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Dems: Trump is racist - also dems: we like races (1 Viewer)


Jun 2, 2020
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Every day dems is attacking Donald Trump on his twitter account what a racists Trump and Republicans are

But every day dems are the racists go after races and colour

So who is the racist?
Every day dems is attacking Donald Trump on his twitter account what a racists Trump and Republicans are

But every day dems are the racists go after races and colour

So who is the racist?

It really does not have to be either/or, Thazgor. Lots of people of all political persuasions can be racists or prey on racial and racist fears.
It really does not have to be either/or, Thazgor. Lots of people of all political persuasions can be racists or prey on racial and racist fears.

Good example how dems likes races

If you don't like racism then don't go after races and color! Simple! That is where the true real racism is!


Black women and women of color have long been underrepresented in elected office and in November we have an opportunity to change that. Let's get to work.
The gall calling Trump a racist.

White House aides
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So who is the racist?

It all depends on your interpretation of "racist."

Here in the United States, almost everyone -- IMHO -- is "racist" in the sense that everyone notices another person's race and subconsciously reacts accordingly.

In plain English, the word "racist" has been so debased that it means nothing and everything.

Basically, in 2020 America, its basic definition is: "Someone who disagrees with your political views."
It all depends on your interpretation of "racist."

Here in the United States, almost everyone -- IMHO -- is "racist" in the sense that everyone notices another person's race and subconsciously reacts accordingly.

In plain English, the word "racist" has been so debased that it means nothing and everything.

Basically, in 2020 America, its basic definition is: "Someone who disagrees with your political views."

It means something when "antiracists" tells white they are racists but "antiracists" loves to go after races

I KNOW for fact that in US color is RACE! "antiracists" simply dosen't seems to understand they are racist when they go after color go after race!
The gall calling Trump a racist.

View attachment 67291295
White House aides

Does that surprise you?!? :lol:

Right out of the gate, every black person working for Trump has been called an Oreo or Uncle Tom or Token Black by the liberals. It takes a strong black person to ignore the liberals' name calling ... and there just aren't too many around.
Someone really needs to start a go fund me account to buy our Russian trolls some better translating software.....
Does that surprise you?!? :lol:

Right out of the gate, every black person working for Trump has been called an Oreo or Uncle Tom or Token Black by the liberals. It takes a strong black person to ignore the liberals' name calling ... and there just aren't too many around.

I guess that is why you don't see many Asians or Hispanics in picture as they don't want to be called a Uncle Tom.


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