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Dems have new moniker for Trump: ‘Unindicted co-conspirator' (1 Viewer)


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Democrats have ramped up their rhetoric toward President Trump in response to court filings in which prosecutors said Michael Cohen violated campaign finance laws at then-candidate Trump’s direction.

A trio of Democratic lawmakers on Sunday raised the possibility that the president could face an indictment upon his departure from office, while Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) argued that Trump is an “unindicted co-conspirator,” a term previously applied to former President Nixon. (ABC’s “This Week.”)
Trump may be in for Watergate redux.

Democrats have ramped up their rhetoric toward President Trump in response to court filings in which prosecutors said Michael Cohen violated campaign finance laws at then-candidate Trump’s direction.

A trio of Democratic lawmakers on Sunday raised the possibility that the president could face an indictment upon his departure from office, while Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) argued that Trump is an “unindicted co-conspirator,” a term previously applied to former President Nixon. (ABC’s “This Week.”)
Trump may be in for Watergate redux.

Kind of hard to have an unindicted co-conspirator when there is no crime. Perhaps those Congressmen aren't as smart as they think they are.
Kind of hard to have an unindicted co-conspirator when there is no crime. Perhaps those Congressmen aren't as smart as they think they are.

Breaking the law: it's not a crime!
Hysterical thread. Lots of wishful praying by the president Trump haters.
This very same type of thread is posted over and over day after day for the last 2 and half years.
President Trump is finish they scream, no really this time he is finished. And for the last two years
you have been wrong each and every time! :lamo

Trump beats them every single day!!
Hysterical thread. Lots of wishful praying by the president Trump haters.
This very same type of thread is posted over and over day after day for the last 2 and half years.
President Trump is finish they scream, no really this time he is finished. And for the last two years
you have been wrong each and every time! :lamo

Trump beats them every single day!!
What's hysterical is your having devolved the US political process to the analytically banal level of declaring the winner/loser of a boxing match or other sporting competition.

Democrats have ramped up their rhetoric toward President Trump in response to court filings in which prosecutors said Michael Cohen violated campaign finance laws at then-candidate Trump’s direction.

A trio of Democratic lawmakers on Sunday raised the possibility that the president could face an indictment upon his departure from office, while Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) argued that Trump is an “unindicted co-conspirator,” a term previously applied to former President Nixon. (ABC’s “This Week.”)
Trump may be in for Watergate redux.

Or Trump may NOT be in for Watergate redux. The words, could and possibility have no meaning for you?

Sorry to ruin your 'progressive' narrative. :mrgreen:

Democrats have ramped up their rhetoric toward President Trump in response to court filings in which prosecutors said Michael Cohen violated campaign finance laws at then-candidate Trump’s direction.

A trio of Democratic lawmakers on Sunday raised the possibility that the president could face an indictment upon his departure from office, while Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) argued that Trump is an “unindicted co-conspirator,” a term previously applied to former President Nixon. (ABC’s “This Week.”)
Trump may be in for Watergate redux.

The Watergate investigation was based on an actial crime. Muellergate isn't. Huge difference.
Kind of hard to have an unindicted co-conspirator when there is no crime. Perhaps those Congressmen aren't as smart as they think they are.

Because you have a truckload of individuals going to prison and/or taking plea when they are innocent.;)

I will wait to see how or if Mueller connects the dots.

But it seems the way that Trump drains the swamp is to have dealings with individuals and let Mueller do the actual draining.
Breaking the law: it's not a crime!

Fake crimes!

Maybe they can get some Plea Powder .... might help them stop scratching that itch?
Or Trump may NOT be in for Watergate redux. The words, could and possibility have no meaning for you?

Sorry to ruin your 'progressive' narrative. :mrgreen:

He literally used the word "may" in his comment. What the **** are you on about?
The Watergate investigation was based on an actial crime. Muellergate isn't. Huge difference.

You are not paying attention. Yes over 100 federal charges for no actual crime? Sorry, but that is height of denial.
He literally used the word "may" in his comment. What the **** are you on about?

My point above stands. :2wave:
My point above stands. :2wave:

"Trump may be in for trouble."


Uh.... yeah pretty sure he knows.

Democrats have ramped up their rhetoric toward President Trump in response to court filings in which prosecutors said Michael Cohen violated campaign finance laws at then-candidate Trump’s direction.

A trio of Democratic lawmakers on Sunday raised the possibility that the president could face an indictment upon his departure from office, while Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) argued that Trump is an “unindicted co-conspirator,” a term previously applied to former President Nixon. (ABC’s “This Week.”)
Trump may be in for Watergate redux.

Sounds about right.
You are not paying attention. Yes over 100 federal charges for no actual crime? Sorry, but that is height of denial.

What actual crime is the Mueller witch hunt based on?
What actual crime is the Mueller witch hunt based on?

Russian interference into the 2016 elections followed by the firing of James Comey to quell the investigation and open up allegations of obstruction of justice, followed by the fact the a federal investigation must look at all crimes it uncovers in the process of that investigation, followed by Trump was stupid enough to surround himself with corrupt individuals (likely because he was corrupt himself).... followed by, followed by, followed by...

Well lets let the DoJ answer that...


Its unfortunate that we elected such a corrupt individual that it requires a team of 14 highly skilled fraud auditors and prosecutors busy for two or three years just to understand the corruption.
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Russian interference into the 2016 elections followed by the firing of James Comey to quell the investigation and open up allegations of obstruction of justice, followed by the fact the a federal investigation must look at all crimes it uncovers in the process of that investigation, followed by Trump was stupid enough to surround himself with corrupt individuals (likely because he was corrupt himself).... followed by, followed by, followed by...

Well lets let the DoJ answer that...


Its unfortunate that we elected such a corrupt individual that it requires a team of 14 highly skilled fraud auditors and prosecutors busy for two or three years just to understand the corruption.

Like I said, it isn't based on a crime.
Kind of hard to have an unindicted co-conspirator when there is no crime. Perhaps those Congressmen aren't as smart as they think they are.

Sorry. I am pretty sure Cohen is going to jail for breaking laws at Trump's direction.

Did you miss the news?

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