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Did Steve Schmidt just say Trump is the one trying to divide America via a cold civil war? (1 Viewer)


Aug 28, 2020
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Attempt to take what your opponent says about you and turn it on them?

It’s actually Trump and not the media or groups in the democratic universe stoking division?

Admittedly, Democrats are for 'dividing' as far as opposing Republicans' bad behavior. For example, trump divides by saying 'you hate them Hispanic and Muslim immigrants? I'll rip their families apart and ban them.' Democrats say, 'we oppose that'.

Admittedly, Democrats are for 'dividing' as far as opposing Republicans' bad behavior. For example, trump divides by saying 'you hate them Hispanic and Muslim immigrants? I'll rip their families apart and ban them.' Democrats say, 'we oppose that'.
This isn’t 2016. Next.
Attempt to take what your opponent says about you and turn it on them?

It’s actually Trump and not the media or groups in the democratic universe stoking division?

Personally I take the way the jackass in chief talks about me mortally rude and worthy of a slap in the face.

I am neither a traitor nor a communist and **** anybody who says so.

Get back to me when you can show some respect for your fellow Americans.

Admittedly, Democrats are for 'dividing' as far as opposing Republicans' bad behavior. For example, trump divides by saying 'you hate them Hispanic and Muslim immigrants? I'll rip their families apart and ban them.' Democrats say, 'we oppose that'.

Delusional nonsense.
Personally I take the way the jackass in chief talks about me mortally rude and worthy of a slap in the face.

I am neither a traitor nor a communist and **** anybody who says so.

Get back to me when you can show some respect for your fellow Americans.
The way he talks about you?

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