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Demographics on the Forum: Country, Age, Gender? (1 Viewer)

Demographics on the Forum: Country, Age, Gender?

  • 18-30, Male, U.S.

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • 18-30, Female, U.S.

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • 18-30, Male, Other Country

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • 18-30, Female, Other Country

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • 31-45, Male, U.S.

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • 31-45, Female, U.S.

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • 31-45, Male, Other Country

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • 31-45, Female, Other Country

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Other, U.S.

    Votes: 15 17.6%
  • Other, Other Country

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters


Active member
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
Texan by Choice
I'm just curious and want to know the demographics of this forum. I'm combining similar polls into this.

I'm between 18-30, male, and from the U.S.
17 is close enough to 18...18-30 from US
Extremely informed and educated at the age of 17. Too bad it's being wasted on liberal ideas.

Too bad you didn't see the "Other, U.S." choice on there. So, nevermind the "educated" part of my post.

OOOO, burn, ShamMol, burn! :tomato:
Last edited:
flip2 said:
Extremely informed and educated at the age of 17. Too bad it's being wasted on liberal ideas.

Too bad you didn't see the "Other, U.S." choice on there. So, nevermind the "educated" part of my post.

OOOO, burn, ShamMol, burn! :tomato:
Ah, touche salesman, touche...(sorry, too many family guy quote up in my head for my own good...)...what was I saying? Ironically, my mother is quite moderate and my dad is conservative and my sister is moderate as well...and I'm not a rebel. I guess I don't fit the mold for a young liberal, but since I am about a month away from my 18th birthday, I consider myself 18 already.

Oh, and it's too bad that you have to say burn, when obviously the best phrase to use is "Ta Da." So Ta Da flip.
I wouldn't rush to say you were 18. Enjoy your youth every chance you get. I'm only 23, but I feel so old. Also, when you're free (as in, move away), don't EVER spend more than $10 to get into a club. Even if you ARE over 21. You'll get the same entertainment at a hole in the wall night club for a whole lot cheaper. I've learned the hard way.

ooo, burn for me, buuuurrrn.
flip2 said:
I wouldn't rush to say you were 18. Enjoy your youth every chance you get. I'm only 23, but I feel so old. Also, when you're free (as in, move away), don't EVER spend more than $10 to get into a club. Even if you ARE over 21. You'll get the same entertainment at a hole in the wall night club for a whole lot cheaper. I've learned the hard way.

ooo, burn for me, buuuurrrn.

COMPLETELY agree. I live in NYC, have NEVER paid more than $5 to go to a club, and most assuredly, have never found myself short on good times...

It's always funny to go visit my hometown or a hole like Poughkeepsie and see shitty little clubs charging 15 bucks because they think that's what people in NYC pay to go to clubs.
Folgore said:
21, male other country :smoking:

In which country do you reside? Honor, Fidelity, Courage. Sure doesn't sound like :2canadian :2rofll: Whew, Italy, right?
31-45 US Male. :)
Pssh--I get pissed if I have to pay $5 to get into a club. You know on top of that 5 bucks each beer will be like, $6.

BTW--24 yr old female, from US

26 ~ female ~ *Israel and the United States*

I just love messing with Bell Curve crappola ;)


umm...I put other from U.S....because I'm a minor lol...anywho yeah, I'm an American male who lives in Chicago...
I am 18,male and U.S. :shock:
I am male, 31 years old (damn, just missed that young age catergory!), and from Georgia, USA.

A few more specifics even though they weren't requested - I am white, Presbyterian, a college graduate (psychology), and married with no children.
Male; upper end of 31 - 45; England; gay and proud!
walrus said:
I am male, 31 years old (damn, just missed that young age catergory!), and from Georgia, USA.

A few more specifics even though they weren't requested - I am white, Presbyterian, a college graduate (psychology), and married with no children.

If I could, I would change it.
I see naughty nurse and think of a hot little candy striper. Then I see the following.. ewwww, I need a shower... not that there is anything wrong with that.... QUOTE=Naughty Nurse]Male; upper end of 31 - 45; England; gay and proud![/QUOTE]
teacher said:
I see naughty nurse and think of a hot little candy striper. Then I see the following.. ewwww, I need a shower... not that there is anything wrong with that.... QUOTE=Naughty Nurse]Male; upper end of 31 - 45; England; gay and proud!

:2rofll: WHEW! You sure, teacher? I'm sure Naughty Nurse wouldn't mind you teaching him a few things.
teacher said:
I see naughty nurse and think of a hot little candy striper. Then I see the following.. ewwww, I need a shower... not that there is anything wrong with that.... QUOTE=Naughty Nurse]Male; upper end of 31 - 45; England; gay and proud!

Need any help with that shower, teach? :2funny:
U.S., 37, Female.

Too liberal for Christian circles, too conservative for here. *Sigh*

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