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Destroying Ireland, Phase II Begins: 2040 Plan (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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Political Leaning
Another poster on DP created a thread almost a year ago about the legalization of recreational abortion in Ireland, which was the first major phase of the plan to destroy traditional Ireland, and erode it's culture. I replied to the thread with this warning:

Now the globalists can begin complaining that the Irish aren't repopulating fast enough, and 'diversity' is the only thing that can keep Ireland from dying. The same old treachery at play.

Little did I know at the time, that the plan for Phase II of destroying Ireland was already in the works. The Irish government bills Project 2040 as,

"The objective of Project Ireland 2040 is to provide a comprehensive social, economic and cultural infrastructure for all our people to flourish, so that together we can create a better society."

This is to be done by spending €116 billion to ready Ireland for some unnamed economic goal. On it's surface, it sounds like a vague plan to improve infrastructure. But Project 2040's true intent is to drive up the population of Ireland by over 1 million people:

"Project Ireland 2040 anticipates that an extra one million people will live in Ireland by 2040, with a further two-thirds of a million working here. To accommodate this, it sets out plans to build an additional half a million homes.

Where are these "extra one million people" going to come from? Ireland now (since 2018) offers Irish women abortion on demand, which will further lower the 1.92 children on average that ethnic Irish women give birth to, in their life time. So you see, Prime Sinister Leo Varadkhar is anticipating replacing all those aborted Irish babies, with members of the third world. Varadkhar was the driving force behind both the 2018 abortion bill, and Project 2040.


For all of the skeptics out there, I'd offer this- consider the size of Ireland, in comparison with the USA. It is tiny. Flooding the Emerald Isle with 1,000,000 outsiders will destroy the unique culture, and place of the Irish people.


Project 2040 must be stopped, and Leo Varadkhar must be exposed as the poison that he is. He should be sent packing back to Mumbai.


Or just maybe it's a recognition that for the past three years Ireland's population has risen by 25,000 people or more, and even with the new abortion law Ireland is set to have a population increase of .90%, an increase from the .88% a year prior, and the .75% a year prior.

As for Migrants, it's actually been Europeans, Poles, British, Lithuanians and Latvians who form the bulk of Ireland's immigrant population. The largest non-European immigration group is Nigerians, at a whopping 4% of the total immigration population.
Since the 1980's the Irish have been producing cultural and infrastructure planning documents and they only really looked up to 8 years or so into the future. They tried to look further and the alt-right websites like Breitbart and elsewhere have leapt to moronic conclusions that Ireland is seeking to replace the Irish with non-whites.


I'll also add that in the last 20 years, Ireland's population rose by over a million - that's a similar number being predicted now but there is a moronic claim that the next 15-20 years of population rise will be because of migrants.

Failed thread should be flushed. Nothing of worth to discuss further.
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~...........................Failed thread should be flushed. Nothing of worth to discuss further.
Yeah, the usual Pavlovian reflex of foaming at the mouth, the bell being replaced by prospect of non-Whites pushing out the "race-conscious" Nazis.

In California, for Gawd's sake.:lamo:lamo:lamo

At least Pavlov's dogs couldn't type.

Or just maybe it's a recognition that for the past three years Ireland's population has risen by 25,000 people or more, and even with the new abortion law Ireland is set to have a population increase of .90%, an increase from the .88% a year prior, and the .75% a year prior.

As for Migrants, it's actually been Europeans, Poles, British, Lithuanians and Latvians who form the bulk of Ireland's immigrant population. The largest non-European immigration group is Nigerians, at a whopping 4% of the total immigration population.
This is TAAC having just woken from one of his White Supremacist nightmares.:lamo
A load of total crappola. Should be moved to conspiracy or flushed.
I can see why my visits to the forum, let alone contributing, are getting less and less. What totally absurd thread.
Another poster on DP created a thread almost a year ago about the legalization of recreational abortion in Ireland, which was the first major phase of the plan to destroy traditional Ireland, and erode it's culture. I replied to the thread with this warning:

Little did I know at the time, that the plan for Phase II of destroying Ireland was already in the works. The Irish government bills Project 2040 as,

"The objective of Project Ireland 2040 is to provide a comprehensive social, economic and cultural infrastructure for all our people to flourish, so that together we can create a better society."

This is to be done by spending €116 billion to ready Ireland for some unnamed economic goal. On it's surface, it sounds like a vague plan to improve infrastructure. But Project 2040's true intent is to drive up the population of Ireland by over 1 million people:

"Project Ireland 2040 anticipates that an extra one million people will live in Ireland by 2040, with a further two-thirds of a million working here. To accommodate this, it sets out plans to build an additional half a million homes.

Where are these "extra one million people" going to come from? Ireland now (since 2018) offers Irish women abortion on demand, which will further lower the 1.92 children on average that ethnic Irish women give birth to, in their life time. So you see, Prime Sinister Leo Varadkhar is anticipating replacing all those aborted Irish babies, with members of the third world. Varadkhar was the driving force behind both the 2018 abortion bill, and Project 2040.


For all of the skeptics out there, I'd offer this- consider the size of Ireland, in comparison with the USA. It is tiny. Flooding the Emerald Isle with 1,000,000 outsiders will destroy the unique culture, and place of the Irish people.


Project 2040 must be stopped, and Leo Varadkhar must be exposed as the poison that he is. He should be sent packing back to Mumbai.


What an asinine assertion.

"Recreational abortion" doesn't exist.
Project 2040 must be stopped, and Leo Varadkhar must be exposed as the poison that he is. He should be sent packing back to Mumbai.

How would that work exactly? He is Irish, he was born in Dublin.
Where are these "extra one million people" going to come from?

Ireland's population grew by around 50,000 in 2017. A population growth of 1 million by 2040 sounds very reasonable. You should be glad they are actually planning for it now.

Ireland now (since 2018) offers Irish women abortion on demand, which will further lower the 1.92 children on average that ethnic Irish women give birth to, in their life time.
Oh boy. Is this one of those "afraid of brown people" things?

Prime Sinister Leo Varadkhar is anticipating replacing all those aborted Irish babies, with members of the third world. Varadkhar was the driving force behind both the 2018 abortion bill, and Project 2040.... Leo Varadkhar must be exposed as the poison that he is. He should be sent packing back to Mumbai.
Called it.


By the way, how do you think this is going to work? Are people not going to immigrate to Ireland, if the government basically engineers a housing shortage? Is there some part of Project Ireland 2040 that advertises "MOVE TO IRELAND!" all over Lagos?

For all of the skeptics out there, I'd offer this- consider the size of Ireland, in comparison with the USA. It is tiny. Flooding the Emerald Isle with 1,000,000 outsiders will destroy the unique culture, and place of the Irish people.
Wow. No. Just, no.

Birth rates of ethnic Irish is not going to drop to zero. That's just ridiculous.

And let's not forget that millions of Irish left Ireland, decade after decade, because Ireland's economy was a disaster. Kinda sounds like the Irish are in no position to complain, since they emigrated in huge numbers, primarily for economic reasons, and their descendants now demand to be treated like natives in their new nations.

I know this is hard for you to hear, but: It is a good thing when people actually want to move into a country; it means that things are going well there. The real problems are in the nations where people are heading for the exits.

Or just maybe it's a recognition that for the past three years Ireland's population has risen by 25,000 people or more, and even with the new abortion law Ireland is set to have a population increase of .90%, an increase from the .88% a year prior, and the .75% a year prior.

As for Migrants, it's actually been Europeans, Poles, British, Lithuanians and Latvians who form the bulk of Ireland's immigrant population. The largest non-European immigration group is Nigerians, at a whopping 4% of the total immigration population.

You make the same mistake others here have, in assuming my chief concern for Ireland is race based. Its not. I don't want to see Ireland become a dumping ground for EU or non-EU immigrants. The population increase mandated by Project 2040 would push the entire island of Ireland to a level not seen since the 1840's famine. Varadkhar's plan includes building up rural areas, which I'm also not in favor of, as once rural areas become urban, they're lost forever, their previous ecosystems changed for good.

Why is all this necessary? Compiling an ersatz grouping of EU and non EU to replace the Irish is what this is all about. Look at this gunner fellow here, who doesn't even realize that's the plan for him as well in England. His people are told to share their country, and receive very little in return, outside of dingy fast food takeaways and the like. The UK has tried this multiculturalism already, and it's just a giveaway to big business and bureaucracy! The common Brit hasn't benefitted, he's only relinquished more and more to newcomers, while having to retreat from urban areas due to them becoming polluted by blight and knife crime.

Why do Europeans keep falling for the same pie in the sky promises of corrupt politicians?
You make the same mistake others here have, in assuming my chief concern for Ireland is race based.

It's not the place of some rando on the internet to tell an true blooded Aryan what I can think.

The population increase mandated by Project 2040 would push the entire island of Ireland to a level not seen since the 1840's famine.

It's called a population growth. Ireland is predicted to have one. It's natural, all nations go through it. What's your solution, mandatory abortions? A one child policy?

Why is all this necessary?

It's necessary because it's inevitable. Only in the minds of fools and idiots are populations and cultures monolithic entities that never change or alter from one's rosy view of it. All of human history is proof otherwise.
Since the 1980's the Irish have been producing cultural and infrastructure planning documents and they only really looked up to 8 years or so into the future. They tried to look further and the alt-right websites like Breitbart and elsewhere have leapt to moronic conclusions that Ireland is seeking to replace the Irish with non-whites.


You aren't aware that Varadkhar's government has paid newspapers and journalists to spread positive propaganda in favor of P2040. What kind of idiot would blindly trust Leo Varadkhar's statements regarding P2040 in light of this? Oh, but Breitbart is disseminating fake news, are they? :lamo Well I guess they aren't paid to push Varadkhar's fake news, so you just can't trust them. :doh


What does it say about Varadkhar and his P2040, that he must pay the media to say it's good for Ireland? Hmm?

I'll also add that in the last 20 years, Ireland's population rose by over a million - that's a similar number being predicted now but there is a moronic claim that the next 15-20 years of population rise will be because of migrants.

You were the one who posted the thread on Varadkhar's abortion bill passing. So you should have some clue as to what this is going to do to the birth rate of Irish women. You know that the projected growth of 1 million isn't going to come from traditional Irish families. Where's the growth going to come from IC? This isn't a conspiracy theory, it's sound logic, and when I'm again proven right about what's taking place, you'll be long gone, or unable to make comment, due to an inability to admit error.

Failed thread should be flushed. Nothing of worth to discuss further.

Thank you for failing. Please fail again.
It's not the place of some rando on the internet to tell an true blooded Aryan what I can think.

I never said you can think. Don't misrepresent my position please Ari.....an.

It's called a population growth. Ireland is predicted to have one. It's natural, all nations go through it. What's your solution, mandatory abortions? A one child policy?

Yes, abortions, invasions, and a lying government that pays the media to cover its ass is all 'natural'. Genius Ari....an.

It's necessary because it's inevitable. Only in the minds of fools and idiots are populations and cultures monolithic entities that never change or alter from one's rosy view of it. All of human history is proof otherwise.

Yes, the same dregs who advocate tirelessly for a monolithic Holy Land are the same dregs telling me that, 'well, it's just inevitable that Ireland and the rest of Europe go down the crapper'.

"It's necessary because its inevitable".... dumber words were never spoken.
I can see why my visits to the forum, let alone contributing, are getting less and less. What totally absurd thread.

Well, in light of Ireland and the UK being targeted for population replacement, the LEAST we can do is keep the discussion civil and tepid, aye gunner?
Another poster on DP created a thread almost a year ago about the legalization of recreational abortion in Ireland, which was the first major phase of the plan to destroy traditional Ireland, and erode it's culture. I replied to the thread with this warning:

Little did I know at the time, that the plan for Phase II of destroying Ireland was already in the works. The Irish government bills Project 2040 as,

"The objective of Project Ireland 2040 is to provide a comprehensive social, economic and cultural infrastructure for all our people to flourish, so that together we can create a better society."

This is to be done by spending €116 billion to ready Ireland for some unnamed economic goal. On it's surface, it sounds like a vague plan to improve infrastructure. But Project 2040's true intent is to drive up the population of Ireland by over 1 million people:

"Project Ireland 2040 anticipates that an extra one million people will live in Ireland by 2040, with a further two-thirds of a million working here. To accommodate this, it sets out plans to build an additional half a million homes.

Where are these "extra one million people" going to come from? Ireland now (since 2018) offers Irish women abortion on demand, which will further lower the 1.92 children on average that ethnic Irish women give birth to, in their life time. So you see, Prime Sinister Leo Varadkhar is anticipating replacing all those aborted Irish babies, with members of the third world. Varadkhar was the driving force behind both the 2018 abortion bill, and Project 2040.


For all of the skeptics out there, I'd offer this- consider the size of Ireland, in comparison with the USA. It is tiny. Flooding the Emerald Isle with 1,000,000 outsiders will destroy the unique culture, and place of the Irish people.


Project 2040 must be stopped, and Leo Varadkhar must be exposed as the poison that he is. He should be sent packing back to Mumbai.

What a load of ignorant crap.
Well, in light of Ireland and the UK being targeted for population replacement, the LEAST we can do is keep the discussion civil and tepid, aye gunner?

Newsflash: population replacement happens all the freaking time.

Ireland should be well placed to cope, with all the unfinished housing estates from the pre-2008 construction boom.
Newsflash: population replacement happens all the freaking time.

At least someone is willing to admit to it. Most on the left are still playing cover up. Just read this thread.

Ireland should be well placed to cope, with all the unfinished housing estates from the pre-2008 construction boom.

I doubt your information is accurate. Ireland is in the midst of a homeless crisis today. There's not housing for native Irish in their own country, one reason why native Irish have been migrating out for the past several years. The Project 2040 plan is a complete rip off of Ireland when you take this into consideration.
Another poster on DP created a thread almost a year ago about the legalization of recreational abortion in Ireland, which was the first major phase of the plan to destroy traditional Ireland, and erode it's culture. I replied to the thread with this warning:

What utter nonsense to blame the struggle for abortion on globalization. The fight for abortion was fought by Irish women for Irish women.

Also, recreational abortion? That is one of the most nonsensical comments I have read about abortion on my time on this website, and I am a regular visitor of the abortion part of this forum. Nobody has an abortion as recreation, that is just totally incorrect and insulting to women.
Another poster on DP created a thread almost a year ago about the legalization of recreational abortion in Ireland, which was the first major phase of the plan to destroy traditional Ireland, and erode it's culture. I replied to the thread with this warning:

Little did I know at the time, that the plan for Phase II of destroying Ireland was already in the works. The Irish government bills Project 2040 as,

"The objective of Project Ireland 2040 is to provide a comprehensive social, economic and cultural infrastructure for all our people to flourish, so that together we can create a better society."

This is to be done by spending €116 billion to ready Ireland for some unnamed economic goal. On it's surface, it sounds like a vague plan to improve infrastructure. But Project 2040's true intent is to drive up the population of Ireland by over 1 million people:

"Project Ireland 2040 anticipates that an extra one million people will live in Ireland by 2040, with a further two-thirds of a million working here. To accommodate this, it sets out plans to build an additional half a million homes.

Where are these "extra one million people" going to come from? Ireland now (since 2018) offers Irish women abortion on demand, which will further lower the 1.92 children on average that ethnic Irish women give birth to, in their life time. So you see, Prime Sinister Leo Varadkhar is anticipating replacing all those aborted Irish babies, with members of the third world. Varadkhar was the driving force behind both the 2018 abortion bill, and Project 2040.


For all of the skeptics out there, I'd offer this- consider the size of Ireland, in comparison with the USA. It is tiny. Flooding the Emerald Isle with 1,000,000 outsiders will destroy the unique culture, and place of the Irish people.

Project 2040 must be stopped, and Leo Varadkhar must be exposed as the poison that he is. He should be sent packing back to Mumbai.


The Irish people finally woke up and voted for legal abortion (your dog whistle of "recreational" is the typical baloney you would post). They had enough with the church running the show, and they are thinking for their own.

Its not your country, you aren't a citizen, its none of your business, the Irish voters made the decision, and good on them.
The Irish people finally woke up and voted for legal abortion (your dog whistle of "recreational" is the typical baloney you would post). They had enough with the church running the show, and they are thinking for their own.

Its not your country, you aren't a citizen, its none of your business, the Irish voters made the decision, and good on them.

Guess who?


Total population- 2,557 (2016)


Ireland total population- 6,572,728 (2016)


What utter nonsense to blame the struggle for abortion on globalization. The fight for abortion was fought by Irish women for Irish women.

Guess who Peter?

Through his Open Society Foundations, the Hungarian-born Soros has already provided three pro-abortion groups in Ireland, including Amnesty International’s Irish branch, with a combined total of around $400,000 (£295,000). The other two groups are the Irish Family Planning Association and the Abortion Rights Campaign.

A leaked document from the Open Society Foundations revealed the reasons behind the funding. It said it was so that the three groups could “work collectively on a campaign to repeal Ireland’s constitutional amendment granting equal rights to an implanted embryo as the pregnant woman”.

It continued: “With one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world, a win there could impact other strongly Catholic countries in Europe, such as Poland, and provide much needed proof that change is possible, even in highly conservative places.”


So while this beefheart poster told me it was none of my business what happens in Ireland, it turns out its his people's business. I pray for the awakening of the Western people everyday, to fully revive their perceptions, which have been dulled by the excesses of modern times.

Also, recreational abortion? That is one of the most nonsensical comments I have read about abortion on my time on this website, and I am a regular visitor of the abortion part of this forum. Nobody has an abortion as recreation, that is just totally incorrect and insulting to women.

That's wrong. Women who don't require abortions for medical reasons often lapse into using abortion as birth control, thus recreational sex, followed by recreational abortion.
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Guess who Peter?

Through his Open Society Foundations, the Hungarian-born Soros has already provided three pro-abortion groups in Ireland, including Amnesty International’s Irish branch, with a combined total of around $400,000 (£295,000). The other two groups are the Irish Family Planning Association and the Abortion Rights Campaign.

A leaked document from the Open Society Foundations revealed the reasons behind the funding. It said it was so that the three groups could “work collectively on a campaign to repeal Ireland’s constitutional amendment granting equal rights to an implanted embryo as the pregnant woman”.

It continued: “With one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world, a win there could impact other strongly Catholic countries in Europe, such as Poland, and provide much needed proof that change is possible, even in highly conservative places.”


So while this beefheart poster told me it was none of my business what happens in Ireland, it turns out its his people's business. I pray for the awakening of the Western people everyday, to fully revive their perceptions, which have been dulled by the excesses of modern times.

So what? This was an Irish movement, the opposite movement was supported by conservative sponsors, why should progressive/women's rights groups not also support these Irish women and their movement? This has nothing to do with globalization but with women's rights.

That's wrong. Women who don't require abortions for medical reasons often lapse into using abortion as birth control, thus recreational sex, followed by recreational abortion.

That again is nonsense, you clearly have no clue what a difficult decision abortion is for the vast majority of women who have one.
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