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Despite NRA Woes, Gun Owner Voter Turnout Likely To Be Massive (1 Viewer)


Capitalist Pig
DP Veteran
Aug 6, 2019
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Bridgeport, CT
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Libertarian - Right
Despite NRA Woes, Gun Owner Voter Turnout Likely To Be Massive

Democrats are giddy at the notion that the NRA spending much of its money on mounting legal fees and under gunned for the coming political fight might be largely irrelevant this election cycle. What they are grossly miscalculating, however, is the resolve of gun owners who comprise perhaps the nation's largest voting bloc. Gun owners see the President as a steadfast ally. Conversely, they tend to see Democrats the way ship captains view icebergs. Senator Biden famously said, if elected, he'd turn gun confiscation duties over to Beto O'Rourke, in an exchange that did far more to motivate gun owners than anything the NRA could have concocted in their war room.


Somewhere in the halls of the Trump campaign there will surely emerge ads celebrating the Biden-O'Rourke epiphany on guns. Those ads will play well in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina not so coincidentally all battleground states. Despite Biden's current lead in the polls, don't be surprised if the Democrat's miscalculation on the issue turns this election into their Dewey versus Truman moment, for gun owners seldom forget and there are 150 million of them, far more than have ever belonged to the NRA.
Once again someone makes the huge mistake in believing that all gun owners are Republicans or will vote for trump, it is simply not true. Think we are going to have a huge turn out across the board to vote this year to make their voice heard, we shall see who that works in the favor of.
Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll shoot each other on the way to the polls?

View attachment 67293563
your posting history is teeming with sanctimonious and hostile airs towards gun owners. What causes this level of inane hatred? Is it the voting patterns of many gun owners? or is it a cultural thing with you?
Once again someone makes the huge mistake in believing that all gun owners are Republicans or will vote for trump, it is simply not true. Think we are going to have a huge turn out across the board to vote this year to make their voice heard, we shall see who that works in the favor of.

I agree, and those who don't consider gun rights an important or the most important issue, might well vote for Biden. But those of us who do, we are more likely to vote, and are almost guaranteed to support Trump
the real idiocy were the three people he shot-attacking someone holding an AR 15 is Darwinian. Two less Biden voters.

Especially the guy who had a gun of his own. He was stupid in any case to get that close to someone he considered a threat.
Once again someone makes the huge mistake in believing that all gun owners are Republicans or will vote for trump, it is simply not true. Think we are going to have a huge turn out across the board to vote this year to make their voice heard, we shall see who that works in the favor of.

I am a.gun lover and I am voting for.biden

Righties said Obama was.going.to take my guns

Said.the.same thing about Clinton

I believe the most.restrictive gun control recently actually came.out.of.Reagan's administration . The Brady act

And.the.before that gun control act of 1968

And before.that national firearms act of 1934
I am a.gun lover and I am voting for.biden

Righties said Obama was.going.to take my guns

Said.the.same thing about Clinton

I believe the most.restrictive gun control recently actually came.out.of.Reagan's administration . The Brady act

And.the.before that gun control act of 1968

And before.that national firearms act of 1934

Brady Act was passed under Clinton. The GCA 1968 was passed under Johnson. The NFA 1934 was passed under FDR.

Here's what Biden wants to do:

Amend the Lautenberg Amendment to cover boyfriends, dating.
Universal background checks.
Repeal PLCAA - Allow gun manufacturers to be sued out of business
Ban "assault weapons"
Ban "large capacity magazines"
Buy-back programs
Impose red flag laws
Ban 3-D printing of guns
Ban bump stocks.
Permit to purchase licensing system
"Charleston" loophole
Mandatory notification of stolen guns
"Hate crime" loophole
No "ghost guns".
Eliminate campus carry
Raise the legal age to purchase a firearm
Increase taxes on guns and ammunition specifically to reduce the number of lawful citizens exercising a Constitutionally protected right
Limit the number of firearms that can be purchased in a month by law abiding citizens.
Ban silencers
Expand gun free zones to universities and colleges
I am a.gun lover and I am voting for.biden

Righties said Obama was.going.to take my guns

Said.the.same thing about Clinton

I believe the most.restrictive gun control recently actually came.out.of.Reagan's administration . The Brady act

And.the.before that gun control act of 1968

And before.that national firearms act of 1934

Oh I think there will be some sort of firearms laws passed, but then again the future of the Nation is far more important to me than whatever temporary laws they can pass so like yourself I will be voting against trump.
That said, if I were in the market for a firearm that is likely to be impacted, AR 15, AK, or other Semiauto rifle I would get it before January, same goes for ammo and higher capacity semiauto handgun mags. There will never be a confiscation law passed so once you have it you are set. Plus as I said my guess is that any such laws banning firearms will be short lived, sooner or later things will go back to where they are today, simply because banning firearms has little impact on crime in the US.
Brady Act was passed under Clinton. The GCA 1968 was passed under Johnson. The NFA 1934 was passed under FDR.

Here's what Biden wants to do:

Amend the Lautenberg Amendment to cover boyfriends, dating.
Universal background checks.
Repeal PLCAA - Allow gun manufacturers to be sued out of business
Ban "assault weapons"
Ban "large capacity magazines"
Buy-back programs
Impose red flag laws
Ban 3-D printing of guns
Ban bump stocks.
Permit to purchase licensing system
"Charleston" loophole
Mandatory notification of stolen guns
"Hate crime" loophole
No "ghost guns".
Eliminate campus carry
Raise the legal age to purchase a firearm
Increase taxes on guns and ammunition specifically to reduce the number of lawful citizens exercising a Constitutionally protected right
Limit the number of firearms that can be purchased in a month by law abiding citizens.
Ban silencers
Expand gun free zones to universities and colleges

Just curious, asides from guns, do you agree with Trump on his other policies?
Just curious, asides from guns, do you agree with Trump on his other policies?

I don't even agree with Trump on his gun policies. I've despised Trump since 1987. You don't have to support Trump to be pro-2A; in fact, it should preclude it.
I don't even agree with Trump on his gun policies. I've despised Trump since 1987. You don't have to support Trump to be pro-2A; in fact, it should preclude it.

Libtard gun owner here...I guarantee you if the tide against Trump turns bad enough he'd turn gun grabber in a hot second.
Libtard gun owner here...I guarantee you if the tide against Trump turns bad enough he'd turn gun grabber in a hot second.

"Dear Trump, we'll put your face on Mt Rushmore if you ban assault weapons by EO". Done that day. And you mean "New York second".

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