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Democrats try to stack the deck in Ohio (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
Political Leaning
Planned Parenthood, Amnesty International, the Sierra Club, and several other Democrat activist groups are sponsoring four bills coming up in Ohio's upcoming election that would loosen state campaign finance laws to allow out-of-state millionaires and activist groups-like the ones sponsoring this bill ;) - to contribute ten times the currently legal amount to get Democrats elected.

One of their websites says, "This is our chance to drive a stake into the heart of the Ohio GOP."

This is undeniably a purely partisan move.

If they had this law in effect in 2004, Kerry would have had unlimited deep pockets with which to remind of us of his purple hearts and to distract us from his obscenely fanatical voting record.

This move demonstrates what a lie it is when Democrats claim to represent the little guy. Whether it be protecting frivolous lawsuits, raising taxes, or helping labor unions senselessly bankrupt companies, Democrats help the little guy into joblessness and unaffordable healthcare.

When Gore and Bush had to rush to raise funds for legal battle in Election 2000, Bush put a limit on how much people could donate, and the average contribution was around $50. Gore put none on his and the average contribution was in the hundreds of thousands.

Democrats represent and serve wealthy elitist snobs. Republicans represent the average Joe.

Democrats belittle the little guy. They sneer at those who live in insignificant "fly-over states" as if they were ignorant, peon, nobodys.
aquapub said:
Planned Parenthood, Amnesty International, the Sierra Club, and several other Democrat activist groups are sponsoring four bills coming up in Ohio's upcoming election that would loosen state campaign finance laws to allow out-of-state millionaires and activist groups-like the ones sponsoring this bill ;) - to contribute ten times the currently legal amount to get Democrats elected.

One of their websites says, "This is our chance to drive a stake into the heart of the Ohio GOP."

This is undeniably a purely partisan move.

If they had this law in effect in 2004, Kerry would have had unlimited deep pockets with which to remind of us of his purple hearts and to distract us from his obscenely fanatical voting record.

This move demonstrates what a lie it is when Democrats claim to represent the little guy. Whether it be protecting frivolous lawsuits, raising taxes, or helping labor unions senselessly bankrupt companies, Democrats help the little guy into joblessness and unaffordable healthcare.

When Gore and Bush had to rush to raise funds for legal battle in Election 2000, Bush put a limit on how much people could donate, and the average contribution was around $50. Gore put none on his and the average contribution was in the hundreds of thousands.

Democrats represent and serve wealthy elitist snobs. Republicans represent the average Joe.

Democrats belittle the little guy. They sneer at those who live in insignificant "fly-over states" as if they were ignorant, peon, nobodys.

Your signature is about the most insulting thing I have ever read. Oh, and I live in a "fly-over state". Hate is not a virtue you know.
aquapub said:
Planned Parenthood, Amnesty International, the Sierra Club, and several other Democrat activist groups are sponsoring four bills coming up in Ohio's upcoming election that would loosen state campaign finance laws to allow out-of-state millionaires and activist groups-like the ones sponsoring this bill ;) - to contribute ten times the currently legal amount to get Democrats elected.
How 'bout links to the text of the bills so that folks can read them for they ownselves and make up they own minds about the nature of the things?

I mean, me personal, I have trouble deciding if I'm for 'r agin somethin when I don't even know what it is.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Your signature is about the most insulting thing I have ever read. Oh, and I live in a "fly-over state". Hate is not a virtue you know.

I happen to like his signature.
his signature is just plain stupid. I wonder why you all just focus on the bad side of welfare, which encompasses a minority in the welfare population. Welfare has benefitted a lot of americans too.
nkgupta80 said:
his signature is just plain stupid. I wonder why you all just focus on the bad side of welfare, which encompasses a minority in the welfare population. Welfare has benefitted a lot of americans too.

Well not only that, he says that all criminals are Democrats. You really have to pitty someone like that. Nothing but hate in their heart.
nkgupta80 said:
his signature is just plain stupid. I wonder why you all just focus on the bad side of welfare, which encompasses a minority in the welfare population. Welfare has benefitted a lot of americans too.

Its beneffited Americans by taxing and hence punishing those Americans who have benefitted themselves, by keeping their finances in order and actually having an education and a half-way-decent job.

The welfare population would be much smaller if there were no welfare... they would have to actually contribute to society to get by... rather than just leech off society.
KevinWan said:
Its beneffited Americans by taxing and hence punishing those Americans who have benefitted themselves, by keeping their finances in order and actually having an education and a half-way-decent job.

The welfare population would be much smaller if there were no welfare... they would have to actually contribute to society to get by... rather than just leech off society.

Cant you only be on it for 2 years? Do you realize that before The Great Society that poverty rates were twice what they are now?
SouthernDemocrat said:
Your signature is about the most insulting thing I have ever read. Oh, and I live in a "fly-over state". Hate is not a virtue you know.

I thought his signature was very funny myself. Fly over state/ try living in MD. It is not hate, you are just too ignorant to see the whole picture.
KevinWan said:
Its beneffited Americans by taxing and hence punishing those Americans who have benefitted themselves, by keeping their finances in order and actually having an education and a half-way-decent job.

The welfare population would be much smaller if there were no welfare... they would have to actually contribute to society to get by... rather than just leech off society.

What is it now...3 years before you can no longer draw welfare checks? ( Thanks to the Clinton administration, and yes, the republican congress....see how fair I am?)

Let's say you're a young mother...with a small pre-school child...and let's also assume your husband ran off with that donut waitress down at the Krispy Kreme, along with his weekly paycheck...let's also assume that since your child is a newborn, you can no longer afford to continue your education, work part-time, and still pay for your child's care?

Welfare can be a life saver for individuals like this...giving them a chance to get their life back together, rather then being forced out on the street.

We're supposed to be America....we should be helping the 'poor and down trodden'...especially when it's our own people, and especially when their circumstances are no real fault of their own.

What do you want to do? Throw them out on the street...because they "leech off society?"
MCcorno89 said:
I thought his signature was very funny myself. Fly over state/ try living in MD. It is not hate, you are just too ignorant to see the whole picture.

I don't care about the fly over state part. I live in a fly over state. The fact that his signature insinuates that all criminals are Democrats is what I think is insulting. Moreover, going by most of his posts, he honestly believes that.
Democrats try to stack the deck in Ohio?

Do you mean like the Republicans did in the last election?:thumbdown :thumbdown :thumbdown
HAHA. I don't think it's anything you have to worry about. The republicans already redistricted Ohio in illegal proportions so the likelihood of any of these passing is slim.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Well not only that, he says that all criminals are Democrats. You really have to pitty someone like that. Nothing but hate in their heart.

If you take a look at who all the recent indictments are against and for what, it would be easy to assume that all the criminals are Republicans, and that being in the Gambino Mafia Family is a requirement for membership in the GOP. The insults work both ways, but if truth be told, I think that membership in "the cult of amoral people" requires that one be either a Democrat or a Republican.

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