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DHS Secretary Mayorkas admits that the illegals he releases will 'undoubtedly' commit crimes against Americans: The man should be impeached! (1 Viewer)

White MAGA Man

Active member
Apr 20, 2022
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
What a truthful excellent article on the commie that is head of our Department of Homeland Security. He's a true anti-White psychopath. Republicans should move to impeach him the minute they take over the house.

And yet many woke Dems will say with a straight face that the immigration situation is well under control by the Dem administration and that everything is just hunky-dory.

The American people will have a chance to express their opinion in November.

Only the Republicans can help save this nation for a few more decades, and then everything implodes.
What a truthful excellent article
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the Biden administration's oilest, slipperiest, most mendacious cabinet member, was put through the congressional wringer Wednesday and Thursday, over his "turnstyle" border policies as he well should have been.

He put on the same bee ess show in a hearing before Congress

Sure, if you like redundancy.

The American Thinker *snicker* is slipping, falling, tripping, kissing the concrete, getting poked by shrubs. They forgot teflon, non-stick, disingenuous, false, duplicitous and down right dirty dealing bee essin' democrat.

bee ess: when you really need to give someone the slip

on the commie that is head of our Department of Homeland Security. He's a true anti-White psychopath. Republicans should move to impeach him the minute they take over the house.

Yeah, yeah. I'm calling bee ess.
What a truthful excellent article on the commie that is head of our Department of Homeland Security. He's a true anti-White psychopath. Republicans should move to impeach him the minute they take over the house.

American thinker?
I quit at oiliest, slipperiest, most mendacious……….no bias there. Excellently sourced post!

The "admission" is based on this video where Gaetz (you know, the child sex trafficker), interrogates Mayorkas and doesn't let him speak. So if you like listening to a child sex trafficker yell for five straight minutes like a lunatic, then this is the video for you.

What a truthful excellent article on the commie that is head of our Department of Homeland Security. He's a true anti-White psychopath. Republicans should move to impeach him the minute they take over the house.

The "admission" is based on this video where Gaetz (you know, the child sex trafficker), interrogates Mayorkas and doesn't let him speak. So if you like listening to a child sex trafficker yell for five straight minutes like a lunatic, then this is the video for you.

There is no proof of what you say about Gaetz.
There is no proof of what you say about Gaetz.
Rep. Gaetz is being investigated for an alleged sexual relationship with an underage girl and paying for her travel, possibly breaking sex trafficking laws.

Read and learn, this is why your posts get very little credibility.


Bias: Hyper-Partisan Right

Reliability: Unreliable, Misleading

Rep. Gaetz is being investigated for an alleged sexual relationship with an underage girl and paying for her travel, possibly breaking sex trafficking laws.

Rep. Gaetz is being investigated for an alleged sexual relationship with an underage girl and paying for her travel, possibly breaking sex trafficking laws.

It’s past time somebody puts up on Gaetz. They trot out this narrative that any day now Matt will be indicted. How long does it take for Greenburg to roll? I cannot stomach the man, but your link is just over a year old. It’s not looking like it’s going to happen, I hope I am wrong…………
Your source is crap and you should feel shame.
What a truthful excellent article on the commie that is head of our Department of Homeland Security. He's a true anti-White psychopath. Republicans should move to impeach him the minute they take over the house.

Sorry but it's a fruitless effort because senate democrats wont vote to remove him and 2/3rds would still be required. I rather see the senate make better use of their time than take a symbolic vote.
What a truthful excellent article on the commie that is head of our Department of Homeland Security. He's a true anti-White psychopath. Republicans should move to impeach him the minute they take over the house.


  • Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks.

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Ownership Transparency, Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: LOW

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