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Did anybody change parties before your state's primaries? (1 Viewer)

Have/Will you change your party? Is your General Election vote a lock?

  • Republican to another Party

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Democrat to another Party

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Keeping the party and will vote with them in the General Election

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Keeping the party, but may not vote for them in the General Election

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Jun 28, 2012
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Political Leaning
I'm just curious... has anybody else changed their registrations to the other major political party or to a third or independent status? Or do you have intents on voting against your party if the 'wrong' person is the nominee (i.e. the #nevertrump movement)?

I'm 30 and have for the first time changed my registration away from the GOP. Though the economy is generally my primary concern and my economic beliefs generally align with the GOP, I simply couldn't justify continuing when I disagreed with almost EVERY other aspect of the party. And disagreed with most of their "solutions" to the economy.
I have not belonged to a party for some time now, partly because my selection of primary candidates is limited. While I do have a favorite candidate for the general election, it remains to be seen who will be left standing. I'll go from there.
I'm just curious... has anybody else changed their registrations to the other major political party or to a third or independent status? Or do you have intents on voting against your party if the 'wrong' person is the nominee (i.e. the #nevertrump movement)?

I'm 30 and have for the first time changed my registration away from the GOP. Though the economy is generally my primary concern and my economic beliefs generally align with the GOP, I simply couldn't justify continuing when I disagreed with almost EVERY other aspect of the party. And disagreed with most of their "solutions" to the economy.

This just seems silly as the only thing that unifies the party is the economic policies, "every other aspect" is different depending on what wing of the party you are talking about.
I voted for Bernie but will vote Green Party in the General if Bernie doesn't get the nomination.
I re-registered as a republican from independent just so I could vote against Trump. Didn't work. The asshole won Arizona anyways, but I feel better.
I'm just curious... has anybody else changed their registrations to the other major political party or to a third or independent status? Or do you have intents on voting against your party if the 'wrong' person is the nominee (i.e. the #nevertrump movement)?

I'm 30 and have for the first time changed my registration away from the GOP. Though the economy is generally my primary concern and my economic beliefs generally align with the GOP, I simply couldn't justify continuing when I disagreed with almost EVERY other aspect of the party. And disagreed with most of their "solutions" to the economy.

I'm an Independent who lives in Arizona. It is part of the GOP voter suppression that to vote in the state primary you must change your registration to the party in which you want to vote. The Teapublicans control both houses and the governor even though they represent only 33% of the state. Soon I will change my affiliation back to Independent.
I'm a registered Republican who voted for Marco Rubio in my state primary. No, I will not vote for Donald Trump in the General. No, I also won't be voting for Hillary Clinton. I'll probably end up voting for Gary Johnson.
I'm just curious... has anybody else changed their registrations to the other major political party or to a third or independent status? Or do you have intents on voting against your party if the 'wrong' person is the nominee (i.e. the #nevertrump movement)?

I'm 30 and have for the first time changed my registration away from the GOP. Though the economy is generally my primary concern and my economic beliefs generally align with the GOP, I simply couldn't justify continuing when I disagreed with almost EVERY other aspect of the party. And disagreed with most of their "solutions" to the economy.

Why didn't you include that "independent" factor in your survey?

I was a Democrat...and several years ago switched to become a registered Independent.
Why didn't you include that "independent" factor in your survey?

I was a Democrat...and several years ago switched to become a registered Independent.

They actually have a registration for independent?

I never really understood that. or is it that if you are registered under a party the method of essentially leaving the party is by registering as an independent... so thus it is simply there just to be a mechanism to unregister from a party?
They actually have a registration for independent?

I never really understood that. or is it that if you are registered under a party the method of essentially leaving the party is by registering as an independent... so thus it is simply there just to be a mechanism to unregister from a party?

One can simply leave a party and become an independent (small "i"). But in some states, New Jersey being one, you can actually REGISTER as an Independent (capital "I").

Now, they have been trying to change that here in New Jersey...and allowing just independent or what they call unaffiliated. Not sure where that stands at the moment, but the last time I checked, I had a capital "I" after my name.

If you are unaffiliated...you are not allowed to vote in a primary election.
One can simply leave a party and become an independent (small "i"). But in some states, New Jersey being one, you can actually REGISTER as an Independent (capital "I").

Now, they have been trying to change that here in New Jersey...and allowing just independent or what they call unaffiliated. Not sure where that stands at the moment, but the last time I checked, I had a capital "I" after my name.

If you are unaffiliated...you are not allowed to vote in a primary election.

yea I myself have never registered for a party. I used to say I was independent but in recent times I keep hearing people refer to registered independent so I generally say I'm not affiliated with a party now.
The primary thing varies. some states are closed some are open some are somewhere in between.
But in some states, New Jersey being one, you can actually REGISTER as an Independent (capital "I").

Not since 2005.

Currently (and since Jan. 1, 2005), if you are not registered with one of the two political parties that are recognized by the NJ Division of Elections you are considered unaffiliated (or, I suppose, small "i" independent).

There is no more Independent registration.

NJ holds closed two closed primaries, one for the (R) and one for the (D) so if you're unaffiliated or registered as anything other than an (R) or a (D) you can't vote in ANY primary election.

I suppose it is possible that you still have an (I) after your name if you registered as an (I) prior to 2005 and have never changed your affiliation since the new law was passed; I don't know whether or not the registration rolls were ever purged of the defunct (I)ndependent affiliation.

I spent many years going back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth between the two in order to vote in primary elections (depending upon the cycle, race, and candidates).

That's why I say that I'm "Independent" here on DP. I'm usually registered as either an (R) or a (D) but I have no real PARTY loyalty.
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When I registered to vote in Laramie, I changed my party affiliation from Democrat to Independent. I am looking forward to changing it again from Independent to Pirate.
Nah, I wasn't going to mess around with changing affiliation just to vote for President. Consider the hours long lines, I'm even further glad I did not switch.
I was a registered independent and re-registered as a republican so I could vote for Trump.
Changed parties this election cycle or ever?

I flipped from Republican to Democratic over a decade ago and never looked back. Ever.
I voted for Bernie but will vote Green Party in the General if Bernie doesn't get the nomination.

Wasted vote. You might as well vote for my neighbor's cat.
Not since 2005.

Currently (and since Jan. 1, 2005), if you are not registered with one of the two political parties that are recognized by the NJ Division of Elections you are considered unaffiliated (or, I suppose, small "i" independent).

There is no more Independent registration.

NJ holds closed two closed primaries, one for the (R) and one for the (D) so if you're unaffiliated or registered as anything other than an (R) or a (D) you can't vote in ANY primary election.

I suppose it is possible that you still have an (I) after your name if you registered as an (I) prior to 2005 and have never changed your affiliation since the new law was passed; I don't know whether or not the registration rolls were ever purged of the defunct (I)ndependent affiliation.

I spent many years going back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth between the two in order to vote in primary elections (depending upon the cycle, race, and candidates).

That's why I say that I'm "Independent" here on DP. I'm usually registered as either an (R) or a (D) but I have no real PARTY loyalty.

Yeah, I've been an Independent since before 2000. I thought I had read that the unaffiliated had taken over for the registered Independent...but wasn't sure.

So I am not unaffiliated...although I probably will continue to call myself a capital "I" Independent.
The idea of being a registered anything, democrat or republican, is totally foreign to me.

The ballot the lady handed me today gave me the option to vote either/or.
Wasted vote. You might as well vote for my neighbor's cat.

Well, that depends. Where does your neighbor's cat stand on the capital gains tax? :)

Whether or not it is a wasted vote depends on what my goal is. If I vote for Jill Stein do I believe she has any chance at all of winning? No. If my goal is to back the winning horse then, yes, it would be wasted. But that isn't my goal in voting third party. These are my reasons for voting third party:

1. Make a statement that the neither the Republican or Democratic candidate has earned my vote.
2. Helping a third party to eventually obtain 5% of the vote. 5% is the magic number. If a party wishes to get public funding it must obtain at least 5% of the vote in the PREVIOUS election. Once that happens then it will be easier to publicize their platform in the future.
3. The more votes third parties get the more likely the Republicans and Democrats will modify their positions in order to win them over. In elections where the Republicans and Democrats are only beating each other by a couple percentage points you better believe they want those votes.
4. I want to be counted in the popular vote as NOT supporting the winner. When a President receives more than 50% of the vote they seem to believe, and act, as though they have a mandate. My candidate won't win but at least my vote will ensure the person who DOES win has one less vote toward that so-called mandate.
5. I like to be able to look at myself in the mirror.
One can simply leave a party and become an independent (small "i"). But in some states, New Jersey being one, you can actually REGISTER as an Independent (capital "I").

Now, they have been trying to change that here in New Jersey...and allowing just independent or what they call unaffiliated. Not sure where that stands at the moment, but the last time I checked, I had a capital "I" after my name.

If you are unaffiliated...you are not allowed to vote in a primary election.

I was unaware of this; I thought "other party" included independent. Thank you!

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