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Demokrats, Amerika and ObamaKare (1 Viewer)

This blog post is dedicated to the man from the Great Plains of NoMoAuchie... Zyphlin:

Demokrats: The metasticized cancerous Socialist wing of the Democrat Party that has now taken over it whole. No longer is there room for Blue Dawgs (did not see any during the ObamaKare vote), or the likes of Joe Lieberman. Demokrats are largely anti-American and prone to lying to aggressively defend their Socialist gains (much like the jackals in The Omen). Had their first candidate elected president in 2008; he who wanted to "change America fundamentally" into "Amerika" (see below).

Amerika: The Socialist State Demokrats dream of. They're well on their way to enslaving the nation with their programs, intrusions, class warfare, and multiples of Mt. Everest debt. The counter-culture Alinskyites have done a great job perverting our schools, courts and institutions. Future generations will be paying for their total idiocy.

ObamaKare: Massive state intervention into US medical care with the goal of gracing us eventually (as admitted by Barack Hussein Obama) to North Korean styled healthkare... aka "single payer". ObamaKare, the scheme foisted on the "stupidity" of Americans (Jon Gruber quoted there). Use of tax authorities (IRS) to punish non-compilers. Actually forcing individuals to purchase a service. ObamaKare: named after Alinskyite, Barack Hussein Obama, Socialist-Demokrat from the bankrupt state of Illinois (home of his friends, domestic terrorist William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Tony Rezko, Louis Farrakhan, and his racist mentor... a supposed Reverend called Wright). Note. Barack Hussein Obama is originally from Hawaii, and Indo.
Komrade, your klear kut inability to kreate kogent points is on krystal klear display here.
What in the world does any of this specifically have to do with Zyphlin?
X Factor;bt4062 said:
What in the world does any of this specifically have to do with Zyphlin?

Komrade, klearly that heaping krap post is not the posters fault, but Zyphlin's!
It was a clear, concise, expertly written explanation of why I've distorted spellings as I have.

I understand you and others don't like this in the least... Oh well.

And it seems you believe adding "k's" everywhere is some type of slight. Nope. It's positive reinforcement. The more you and others complain, the more it reveals how effective these slight adjustment to the English language are. If it wasn't effective, if it didn't bother you so, you wouldn't have been complaining regularly for years now. It seems to be a monthly thing... Hmmmm?

I live rent free in that cavity... between your ears I see. You dream of me and "k's" at night too? LOL...

Gute Besserung.
lol @ the Democratic Party embracing socialism.. pretty sure they cheated the one guy that actually wanted to move in a People's Left direction, out of the nomination. Going to be a fun time on DP, when the left wing revolution sweeps the nation in the coming years.
Winston;bt4069 said:
lol @ the Democratic Party embracing socialism.. pretty sure they cheated the one guy that actually wanted to move in a People's Left direction, out of the nomination. Going to be a fun time on DP, when the left wing revolution sweeps the nation in the coming years.

The DNC and Media colluded to stack the deck in Hillary's favor because it was her turn. She had consumed enough feces, and it was time for another "rabbit from the hat" candidate. Problem is, it was a rancid rabbit, and everyone knew it... but they thought they could push her over the finish line anyway. Oops!!!

Doesn't make them any less Socialist.

You've got a long way to go for the "revolution" to happen. The Goebbels Media is not helping your cause, and the Demokrat Party has no coherent message, no leadership, and no bench.

The time will come when D's will win something again, but it looks a looong way off, and it surely doesn't look like it will be revolutionary. The Demokrats and their Goebbels Media have inflicted much damage upon the Demokrat Party.

And that's wonderful.
I'm waiting for Republikans to pass Trumpkare. Unless They kan't.
rocket88;bt4075 said:
I'm waiting for Republikans to pass Trumpkare. Unless They kan't.

You and me both.

One day... as ObamaKare's costs are through the roof, and deductibles for many are so high, they're paying a premium for nothing.

Was there something you wanted to comment on one way or the other concerning the blog post?
I honestly think you would like a one party state. Sieg Heil!
vegas giants;bt4079 said:
I honestly think you would like a one party state. Sieg Heil!

I'm for maximum Liberty. Strong military. Good policing, safe streets, schools where kids learn, low taxation, secure borders, and the like.

That is Nazi-like to you? OK.

The Leftist Trifecta so brilliantly defined above is not about Liberty.

Your... "honestly"... reveals more about your mentality than mine.

Thanks for your coming out party.
Get rid of the democrats and you have your one party rule.....just like Stalin
Oh and the Nazis had a strong military, good policing (at least in some eyes), safe streets, good schools, low taxes and a secure border

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