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Did anyone see Bushs latest "mission accomplished" in the papers today? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sep 1, 2005
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Political Leaning
Someone just called me and said he saw this in his local newspaper:

"Bushs lastest mission accomplished">>>>>


No wonder Bush was smiling yesterday in his latest "PHOTO-OPT" with 2 little black girls in Alabama.

First Bushie boy uses our TROOPS for his PHOTO-OPT now he is using black KIDS for another PHOTO-OPT.

Hey Bushie, where were ya between Monday and Friday???

I really love that old song, it goes something like this: V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N
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taxpayer said:
Someone just called me and said he saw this in his local newspaper:

"Bushs lastest mission accomplished">>>>>


No wonder Bush was smiling yesterday in his latest "PHOTO-OPT" with 2 little black girls in Alabama.

First Bushie boy uses our TROOPS for his PHOTO-OPT now he is using black KIDS for another PHOTO-OPT.

Hey Bushie, where were ya between Monday and Friday???

I really love that old song, it goes something like this: V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N

You post hear say crap....You are shameless..........so sad..............
Navy Pride said:
You post hear say crap....You are shameless..........so sad..............

FACT: I did get a call from someone saying that. It was joke in his local newspaper.

Now how did I know that YOU would be the first to rush to defend Bush?

What say you about Bushs photo opt with the two black kids?
I'm sure they are part of Bushs "no kid left behind program!":roll:

Don't be sad! Be glad!
taxpayer said:
FACT: I did get a call from someone saying that. It was joke in his local newspaper.

Now how did I know that YOU would be the first to rush to defend Bush?

What say you about Bushs photo opt with the two black kids?
I'm sure they are part of Bushs "no kid left behind program!":roll:

Don't be sad! Be glad!

FACT, Youe new here.......You do know that you saying that does not make it so if you can't post a link its just hearsay and bull crap..............
taxpayer said:
FACT: I did get a call from someone saying that. It was joke in his local newspaper.
Well then it was a tasteless joke.

Now how did I know that YOU would be the first to rush to defend Bush?
maybe cause he's the commander in chief right now.

What say you about Bushs photo opt with the two black kids?
I'm sure they are part of Bushs "no kid left behind program!":roll:
It's "photo opp" btw:doh , I should know, I went to school with a broadcasting background.:lol:
Don't be sad! Be glad!
glad about what? the lefts incessant bitching?
Navy Pride said:
FACT, Youe new here.......You do know that you saying that does not make it so if you can't post a link its just hearsay and bull crap..............

Ah, and this from the king of unsubstantiated posts. Gotta love the irony!
Navy Pride said:
FACT, Youe new here.......You do know that you saying that does not make it so if you can't post a link its just hearsay and bull crap..............
You need to follow your own advice. When I read your posts I almost NEVER see any links or proof. As a matter of fact what I recall about your posts are that you often write "You liberals".

People in glass houses....
LaMidRighter said:
Well then it was a tasteless joke.

maybe cause he's the commander in chief right now.

It's "photo opp" btw:doh , I should know, I went to school with a broadcasting background.:lol:
glad about what? the lefts incessant bitching?

Thank you for pointing out that its OPP and not OPT. I am forever grateful for you pointing out my MIISSSPAELLIING!
Please keep checking my spellaang. I don't have time to waste on meaningless things like that.

Thanks again, your friend,
Now Bush is on TV with an elderly black couple!:roll:
Another MISSION ACCOMPLISHED by Bushie boy!

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