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DeSantis made it ok, now look whats happening. (1 Viewer)


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Dec 27, 2017
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Florida Rep. Randy Fine threatened Special Olympics funding over school board member feud, texts show​

Florida Rep. Randy Fine threatened to interfere with state funding for the Special Olympics and the city of West Melbourne last week over a personal feud with Brevard County School Board member Jennifer Jenkins, according to a series of text messages obtained by FLORIDA TODAY.

A city leader said Fine later tried to block the release of the text messages through a public records request and wanted a city attorney who was overseeing the request to be fired.

Retaliatory legislation is now mainstream. Way to go republicans.


Florida Rep. Randy Fine threatened Special Olympics funding over school board member feud, texts show​

Retaliatory legislation is now mainstream. Way to go republicans.

Don't worry, the Dems are doing their share. Just look at the Greene nonsense...or the House dog and pony show.
Don't worry, the Dems are doing their share. Just look at the Greene nonsense...or the House dog and pony show.

It's ok, Mycroft. We know you either love corrupt evil or are required to say you love corrupt evil in the first few posts of any thread. Doesn't matter. You do it. Don't expect whaddabout dems to matter because "Dems" aren't doing this evil.

What I wonder is... what happens when there's no one left to punch down at?

And what's that dog profile doing viewing? Same as Mycroft?
It's ok, Mycroft. We know you either love corrupt evil or are required to say you love corrupt evil in the first few posts of any thread. Doesn't matter. You do it. Don't expect whaddabout dems to matter because "Dems" aren't doing this evil.

What I wonder is... what happens when there's no one left to punch down at?

And what's that dog profile doing viewing? Same as Mycroft?
I would love to know how he's getting alerts on new threads.
Don't worry, the Dems are doing their share. Just look at the Greene nonsense...or the House dog and pony show.
You must have received a dressing-down, as your response times have been improving!
Don't worry, the Dems are doing their share. Just look at the Greene nonsense...or the House dog and pony show.
Your made up bullshit in no way equates to this reality.
Mr. Governor might want to ease it down. When one starts pissing off too many people, one of them might strike back in ways that are unexpected.
Not me, but..this is Florida.
Its sad. In Texas, Abbott is tying aid to NGOs based on their support of party policies.

Our own Viktor Orbans.

Florida Rep. Randy Fine threatened Special Olympics funding over school board member feud, texts show​

Retaliatory legislation is now mainstream. Way to go republicans.

The gop of smaller government now going after the special olympics. What's next? Pushing blind folks in front of busses?
Don't worry, the Dems are doing their share. Just look at the Greene nonsense...or the House dog and pony show.
I recently had solar installed so far my small system is saving me ninety percent of my electric bill so far and no coal is needed for it to work. Greene nonsense indeed. Do you mean the dog and pony show miss green displayed the other day?
Its sad. In Texas, Abbott is tying aid to NGOs based on their support of party policies.

These same people will scream about "partisanship" by Democrats but use the power of the state as much as they can for partisan benefit, pursuing a communist-like hold on one party power.
Mr. Governor might want to ease it down. When one starts pissing off too many people, one of them might strike back in ways that are unexpected.
Not me, but..this is Florida.
Which means the revenge will somehow involve meth and three gators.
Don't worry, the Dems are doing their share. Just look at the Greene nonsense...or the House dog and pony show.
Greene is a GOP member from Georgia, are you referring to the time she chased down and threatened AOC?
I recently had solar installed so far my small system is saving me ninety percent of my electric bill so far and no coal is needed for it to work. Greene nonsense indeed. Do you mean the dog and pony show miss green displayed the other day?
I'm not talking about alternative energy.
I'm not talking about alternative energy.
Sorry, my bad. You mean the greene who took an oath to protect the constitution, again, my bad. That nonsense is getting so old it's almost a nothingburger.

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