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Did Obama Kill Amnesty? (1 Viewer)

Drake McHugh

Well-known member
May 23, 2013
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Reps.Ted Poe,John Carter,Sam Johnson and Raul Labrador,all "comprehensive immigration reform"supporters,have dropped their longtime backing. The reason? Obama's actions during the shutdown,led to total mistrust(which always should have been there).
I am not counting my chickens though,as I know my neighboring rep,Paul Ryan,is still pushing this disgrace. Now,however it does appear that momentum is against such an effort.
Reps.Ted Poe,John Carter,Sam Johnson and Raul Labrador,all "comprehensive immigration reform"supporters,have dropped their longtime backing. The reason? Obama's actions during the shutdown,led to total mistrust(which always should have been there).
I am not counting my chickens though,as I know my neighboring rep,Paul Ryan,is still pushing this disgrace. Now,however it does appear that momentum is against such an effort.

I rather think that Obama has used up all of his policital cache. It's being saved for 2016, in my opinion.
Hopefully immigrants will realize that the democrats just want the votes on the issue. They will never put immigrants ahead of deadbeats natural born in the US in their budget or political priorities. This was an issue George W. Bush had wanted to put as a major part of his agenda until 9/11 happened.
Reps.Ted Poe,John Carter,Sam Johnson and Raul Labrador,all "comprehensive immigration reform"supporters,have dropped their longtime backing. The reason? Obama's actions during the shutdown,led to total mistrust(which always should have been there).
I am not counting my chickens though,as I know my neighboring rep,Paul Ryan,is still pushing this disgrace. Now,however it does appear that momentum is against such an effort.

I don't know who these Representatives are but seems to me they're not very honorable people themselves - they should do either what is right or what their constituents want but preferably they will be one and the same - they should not be deciding their position on policy based on the actions of someone so irrelevant as Obama. This sounds an awful lot like something 13 yr old school girls would do.
I rather think that Obama has used up all of his policital cache. It's being saved for 2016, in my opinion.

Why 2016? he can't run. Political capital vanishes rather quickly with any president in his second term unless he is very popular with the people. That is one of the benefits or hindrances of the 22nd Amendment.
Reps.Ted Poe,John Carter,Sam Johnson and Raul Labrador,all "comprehensive immigration reform"supporters,have dropped their longtime backing. The reason? Obama's actions during the shutdown,led to total mistrust(which always should have been there).
I am not counting my chickens though,as I know my neighboring rep,Paul Ryan,is still pushing this disgrace. Now,however it does appear that momentum is against such an effort.


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