely political moves to stop birth control advances, I just happen to think any sanction on abortion, death penalty, war, euthanasia, eugenics, or anything that deprives a person of life by the government, is barbaric.
Axismaster said:
Well, I guess I was mistaken and used overblown rhetoric. Don't worry, unlike many people these days, I can admit it when I am wrong.
I would also recommend avoiding overblown hyperbole and that you investigate claims outside of prolife lie-sites before making them.
steen said:
I would also recommend avoiding overblown hyperbole and that you investigate claims outside of prolife lie-sites before making them.

Statistics shouldn't matter because murder is murder no matter how you look at it.
Axismaster said:
Statistics shouldn't matter because murder is murder no matter how you look at it.
Quite. And Murder is the illegal killing of a person. So abortion is not murder, and your rethoric is just dishonest, prolife, revisionist linguistic hyperbole.
steen said:
Quite. And Murder is the illegal killing of a person. So abortion is not murder, and your rethoric is just dishonest, prolife, revisionist linguistic hyperbole.

You know steen, I love the phrase, but if I had a nickel for every time that you said "dishonest, prolife, revisionist linguistic hyperbole.", I'd be a rich man. ;)
Engimo said:
You know steen, I love the phrase, but if I had a nickel for every time that you said "dishonest, prolife, revisionist linguistic hyperbole.", I'd be a rich man. ;)
Yes, the problem is that the prolifers so often spew dishonest, prolife, revisionist linguistic hyperbole.

If they could avoid it, you wouldn't see the term.
All the genetic information of life is stored within a fetus. This information just has to be decoded to create the baby. I am at a loss as to how you can say that this is not life, just because it still is relying on it's mother.
oracle25 said:
All the genetic information of life is stored within a fetus. This information just has to be decoded to create the baby. I am at a loss as to how you can say that this is not life, just because it still is relying on it's mother.

All the genetic information of life is stored within one of your skin cells.
oracle25 said:
All the genetic information of life is stored within a fetus.
All the genetic information of life is also stored within a hydatidiform mole.
This information just has to be decoded to create the baby.
Well, there isn't a baby until birth.
I am at a loss as to how you can say that this is not life, just because it still is relying on it's mother.
Hmm, I would LOVE for you to point me to where I said it wasn't "life"?

I am sure you didn't deliberately mean to make a false claim here, right? But perhaps, next time you make an accusation, why don't you make sure it is actually true instead of ending up looking like a dishonest fool?
steen said:
All the genetic information of life is also stored within a hydatidiform mole.
Well, there isn't a baby until birth.
Hmm, I would LOVE for you to point me to where I said it wasn't "life"?

I am sure you didn't deliberately mean to make a false claim here, right? But perhaps, next time you make an accusation, why don't you make sure it is actually true instead of ending up looking like a dishonest fool?
Don't hold your breath. I'm still waiting on just one person to find proof of anyone saying they were pro-abortion, not just pro-choice..
ngdawg said:
Don't hold your breath. I'm still waiting on just one person to find proof of anyone saying they were pro-abortion, not just pro-choice..

Well, I must say that I don't even need to look to know that there isn't anyone. And to the same extent most, but not all, pro-lifers also hypocritically support death penalty and war while most pro-choicers are hypocritically against it. Now, I do not seriously believe that any of you pro-choicers actually want abortion to happen, in fact I hope you want it to be as little as possible. My take simply is that no government should sanction such things.
Axismaster said:
And to the same extent most, but not all, pro-lifers also hypocritically support death penalty and war while most pro-choicers are hypocritically against it.
huh? COuld you explain the reasoning behind your claim regarding pro-choice here?
Now, I do not seriously believe that any of you pro-choicers actually want abortion to happen, in fact I hope you want it to be as little as possible.
Sure, it is surgery, it is a medical procedure. It is much better to prevent the pregnancy in the first place (but then prolifers often oppose that as well).
My take simply is that no government should sanction such things.
Or oppose it. Goverment shouldn't even be involved. It is a medical issue best left to the medical field.
steen said:
It is much better to prevent the pregnancy in the first place (but then prolifers often oppose that as well).

Actually, I am one pro-lifer who sees that birth control is actually a good thing. I am also one pro-lifer who sees no problem with stem cell research and actually thinks of it as a good thing. Of course, I am not a Christian conservative like most of them.
Axismaster said:
Actually, I am one pro-lifer who sees that birth control is actually a good thing. I am also one pro-lifer who sees no problem with stem cell research and actually thinks of it as a good thing.
Yes, I suspect we agree in a lot of things.
Of course, I am not a Christian conservative like most of them.
Makes you a minority, certainly.
Axismaster said:
I am also one pro-lifer who sees no problem with stem cell research...

So some embryos are more equal than others? :roll:
Originally Posted by Axismaster
I am also one pro-lifer who sees no problem with stem cell research...
vergiss said:
So some embryos are more equal than others? :roll:

Uh....I gotta agree with vergiss on this one....:cool:
steen said:
Hmm, I would LOVE for you to point me to where I said it wasn't "life"?I am sure you didn't deliberately mean to make a false claim here, right? But perhaps, next time you make an accusation, why don't you make sure it is actually true instead of ending up looking like a dishonest fool?

Very well, if it is in fact life, human life, than killing it is in fact murder. Please tell me how this is not blatant hypocrisy?
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oracle25 said:
Very well, if it is in fact life, human life, than killing it is in fact murder. Please tell me how this is not blatant hypocrisy?

Amen to that. They are the ones who are accusing the pro-life community of being hypocrites, but now it is right back at them.
oracle25 said:
Very well, if it is in fact life, human life, than killing it is in fact murder.
What nonsense. "Murder" is the illegal killing of a person. So merely having it be "human life" doesn't make it murder, your prolife, revisionist linguistic hyperbole none withstanding.
Please tell me how this is not blatant hypocrisy?
Well, for starters, your claim is either ignorant, deceptive or illiterate. As such, everything else is irrelevant.
Axismaster said:
Amen to that. They are the ones who are accusing the pro-life community of being hypocrites, but now it is right back at them.
<yawn> :roll:

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