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Did God write the constitution? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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I keep hearing the term 'our god given rights', was the god entity the author of the constitution?

I need a good christian republican to help me out with an explanation please. Where do our rights come from, this god entity or the constitution?
I keep hearing the term 'our god given rights', was the god entity the author of the constitution?

I need a good christian republican to help me out with an explanation please. Where do our rights come from, this god entity or the constitution?

That's like asking why do we have two arms.
rights are a philosophical human constructs. They don't come from any god or any constitution. The constitution simply enshrined into law, what a bunch of people decided they wanted their rights to be.
I keep hearing the term 'our god given rights', was the god entity the author of the constitution?

I need a good christian republican to help me out with an explanation please. Where do our rights come from, this god entity or the constitution?
not a republican

did god write the constitution, of course not

"god-given rights" is saying simply to explain everybody's rights but its made upand subjective like all rights, legal laws and morals etc
not a republican

did god write the constitution, of course not

"god-given rights" is saying simply to explain everybody's rights but its made upand subjective like all rights, legal laws and morals etc
Well said.
Being an atheist I wouldn't have used the word "God" but I think the idea that there are certain basic rights that everyone has is spot-on.
It's a good start for any nation's constitution.
I keep hearing the term 'our god given rights', was the god entity the author of the constitution?

I need a good christian republican to help me out with an explanation please. Where do our rights come from, this god entity or the constitution?
Not being a christian or a republican, I can still take a guess.

The Constitution was written to affirm and protect the rights given by god.
I keep hearing the term 'our god given rights', was the god entity the author of the constitution?

I need a good christian republican to help me out with an explanation please. Where do our rights come from, this god entity or the constitution?
Does "Endow by their Creator . . ." strike a familiar note?
I keep hearing the term 'our god given rights', was the god entity the author of the constitution?

I need a good christian republican to help me out with an explanation please. Where do our rights come from, this god entity or the constitution?
Speaking a Crepitus, Greek God of Flatulence, I say No. No god wrote the Constitution.
I didn't claim otherwise.
What about God-given rights? Do you think God gave you rights? I mean, I don't know every word of the constitution but I have a problem believing that guys who were influenced by John Locke, the founder of liberalism, thought that God bestowed rights on people.
Being an atheist I wouldn't have used the word "God" but I think the idea that there are certain basic rights that everyone has is spot-on.
It's a good start for any nation's constitution.
It's called 'natural rights' by John Locke, the founder of liberalism. There's no God involved.
Does "Endow by their Creator . . ." strike a familiar note?
It's a figure of speech. That was not meant to be taken literally.

Jefferson's creator was not the abrahamic god. Jefferson thought that the orthodox christian religion was absurd and we would all be better off after it was discarded as a myth.

“And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away all this artificial scaffolding...​

Jefferson to John Adams 11 April 1923.
It's a figure of speech. That was not meant to be taken literally.

Jefferson's creator was not the abrahamic god. Jefferson thought that the orthodox christian religion was absurd and we would all be better off after it was discarded as a myth.

Jefferson to John Adams 11 April 1923.
So what?
Where inalienable rights come from.
From the creator? You sure you were created?
See, I think that's bullshit. I don't think we were created or that whatever created us endowed us with inalienable rights. I've seen to many examples of rights being rescinded, removed, trampled on and ignored by the government that I know the whole concept is just pie-in-the-sky pap fed to schoolkids to make them proud, loyal citizens while the government deals out rights like playing cards and takes them back on a whim.
All of your rights are alienable. You can't name one specific right that hasn't been taken from American citizens by the government. Specific, mind you, not general like the right to life, liberty, pursuit... wait a minute. Japanese Americans. Liberty.
From the creator? You sure you were created?
See, I think that's bullshit. I don't think we were created or that whatever created us endowed us with inalienable rights. I've seen to many examples of rights being rescinded, removed, trampled on and ignored by the government that I know the whole concept is just pie-in-the-sky pap fed to schoolkids to make them proud, loyal citizens while the government deals out rights like playing cards and takes them back on a whim.
All of your rights are alienable. You can't name one specific right that hasn't been taken from American citizens by the government. Specific, mind you, not general like the right to life, liberty, pursuit... wait a minute. Japanese Americans. Liberty.
Take it up with Jefferson. IDGAK.
I keep hearing the term 'our god given rights', was the god entity the author of the constitution?

I need a good christian republican to help me out with an explanation please. Where do our rights come from, this god entity or the constitution?
Baby jesus says I can have a machine gun!!!!!
I keep hearing the term 'our god given rights', was the god entity the author of the constitution?
No. These are god-given rights to establish that government and man should not be permitted to take them away giving the people the right to fight and even kill to keep them.
I need a good christian republican to help me out with an explanation please. Where do our rights come from, this god entity or the constitution?
They come from nature they are self-evident. They can't come from government or a piece of paper because if they do they're not rights they're privileges that can be taken away from you and you can't do anything about it.
I keep hearing the term 'our god given rights', was the god entity the author of the constitution?

I need a good christian republican to help me out with an explanation please. Where do our rights come from, this god entity or the constitution?

And Jesus rode dinosaurs!

JesusDinosaur (2019_02_27 17_41_55 UTC).jpg
Take it up with Jefferson. IDGAK.
Not sure what IDGAK means but if It's what I think I gotta ask why do you friggin bother? Why waste people time?
Won't bother with you again. You got nuttin.

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