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DeSantis proposes new Florida congressional map that could wipe out Democratic redistricting gains (1 Viewer)


Sit Nomine Digna
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Jul 14, 2012
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Montreal, QC
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From CNN:
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday proposed an aggressively partisan redrawing of the state's congressional boundaries that could help his party pick up four seats in the US House of Representatives this November.
If the proposed map is enacted and survives a legal challenge, the result could lead to "entirely wiping out (Democrats') national redistricting gains so far," Dave Wasserman, who analyzes House races as a senior editor at The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter, wrote on Twitter.
Like previous maps submitted by DeSantis' office, the latest offering would likely reduce the number of districts where Black voters are a plurality and would make it difficult for Democrats to win anywhere north of Orlando or outside major cities.
Florida lawmakers cave to DeSantis on redistricting and will defer to him with new map
The map is almost certain to get approval from the Republican-controlled legislature when state lawmakers meet next week in a special session to finalize the once-a-decade work of reapportioning the state's congressional lines. Though the state Constitution puts lawmakers in charge of redistricting, GOP legislative leaders announced this week that they would cede those duties to DeSantis, ending a power struggle between the two branches of government that has lasted for months.
DeSantis had demanded lawmakers dismantle Florida's 5th Congressional District, currently represented by Democrat Al Lawson, which connects Black communities from Tallahassee to Jacksonville. He has contended that it was racially gerrymandered and on Tuesday he vowed to replace it with a "race neutral" district.
"I mean, we are not going to have a 200-mile gerrymander that divvies up people based on the color of their skin," DeSantis said. "That is wrong. That is not the way we've governed in the state of Florida."
DeSantis' new map would accomplish that by breaking up Jacksonville, the city with the largest African American population in the state, across two Republican-leaning districts. He would also shift Florida's 10th Congressional District -- an Orlando-area seat represented by Val Demings, a Black Democrat now running for US Senate -- east toward Whiter communities.
Having the governor redraw the electoral map sounds a lot like the actions of a tin-pot dictator to me. His solution to gerrymandering, even more gerrymandering. This is a perfect example of why the drawing of electoral districts should be by independent commissions.
From CNN:

Having the governor redraw the electoral map sounds a lot like the actions of a tin-pot dictator to me. His solution to gerrymandering, even more gerrymandering. This is a perfect example of why the drawing of electoral districts should be by independent commissions.
Surely you didn't expect anything less from DeSantis?
From CNN:

Having the governor redraw the electoral map sounds a lot like the actions of a tin-pot dictator to me. His solution to gerrymandering, even more gerrymandering. This is a perfect example of why the drawing of electoral districts should be by independent commissions.

DeathSantis will do ANYTHING for more power.
"...that could wipe out Democratic redistricting gains"

?!?! What?? Political gains are being wiped out?

Oh NOES! That's NOT fair!! I protest on political grounds!
"...that could wipe out Democratic redistricting gains"

?!?! What?? Political gains are being wiped out?

Oh NOES! That's NOT fair!! I protest on political grounds!

The politics forum people arguing about politics, shameless right. Thank you moral crusader
The fact that Floridians agree with this shit is what's jaw dropping.
Having the governor redraw the electoral map sounds a lot like the actions of a tin-pot dictator to me. His solution to gerrymandering, even more gerrymandering. This is a perfect example of why the drawing of electoral districts should be by independent commissions.

Gerrymandering should be unconstitutional. Government teachers say both parties do it, but Democrats support letting most Republicans vote, so I don't believe that for one second. It is all about Trump the Terrorist and is worshipers.
If the proposed map is enacted and survives a legal challenge, the result could lead to "entirely wiping out (Democrats') national redistricting gains so far,"
"If this aggressively partisan Republican map is allowed to stand, it might completely offset the seats Democrats gained with aggressively partisan redistricting maps! This is an outrage!!!"
"If this aggressively partisan Republican map is allowed to stand, it might completely offset the seats Democrats gained with aggressively partisan redistricting maps! This is an outrage!!!"

Considering it's Florida, yeah. They can hardly avoid "aggressively partisan redistricting" in a deep blue state like New York.

I'm hoping DeSantis makes the dumb mistake of building strongly Republican districts (ie anti-gerrymandering) because to a party of absolutists, that is sometimes preferable. Also they need somewhere to put their elite members so they don't have to campaign ever again.
This is a perfect example of why the drawing of electoral districts should be by independent commissions.

You really can't think of a better way, than giving the job to a new branch of government which is independent only in theory?

How about letting the voters move boundaries? It would dismantle DeSantis's claim that majority-minority districts are "racist" if the black voters were deciding for themselves if they want to be in a district with black voters in a nearby city.
Considering it's Florida, yeah. They can hardly avoid "aggressively partisan redistricting" in a deep blue state like New York.
The new map in NY would give Democrats 85% of the seats. It's blue, but it's not that blue.
You really can't think of a better way, than giving the job to a new branch of government which is independent only in theory?

How about letting the voters move boundaries? It would dismantle DeSantis's claim that majority-minority districts are "racist" if the black voters were deciding for themselves if they want to be in a district with black voters in a nearby city.
How is it creating a new branch of government?It works elsewhere, why can't it work in Florida?
How is it creating a new branch of government?It works elsewhere, why can't it work in Florida?

Because of Florida Man? What works in Maine won't necessarily work in a state which plays grubby politics every year.

Being something that only happens once every ten years, also stretches the time period it has to be in place before we can say for certain that it works.

How about we let people vote for the candidate from any neighbouring district, count that vote, but also use the out-of-district votes to decide which way each boundary should move?
From CNN:

Having the governor redraw the electoral map sounds a lot like the actions of a tin-pot dictator to me. His solution to gerrymandering, even more gerrymandering. This is a perfect example of why the drawing of electoral districts should be by independent commissions.
amen amen

but also its DeSantis . . .so of course tinfoil hat nuttery is expected

at independent outside groups using computer programs based on basic math is all that is needed and politicians don't push for it to hard because they know they benefit from it. RIght now the right is doing it way more and grossly so but throughout history it most certainly has been don't by both sides . . typical pendulum swing.
Surely you didn't expect anything less from DeSantis?
Surely you didn't expect anything less from DeSantis?
Redistricting/gerrymandering worked very well for the Democrats this year. The democrats were able to add 10 democratic leaning seats, eliminate 6 republican leaning districts. These numbers could change when Florida, Missouri and New Hampshire complete their redistricting. They are the only 3 states left who haven’t completed the process. Here an example of how the Democrats became successful in the redistricting/gerrymandering war. I suppose now for the next ten years we’ll have to listen to Republicans blame every house seat loss on the democrats gerrymandering this time, 2020 census as we have had to listen to the democrats blame gerrymandering for their house seat losses since the 2010 census.

Illinois added 3 democratic seats, eliminate 2 GOP seats and 1 competitive seat

New Jersey added 3 democratic seats, eliminated 1 GOP seats and 2 competitive seats.

New York added 3 democratic seats, eliminated 3 Republican seats and 1 competitive seat. New York lost a seat due to the 2020 census.

Oregon added 2 Democratic seats, eliminated 2 competitive seats.

Redistricting/gerrymandering worked very well for the Democrats this year. The democrats were able to add 10 democratic leaning seats, eliminate 6 republican leaning districts. These numbers could change when Florida, Missouri and New Hampshire complete their redistricting. They are the only 3 states left who haven’t completed the process. Here an example of how the Democrats became successful in the redistricting/gerrymandering war. I suppose now for the next ten years we’ll have to listen to Republicans blame every house seat loss on the democrats gerrymandering this time, 2020 census as we have had to listen to the democrats blame gerrymandering for their house seat losses since the 2010 census.

Illinois added 3 democratic seats, eliminate 2 GOP seats and 1 competitive seat

New Jersey added 3 democratic seats, eliminated 1 GOP seats and 2 competitive seats.

New York added 3 democratic seats, eliminated 3 Republican seats and 1 competitive seat. New York lost a seat due to the 2020 census.

Oregon added 2 Democratic seats, eliminated 2 competitive seats.

All redistricting is not gerrymandering.

However I have said many times that ALL gerrymandering is bad regardless of which side does it.
He's doing a great job of auditioning for the Republican nomination for POTUS too.

Governor of the second largest Republican state is all he has.

It shouldn't be enough, but with the field divided by pro-Trump and anti-Trump, all the Senators are damaged in some way.

I'll be honest, I'm worried by DeSantis. His name alone gets him votes from the dumb Latinos. He's pro-Trump but not slavishly so. He's right wing on the social issues, and might strike a chord with Hispanics if he can just stay clear of the anti-abortion vortex of the blood red states. Latino votes follow the Latina votes, that's how it goes.

DeSantis is the reason why I'm for Trump 2024. Trump can take him down, but he damages Trump, then Trump loses. That's my game plan.
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Gerrymandering should be banned nationwide.

Gerrymandering is within the powers of each state government. "Banning it nationwide" would have to be a Federal thing, and I can't see that happening without an Amendment.

Well unless you can propose an alternative that is so attractive to voters, that State governments cannot refuse.

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