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Department of Homeland Security Sets Up ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ to Fight ‘Misinformation’ (1 Viewer)


Capitalist Pig
DP Veteran
Aug 6, 2019
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right

nina jankowicz.jpg

No, that's not the Babylon Bee, she really wrote that the purpose of her new Ministry of Truth is to protect free speech.

View attachment 67387833

No, that's not the Babylon Bee, she really wrote that the purpose of her new Ministry of Truth is to protect free speech.
I know it sounds scary, but that's what the right gets for lying like a rug for five years.

View attachment 67387833

No, that's not the Babylon Bee, she really wrote that the purpose of her new Ministry of Truth is to protect free speech.

Protect acceptable speech, official truth, privacy of the wealthy and powerful, and those "liberties" government regulations will allow?

That is not Free Speech! Unlike Canada and other places where speech can be regulated in fact, our Constitution protects us from such regulatory controls, with a few rare exceptions per SCOTUS legal precedent.

View attachment 67387833

No, that's not the Babylon Bee, she really wrote that the purpose of her new Ministry of Truth is to protect free speech.
A joke of the century =

View attachment 67387833

No, that's not the Babylon Bee, she really wrote that the purpose of her new Ministry of Truth is to protect free speech.

I don't see this coming up on any MSM site. I'll wait to draw conclusions until it's not just being parroted by propaganda sites like Fox "News."
Protect acceptable speech, official truth, privacy of the wealthy and powerful, and those "liberties" government regulations will allow?

That is not Free Speech! Unlike Canada and other places where speech can be regulated in fact, our Constitution protects us from such regulatory controls, with a few rare exceptions per SCOTUS legal precedent.

Surely, the ministry of truth will only have the power to make suggestions (off the record, of course) - any actions would be taken by private parties in accordance with their TOS agreements.
I don't see this coming up on any MSM site. I'll wait to draw conclusions until it's not just being parroted by propaganda sites like Fox "News."


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Well, well, well, the party of the Big Lie is all butt hurt about rooting out misinformation.

I'm shocked.
“Disinformation is a threat to democracy,” she warned and criticized the government and social media platforms who have “all but abdicated their responsibility” to address ”domestic disinformation.”

Her quote in the article comes up when when people are comparing foreign disinformation with domestic disinformation. There's lots of examples of parallels.

If we can agree the disinformation is a threat to democracy , do you have a better idea?

View attachment 67387833

No, that's not the Babylon Bee, she really wrote that the purpose of her new Ministry of Truth is to protect free speech.
Does anyone really trust the government in disseminating truth?
Anyone who was surprised by this isn’t paying attention.

With all the hysteria and constant accusations of “you’re a Russian agent!” “No, you’re the Russian agent!” back and forth I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.
Well I see this going really well - our government telling us what's good information and what isn't.
Do you not make a difference between objective fact and subjective opinion? Or do you think it is factually true because you believe it to be true?
I know it sounds scary, but that's what the right gets for lying like a rug for five years.
You know whats tragic...even with knowing the bullshit and lues the mainstream media has sold the idiot left...you probably actually believe what you typed. You are literally covered head to toe in your own shit screaming "Look what THEY stepped in!"
The Ministry of Truth.

Who could have seen THAT coming....
Would you prefer to confuse subjective and objective based on which one aligns with your opinions and religious beliefs?

Subjective data are information from the client's point of view (“symptoms”), including feelings, perceptions, and concerns obtained through interviews. Objective data are observable and measurable data (“signs”) obtained through observation, physical examination, and laboratory and diagnostic testing.
The US ministry of truth (called the “governance board”?) will promote free speech through careful removal of “misinformation” from the internet - details to follow. ;)
I'll move back to the US when the ministry of love is established.

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