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Dems "THINK" they will get power back, huh huh? (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Here's the democratic party leadership plan, ..along with their media allies:

Democrats employment of Cindy Sheehan: President Bush murdered my son!

Dem party talking points:

Bush lied, Bush wants to be a ''king", Bush is a nazi, a racist & a warmonger, Bush approves of torture, Bush exploits the poor, & minorities, Bush is the worlds biggest terrorist, Bush is taking away everybodies civil rights, Bush "might" have even blown up the New Orleans levees, Bush might have even created 9/11 himself, & Bush , Rove, Cheney & Rumsfeld suck!

Thats been the democratic party line for about the last few years now! ;)
Stu Ghatze said:
Here's the democratic party leadership plan, ..along with their media allies:

Democrats employment of Cindy Sheehan: President Bush murdered my son!

Dem party talking points:

Bush lied, Bush wants to be a ''king", Bush is a nazi, a racist & a warmonger, Bush approves of torture, Bush exploits the poor, & minorities, Bush is the worlds biggest terrorist, Bush is taking away everybodies civil rights, Bush "might" have even blown up the New Orleans levees, Bush might have even created 9/11 himself, & Bush , Rove, Cheney & Rumsfeld suck!

Thats been the democratic party line for about the last few years now! ;)

Who in the Dem party hired Cindy Sheehan? That's news to me. She's one person, upset that her son was killed, who is speaking her mind.

Bush lied - true

Bush wants to be king - false , but he did make this funny quote:
George Bush: "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier - just so long I'm the dictator." December 18, 2000

Bush is a nazi -false

a racist -false

& a warmonger -true

Bush approves of torture -true

Bush exploits the poor -true

& minorities - true

Bush is the worlds biggest terrorist -false

Bush is taking away everybodies civil rights - true, although I wouldn't use the word "everybodies.(sic)"

Bush "might" have even blown up the New Orleans levees - false and ridiculous

Bush might have even created 9/11 himself - false and even more ridiculous

Bush , Rove, Cheney & Rumsfeld suck - you nailed that one brother. Well said.
Stu Ghatze,

Here's the democratic party leadership plan, ..along with their media allies:

Democrats employment of Cindy Sheehan: President Bush murdered my son!

Dem party talking points:

Bush lied, Bush wants to be a ''king", Bush is a nazi, a racist & a warmonger, Bush approves of torture, Bush exploits the poor, & minorities, Bush is the worlds biggest terrorist, Bush is taking away everybodies civil rights, Bush "might" have even blown up the New Orleans levees, Bush might have even created 9/11 himself, & Bush , Rove, Cheney & Rumsfeld suck!

Thats been the democratic party line for about the last few years now

While I admire your efforts this is not new. Why did you post this? We all know of the Dem failure.
Hmmm. The "Dems' failure"? Do tell.

You might want to touch base with reality once in a while, my friends. We're the ones who paid off your world-record-shattering deficit, remember? Our guy turned it into the biggest SURPLUS in American history. Your guy promptly blew it, creating a bigger deficit than all previous Presidents combined.

That's some kinda Democratic failure, huh?

An overwhelming 338 of 415 historians polled by George Mason University said Friday that George W. Bush is failing as a president. And fifty of them rated Bush as the worst president ever.

Along with the historians, 70+% of Americans now realize this is the Worst Adminstration Ever™, the Worst Congress Ever™, Most Incompetent Government Ever™, Most Corrupt Government in Galactic History™, etc., etc.

The Republican Party is destroying itself far better than the Democrats--or anyone else--could ever have done. But you still think their future is secure. If we had a healthcare system, I'd suggest you seek help.
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To be honest....I dont think the Democrats need to do much for a power change to occur, it seems the GOP is doing all the hard work for them. The term "Inept" has become relatively secure in the minds of Americans as of late, whenever this administrations blunders come to light.
But....you never know.....theres always DieBold .

& don't forget voter suppression, gerrymandering, massive slander & disinformation campaigns, sabotage, fraud, & the other tools necessary to maintain a "mandate" for a party the American people hate.

Funny, isn't it? The people who support the Republicans never seem to appear on the polls. This is most remarkable. Republican supporters always show up at midnight on election night, then vanish. But they always show up at the last minute. No wonder they're so confident.
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PerryLogan said:
Funny, isn't it? The people who support the Republicans never seem to appear on the polls. This is most remarkable. Republican supporters always show up at midnight on election night, then vanish. But they always show up at the last minute. No wonder they're so confident.

Can we say "sour grapes"?
PerryLogan said:

& don't forget voter suppression, gerrymandering, massive slander & disinformation campaigns, sabotage, fraud, & the other tools necessary to maintain a "mandate" for a party the American people hate.

Funny, isn't it? The people who support the Republicans never seem to appear on the polls. This is most remarkable. Republican supporters always show up at midnight on election night, then vanish. But they always show up at the last minute. No wonder they're so confident.

Nothing funny about it all, as long as the liberal media helps to CREATE the false illusion about the mainstream majority is represented by the modern democratic party.:smile:

Much in the same vein that THEY tried to have people believe that Kerry was the overwhelming favorite by the "phoney" exit polls. Huh huh...& how the media attempted to influence the outcome of the 04' election by the forged, fraudulent military documents meant to impugn Bush's service record; ..& then presented by Dan Rather's "above reproach" credentials!:smile:

The reason as to WHY few republicans are on "polls" is because the media cannot manipulate the raw data as easilly as they try to do when attempting to get the desired results that THEY so seek! ;)

The MEDIA, & the democratic party are TWO PEAS IN THE SAME POD, & THAT is the real score!
PerryLogan said:
Hmmm. The "Dems' failure"? Do tell.

You might want to touch base with reality once in a while, my friends. We're the ones who paid off your world-record-shattering deficit, remember? Our guy turned it into the biggest SURPLUS in American history. Your guy promptly blew it, creating a bigger deficit than all previous Presidents combined.

That's some kinda Democratic failure, huh?


Along with the historians, 70+% of Americans now realize this is the Worst Adminstration Ever™, the Worst Congress Ever™, Most Incompetent Government Ever™, Most Corrupt Government in Galactic History™, etc., etc.

The Republican Party is destroying itself far better than the Democrats--or anyone else--could ever have done. But you still think their future is secure. If we had a healthcare system, I'd suggest you seek help.

Someone's been drinking the Kool-Aid a bit much.

When Bush took office we were already in a recession and jobs were in decline.
Sure they were--after the longest economic expansion in American history, 22 million new jobs, highest home ownership in American history, lowest unemployment in 30 years, the largest expansion of college opportunity since the GI Bill, the lowest crime rate in 26 years, lowest poverty rate in 20 years, the smallest welfare rolls in 32 years, lowest teen birthrate in 60 years, etc. Don't bother to thank us.

I think we should make the Republicans stay in power till they do something right. It's gotta happen sometime!

Here's some sweet grape kool-aid for ya--from that raving lib, Paul Craig Roberts:

Job growth over the last five years is the weakest on record....

US manufacturing lost 2.9 million jobs, almost 17% of the manufacturing work force. The wipeout is across the board. Not a single manufacturing payroll classification created a single new job.

The declines in some manufacturing sectors have more in common with a country undergoing saturation bombing during war than with a super-economy that is “the envy of the world.” Communications equipment lost 43% of its workforce. Semiconductors and electronic components lost 37% of its workforce. The workforce in computers and electronic products declined 30%. Electrical equipment and appliances lost 25% of its employees. The workforce in motor vehicles and parts declined 12%. Furniture and related products lost 17% of its jobs. Apparel manufacturers lost almost half of the work force. Employment in textile mills declined 43%. Paper and paper products lost one-fifth of its jobs. The work force in plastics and rubber products declined by 15%. Even manufacturers of beverages and tobacco products experienced a 7% shrinkage in jobs.

The knowledge jobs that were supposed to take the place of lost manufacturing jobs in the globalized “new economy” never appeared. The information sector lost 17% of its jobs, with the telecommunications work force declining by 25%. Even wholesale and retail trade lost jobs. Despite massive new accounting burdens imposed by Sarbanes-Oxley, accounting and bookkeeping employment shrank by 4%. Computer systems design and related lost 9% of its jobs. Today there are 209,000 fewer managerial and supervisory jobs than 5 years ago.

He's a slow learner--but evidently faster than you.
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We're the ones who paid off your world-record-shattering deficit, remember?

Remined me human... What party had power in Congress during this time?
A rhetorical question if I ever heard one--& elegantly stated, may I say. I especially appreciate it when righties use their spell-checkers.

& their grammar-checkers.

& their obscenity-catchers.

& their thesauri.

& their right-wing disinformation filters.

Just kidding. Calm down. Cheer up. It's not my fault your whole thing is over.

You're a cheeky one, Ivan. Not only do you not bother to thank us...you go ahead & try to take credit for a Congress that dug in its heels at every turn. Go ahead--help yourself, pal. We'll wait till you're finished.

With such a daunting list of incredible accomplishments to Bill Clinton's credit, the mind boggles at how many cool things Congress killed, huh?

As always, America overcame the burden of Republicanism...& succeeded!

Instead of taking credit for our stuff, you guys ought to try having some actual accomplishments of your own. Your poll numbers will soar, though that doesn't seem to affect the elections much anymore, does it?
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PerryLogan said:
Sure they were--after the longest economic expansion in American history, 22 million new jobs, highest home ownership in American history, lowest unemployment in 30 years, the largest expansion of college opportunity since the GI Bill, the lowest crime rate in 26 years, lowest poverty rate in 20 years, the smallest welfare rolls in 32 years, lowest teen birthrate in 60 years, etc. Don't bother to thank us.

I think we should make the Republicans stay in power till they do something right. It's gotta happen sometime!

Here's some sweet grape kool-aid for ya--from that raving lib, Paul Craig Roberts:


He's a slow learner--but evidently faster than you.

The unemployment rate during Bush's first term was at 5.4 percent which is lower than the average through the 1970-1990's.

Thank you!

You see? It's not hard at all. Just takes a little courage.

Come on...let's try it. Let's thank Bill Clinton for:

Longest economic expansion in American history--a record 115 months of economic expansion
More than 22 million new jobs: more than 22 million jobs were created in less than eight years -- the most ever under a single administration
Highest home ownership in American history
Made the Federal government smaller (a feat matched only by Harry Truman; if you like small government, vote Democratic)
Lowest unemployment in 30 years: unemployment dropped from more than 7 percent in 1993 to just 4.0 percent in November 2000; unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics fell to the lowest rates on record, and the rate for women was the lowest in more than 40 years
Largest expansion of college opportunity since the GI Bill
Connected 95 percent of schools to the Internet
Lowest crime rate in 26 years.
Family and Medical Leave Act for 20 million Americans
Smallest welfare rolls in 32 years
Higher incomes at all levels: after falling by nearly $2,000 between 1988 and 1992, the median family's income rose by $6,338, after adjusting for inflation; all income brackets experienced double-digit growth; the bottom 20 percent saw the largest income growth at 16.3 percent
Lowest poverty rate in 20 years: the poverty rate declined from 15.1 percent to 11.8 percent in 1999--the largest six-year drop in poverty in nearly 30 years
Lowest teen birth rate in 60 years
Lowest infant mortality rate in American history
Deactivated more than 1,700 nuclear warheads from the former Soviet Union: efforts of the Clinton-Gore Administration led to the dismantling of more than 1,700 nuclear warheads, 300 launchers and 425 land and submarine based missiles from the former Soviet Union
Paid off $360 billion of the national debt: under Clinton, we were on track to pay off the entire debt by 2009; what a difference a stolen election makes...
Converted the largest budget deficit in American history to the largest surplus
Lowest government spending in three decades
Lowest federal income tax burden in 35 years
More families owned stock than ever before
Most New Jobs Ever Created Under a Single Administration: Republicans really chew the rug when you mention this one, so it's worth repeating constantly
Median Family Income Up $6,000 since 1993
Unemployment at Its Lowest Level in More than 30 Years
Highest Home ownership Rate on Record
7 Million Fewer Americans Living in Poverty
Largest Surplus Ever
Lower Federal Government Spending: after increasing under the previous two administrations, federal government spending as a share of the economy was cut from 22.2 percent in 1992 to 18 percent in 2000--the lowest level since 1966
The Most U.S. Exports Ever: between 1992 and 2000, U.S. exports of goods and services grew by 74 percent, or nearly $500 billion, to top $1 trillion for the first time
Lowest Inflation since the 1960s: inflation was at the lowest rate since the Kennedy Administration, averaging 2.5 percent, down from 4.6 percent during the previous administration
The child poverty rate declined more than 25 percent
The poverty rate for single mothers was the lowest ever
The African American and elderly poverty rates dropped to their lowest level on record
The Hispanic poverty rate dropped to its lowest level since 1979
etc., etc.

All together now:
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Being that I'm not a 'Leftie' or 'Righty' I really have no problem giving praise or criticism to politicians.

My point also was that duing Bushs term the unemployment rate was 5.4 percent which was about the same as Clinton when he was up for relection in '96.
& a great point it was, my friend. But you're overfocussing just a bit & missing the forest for the trees. This seems to be a problem at this forum.

May I note that, whereas I supplied a veritable cornucopia of facts & figures proving the awesomeness of the Clinton Administration, the best our right-wing brethren can do is one niggling little stat or two--probably cooked at that?

"Ha!" I say!

These isolated figures creating the momentary illusion that the Bush Adminstration has done a single thing right are desperate efforts by proponents of a dying party, don't you agree?

Not to be rude, but Republicans have a documented track record of cooking up whatever stats they need, in the same way they cook intelligence, ignore science, & screw up the media.

We Dems don't need to cook our stats, because we have a legion of accomplishments to our credit.

The next time you read the contents on a can of food, thank a Democrat.
The next time you fasten your seatbelt, thank a Democrat.
The next time you attend a major state university, thank a Democrat.
The next time you use the Freedom of Information Act...thank a Democrat.

But I certainly won't hold my breath.

Question: If the Right are so great, why are they pathologically afraid to give liberals credit for their huge list of accomplishments?

Answer: Because everything the Right has ever done has failed! That's what they're hiding from when they overfocus on their bogus little stats. It's sad, watching them fade away like that...
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PerryLogan said:
Thank you!

You see? It's not hard at all. Just takes a little courage.

Come on...let's try it. Let's thank Bill Clinton for:

Longest economic expansion in American history--a record 115 months of economic expansion
More than 22 million new jobs: more than 22 million jobs were created in less than eight years -- the most ever under a single administration
Highest home ownership in American history
Made the Federal government smaller (a feat matched only by Harry Truman; if you like small government, vote Democratic)
Lowest unemployment in 30 years: unemployment dropped from more than 7 percent in 1993 to just 4.0 percent in November 2000; unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics fell to the lowest rates on record, and the rate for women was the lowest in more than 40 years
Largest expansion of college opportunity since the GI Bill
Connected 95 percent of schools to the Internet
Lowest crime rate in 26 years.
Family and Medical Leave Act for 20 million Americans
Smallest welfare rolls in 32 years
Higher incomes at all levels: after falling by nearly $2,000 between 1988 and 1992, the median family's income rose by $6,338, after adjusting for inflation; all income brackets experienced double-digit growth; the bottom 20 percent saw the largest income growth at 16.3 percent
Lowest poverty rate in 20 years: the poverty rate declined from 15.1 percent to 11.8 percent in 1999--the largest six-year drop in poverty in nearly 30 years
Lowest teen birth rate in 60 years
Lowest infant mortality rate in American history
Deactivated more than 1,700 nuclear warheads from the former Soviet Union: efforts of the Clinton-Gore Administration led to the dismantling of more than 1,700 nuclear warheads, 300 launchers and 425 land and submarine based missiles from the former Soviet Union
Paid off $360 billion of the national debt: under Clinton, we were on track to pay off the entire debt by 2009; what a difference a stolen election makes...
Converted the largest budget deficit in American history to the largest surplus
Lowest government spending in three decades
Lowest federal income tax burden in 35 years
More families owned stock than ever before
Most New Jobs Ever Created Under a Single Administration: Republicans really chew the rug when you mention this one, so it's worth repeating constantly
Median Family Income Up $6,000 since 1993
Unemployment at Its Lowest Level in More than 30 Years
Highest Home ownership Rate on Record
7 Million Fewer Americans Living in Poverty
Largest Surplus Ever
Lower Federal Government Spending: after increasing under the previous two administrations, federal government spending as a share of the economy was cut from 22.2 percent in 1992 to 18 percent in 2000--the lowest level since 1966
The Most U.S. Exports Ever: between 1992 and 2000, U.S. exports of goods and services grew by 74 percent, or nearly $500 billion, to top $1 trillion for the first time
Lowest Inflation since the 1960s: inflation was at the lowest rate since the Kennedy Administration, averaging 2.5 percent, down from 4.6 percent during the previous administration
The child poverty rate declined more than 25 percent
The poverty rate for single mothers was the lowest ever
The African American and elderly poverty rates dropped to their lowest level on record
The Hispanic poverty rate dropped to its lowest level since 1979
etc., etc.

All together now:
You've shown alot of things that happened, but nowhere do I see what Clinton did to MAKE anything happen....Where are the bills and laws and contracts that were signed that made these things take effect?....

I also notice you like to give credit to the President, but not the people that undertook any initiatives themselves...example...your last one...

The Hispanic poverty rate dropped to its lowest level since 1979

Funny...You think it's wonderful that Clinton somehow did this, but you give absolutely NO credit to...(drumroll please)....

The Hispanics!...

What were THEY doing all that time?...Sitting around waiting for Clinton to show up on his white horse?...

If I were Hispanic, I'd be greatly insulted if I pulled myself up by the bootstraps to get out of poverty only to have people like you tell me it had nothing to do with me and it was only through the big guy in office...:roll:
PerryLogan said:
Thank you!

You see? It's not hard at all. Just takes a little courage.

Come on...let's try it. Let's thank Bill Clinton for:

Longest economic expansion in American history--a record 115 months of economic expansion
More than 22 million new jobs: more than 22 million jobs were created in less than eight years -- the most ever under a single administration
Highest home ownership in American history
Made the Federal government smaller (a feat matched only by Harry Truman; if you like small government, vote Democratic)
Lowest unemployment in 30 years: unemployment dropped from more than 7 percent in 1993 to just 4.0 percent in November 2000; unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics fell to the lowest rates on record, and the rate for women was the lowest in more than 40 years
Largest expansion of college opportunity since the GI Bill
Connected 95 percent of schools to the Internet
Lowest crime rate in 26 years.
Family and Medical Leave Act for 20 million Americans
Smallest welfare rolls in 32 years
Higher incomes at all levels: after falling by nearly $2,000 between 1988 and 1992, the median family's income rose by $6,338, after adjusting for inflation; all income brackets experienced double-digit growth; the bottom 20 percent saw the largest income growth at 16.3 percent
Lowest poverty rate in 20 years: the poverty rate declined from 15.1 percent to 11.8 percent in 1999--the largest six-year drop in poverty in nearly 30 years
Lowest teen birth rate in 60 years
Lowest infant mortality rate in American history
Deactivated more than 1,700 nuclear warheads from the former Soviet Union: efforts of the Clinton-Gore Administration led to the dismantling of more than 1,700 nuclear warheads, 300 launchers and 425 land and submarine based missiles from the former Soviet Union
Paid off $360 billion of the national debt: under Clinton, we were on track to pay off the entire debt by 2009; what a difference a stolen election makes...
Converted the largest budget deficit in American history to the largest surplus
Lowest government spending in three decades
Lowest federal income tax burden in 35 years
More families owned stock than ever before
Most New Jobs Ever Created Under a Single Administration: Republicans really chew the rug when you mention this one, so it's worth repeating constantly
Median Family Income Up $6,000 since 1993
Unemployment at Its Lowest Level in More than 30 Years
Highest Home ownership Rate on Record
7 Million Fewer Americans Living in Poverty
Largest Surplus Ever
Lower Federal Government Spending: after increasing under the previous two administrations, federal government spending as a share of the economy was cut from 22.2 percent in 1992 to 18 percent in 2000--the lowest level since 1966
The Most U.S. Exports Ever: between 1992 and 2000, U.S. exports of goods and services grew by 74 percent, or nearly $500 billion, to top $1 trillion for the first time
Lowest Inflation since the 1960s: inflation was at the lowest rate since the Kennedy Administration, averaging 2.5 percent, down from 4.6 percent during the previous administration
The child poverty rate declined more than 25 percent
The poverty rate for single mothers was the lowest ever
The African American and elderly poverty rates dropped to their lowest level on record
The Hispanic poverty rate dropped to its lowest level since 1979
etc., etc.

All together now:

Damn dude. Take his balls out of your mouth. Clinton was a piece of shiit. Try not to be such a slobbering political slave. "Thanking Bill" for eight years of poll appeasing and false peace at the expenese of our defense and military readiness is pathetic. You forgot to add 9/11 as one of his gifts to America. As long as Americans were happy at home and ignorant to what was really going on out there, the President kept up the charade. The 90's would be the true measure of American/Liberal troop support.

It should be no wonder why President Bush had to spend billions on the military to equip them to face the ignored scourge of humanity.
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You guys are weaseling now. You're squirming like a can of worms.

It's like this: the Democrats have a resume...the Republicans don't. The only people who don't know this by now are slow learners.

Showing signs of desperation, Cnredd even says I'm short-changing the Hispanics. Verily, liberals are wicked: even when they do good things, it proves they're bad.

Is this what passes for logic amongst the right? No wonder you screw up all the time.

Maybe Cnredd can explain why the Hispanics (& everyone else in America) suddenly, uh, lost their wonderful initiative once your guy got into power. I'm guessing this was the liberals's fault, too.

GySgt, you go to bed without dinner tonight. You are not worthy to lick Bill Clinton's boots.
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PerryLogan said:
You guys are weaseling now. You're squirming like a can of worms.

It's like this: the Democrats have a resume...the Republicans don't. The only people who don't know this by now are slow learners.

Showing signs of desperation, Cnredd even says I'm short-changing the Hispanics. Verily, liberals are wicked: even when they do good things, it proves they're bad.

Is this what passes for logic amongst the right? No wonder you screw up all the time.

Maybe Cnredd can explain why the Hispanics (& everyone else in America) suddenly, uh, lost their wonderful initiative once your guy got into power. I'm guessing this was the liberals's fault, too.

GySgt, you go to bed without dinner tonight. You are not worthy to lick Bill Clinton's boots.

Looky here folks. Another partisan slave that sees the country as either Republican or Democrat. I stand back and laugh at both crowds. However, liberals certainly have their own despicable category. The left's hypocrisy is immeasurable. Liberals no more care about civil rights around the world than they do for decency in America. They have proven time and again to be history's greatest hypocrits.

Where were they when the screams of torture victims pierced the prison walls under Saddam? Where was the Left as the Sudanese government conducted a campaign of genocide against the wretched of the earth in Darfur Province? Oh, yes, there were a few crocodile tears—but where were the demands for intervention? Where are the campus demonstrations against that great liberator, Robert Mugabe, who destroyed Zimbabwe, terrorized its people—and is using scarce reserves of food as a weapon while his citizens slowly starve? Where is the American Left’s sense of justice in the face of European anti-semitism? Of course, the spreading hate-crimes against Jews, synagogues and cemeteries are all Israel’s fault…that’s been explained to us. Then where are the protests against the corruption and repression used as tools of control by the Palestinian Authority? The self-respecting Leftist whispers, "It’s their culture…" As are suicide bombers, no doubt. When will we see mass demonstrations demanding rights for women in the Islamic world?

No matter how many brown or black human beings suffer around the world—starved, ethnically cleansed, raped, tortured, murdered—it doesn’t count unless they can blame America. Intervention to stymie tyrants couldn’t be more right in Bosnia or Kosovo when Democrats owned the White House, but automatically wrong with Republican sponsors. The partisan parlor tricks is disgusting. This isn’t just hypocrisy on the part of the Left. It’s complicity.

The truth is that our Left is so intellectually decrepit, so infected by dishonesty, so morally feeble that it has only breath enough to condemn American actions. No matter how many injustices are committed by oppressive and tyrannic men—it doesn’t count unless you can blame America. The American Left is out of ideas, out of morals and out of simple decency. All they can do is to shout, lie and pretend to care about those American citizens (our troops, inner-city minorities, and the average working man and woman) and American "victims" - for whom they don’t give a tiny shred of a damn.
PerryLogan said:
& a great point it was, my friend. But you're overfocussing just a bit & missing the forest for the trees. This seems to be a problem at this forum.

May I note that, whereas I supplied a veritable cornucopia of facts & figures proving the awesomeness of the Clinton Administration, the best our right-wing brethren can do is one niggling little stat or two--probably cooked at that?

"Ha!" I say!

These isolated figures creating the momentary illusion that the Bush Adminstration has done a single thing right are desperate efforts by proponents of a dying party, don't you agree?

Not to be rude, but Republicans have a documented track record of cooking up whatever stats they need, in the same way they cook intelligence, ignore science, & screw up the media.

We Dems don't need to cook our stats, because we have a legion of accomplishments to our credit.

The next time you read the contents on a can of food, thank a Democrat.
The next time you fasten your seatbelt, thank a Democrat.
The next time you attend a major state university, thank a Democrat.
The next time you use the Freedom of Information Act...thank a Democrat.

But I certainly won't hold my breath.

Question: If the Right are so great, why are they pathologically afraid to give liberals credit for their huge list of accomplishments?

Answer: Because everything the Right has ever done has failed! That's what they're hiding from when they overfocus on their bogus little stats. It's sad, watching them fade away like that...


Beginning with the loss of control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term election in Clinton's first term, progressively, over the next six years the socialist-Lib-Dems lost control of the Senate and the Presidency. During the next four years, the Republicans increased their margin in both the House and Senate, and won a second term for the Presidency.

Having been drubbed at the polls in six elections over ten years, despite the fact that registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans, the socialist-Lib-Dems have nothing left to lose. So, they concentrate on a single, pointed, strategy. That is to do anything and everything in their power to make the Administration look bad. With the mainstream media on their side, they pound away at the President's every move, every word, every policy, regardless of the consequences. What they fail to understand is that their ultra-liberal policies and practices no longer resonate with the electorate as once they did.

This is nothing new. The same antics, in the late 60s, prolonged the Viet Nam business by several years and about twenty thousand US KIA. Our Democratic Liberal left will cry out for “peace” and declare their well intentions to every service man, but underneath it all, they only care about the presidency. They do not care that their constant undermining of the Republican President, in the name of Party unison, will further this war and make the effort all the more difficult. Their insistence for deadlines and complete publication of any and every scandal they can drum up only serves to place obstacles in the way of every American that carries a rifle against our enemy - of whose "rights" are of deep concern to our Liberal masses.

So much for imagined accolades and "accomplishments."
GySgt said:

Beginning with the loss of control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term election in Clinton's first term, progressively, over the next six years the socialist-Lib-Dems lost control of the Senate and the Presidency. During the next four years, the Republicans increased their margin in both the House and Senate, and won a second term for the Presidency.

Having been drubbed at the polls in six elections over ten years, despite the fact that registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans, the socialist-Lib-Dems have nothing left to lose. So, they concentrate on a single, pointed, strategy. That is to do anything and everything in their power to make the Administration look bad. With the mainstream media on their side, they pound away at the President's every move, every word, every policy, regardless of the consequences. What they fail to understand is that their ultra-liberal policies and practices no longer resonate with the electorate as once they did.

This is nothing new. The same antics, in the late 60s, prolonged the Viet Nam business by several years and about twenty thousand US KIA. Our Democratic Liberal left will cry out for “peace” and declare their well intentions to every service man, but underneath it all, they only care about the presidency. They do not care that their constant undermining of the Republican President, in the name of Party unison, will further this war and make the effort all the more difficult. Their insistence for deadlines and complete publication of any and every scandal they can drum up only serves to place obstacles in the way of every American that carries a rifle against our enemy - of whose "rights" are of deep concern to our Liberal masses.

So much for imagined accolades and "accomplishments."

Dear GySgt, ..excellent post! The democrats have a had a LONG sorry history of putting whats best for the democratic party instead of whats best for America on the top of their wish list!

I prefer saying it this way with regards to elected democratic party presidents:

There has been ONLY 1-democratic party president since Jimmy Carter, & in that we had a two termed Bill Clinton as president, ..& HAD he HONESTLY campaigned on who & what he REALLY believed in instead of campaigning as a "centrist", ..as his disingenuine wife currently does, ..he NEVER would have been president!

Indeed, Liberals have NO hope of being elected as president UNLESS they PRETEND to be EVERYTHING except liberal.

The mainstream majority NOW knows this, ..& will NOT be fooled again as the mainstream media no longer has a monopoly on the news anymore!:smile:

A rhetorical question if I ever heard one--& elegantly stated, may I say. I especially appreciate it when righties use their spell-checkers.

& their grammar-checkers.

& their obscenity-catchers.

& their thesauri.

& their right-wing disinformation filters.

What is this? Your attempt at some sort of insult? If you want to play games human come to the basement… I will make a thread just for you… I shall wish your post ended here. But you continue...

You're a cheeky one, Ivan. Not only do you not bother to thank us...you go ahead & try to take credit for a Congress that dug in its heels at every turn. Go ahead--help yourself, pal. We'll wait till you're finished.

And rightly so. Had "Slick Willie" had his way the Great Depression would be a day in the park compared what we would be facing now. However, he did do at least one thing well.

The Welfare Reform act. The Right has known the inherit flaw in welfare since its conception. It breeds unemployment! After all, why work when you can get paid for doing nothing. By the way have you read the law?

Maybe Cnredd can explain why the Hispanics (& everyone else in America) suddenly, uh, lost their wonderful initiative once your guy got into power. I'm guessing this was the liberals's fault, too.

First NEVER capitalized cnredd's name. Only I may do that. Second he is right. What did "Slick Wille" actually do to help Hispanics? Did he give them all government jobs? I guess that would explain why they all got fired when Bush came into power. I'm not sure he or anyone can take credit for a good economy, unless he did something profound. Welfare Reform was a step in the right direction. But ultimately the people control economy. Hint free market, the thing you liberals want to destroy.

Squirm, little Righties! Squirm if you can!

Now might be a good time to point out that right-wingers believe they can read liberals' minds.

I told you they were nutty! That's why their policies are such catastrophic failures.

I've learned from this thread that liberals are decrepit, immoral, infected by dishonesty; liberals want to destroy the free market (if GWB doesn't kill it first); liberals only care about their party; liberals don't give a tiny shred of a damn about anybody.

All this from guys who don't know doodley-squat about Democrats or liberals.

The right think they can read the minds of people far smarter than they. This is both sad & funny.

With that kind of delusional thinking afflicting their judgement, it's no wonder the whole political right in America is going down in flames. Crazy people can't possibly run a country. This explains everything, doesn't it?

Getting back to reality. I came here, nice as can be, & posted a humongous list of awesome Democratic accomplishments. The logical thing to do would be to present me with a daunting list of Republican accomplishments, right?

Right. But no one can do this because there are no Republican accomplishments.

In the history of the world, no right-wing policy has ever worked. A few years of Republican power have made this obvious to everyone but the Republicans themselves.
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My only regret is that you did not come downstairs with this "argument" . There I would express how I truly feel.

I've learned from this thread that liberals are decrepit, immoral, infected by dishonesty; liberals want to destroy the free market (if GWB doesn't kill it first); liberals only care about their party; liberals don't give a tiny shred of a damn about anybody.

Not exactly... Their polices lead to that effect.

Getting back to reality. I came here, nice as can be, & posted a humongous list of awesome Democratic accomplishments.

As cnredd has shown, the list of accomplishments were made by people. And would have happened no matter who was in power as long as the market was left alone.

Right. But no one can do this because there are no Republican accomplishments.

What do you make of the unemployment rate now? What about the Welfare Reform Act? Also how far back are we talking? I could go on and on.

A few years of Republican power have made this obvious to everyone but the Republicans themselves.

Must have fooled the Dems too. The last election was a land slide.

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