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Democrats try to look moderate (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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The other day Howard Dean took exception to the democratic party being called the pro-choice party.
He said the democraticy party was also the pro-life party . of course many people refer to the democrats as the pro-death party.
The democrats are going to try to re-tool their message,not change what they stand for but explain it better,yeah fat chance.
Morality and values is not what the democrats are known for. Abortion on demand, legalized drugs, Gay marriage.quotas, and Internationalism ,thats what the democrats are known for.
They just can't control thelmselves,those poor democrats. They are controled by such left wing ideologues that they cant be moderate.They proved it again yesterday.
The House of representitives considered "a sense of the House resloution ",it said the U S House of Representitives supports respect for Christmas and its symbols.
The democrats decided to oppose it and use their black and jewish members to lead the opposition.They claimed that the Resoloution attempted to elevate Christianity above other religions, that the whole thing was a Fox TV plot, that itwas anti-inclusive. Than they said their should be resoloutions for Chanukah and Kwanza. The Republicans said fine after we finish this one you can submit ones for those holidays.
Than came the vote,after all that impassioned speech against the resoloution.These self same people didn'thave the guts to vote against the resoloution.The Republicans voted yes and the democrats abstained. So now you can add anti-Christmas to the beliefs of the democratic party.
JOHNYJ said:
They just can't control thelmselves,those poor democrats. They are controled by such left wing ideologues that they cant be moderate.They proved it again yesterday.
The House of representitives considered "a sense of the House resloution ",it said the U S House of Representitives supports respect for Christmas and its symbols.
The democrats decided to oppose it and use their black and jewish members to lead the opposition.They claimed that the Resoloution attempted to elevate Christianity above other religions, that the whole thing was a Fox TV plot, that itwas anti-inclusive. Than they said their should be resoloutions for Chanukah and Kwanza. The Republicans said fine after we finish this one you can submit ones for those holidays.
Than came the vote,after all that impassioned speech against the resoloution.These self same people didn'thave the guts to vote against the resoloution.The Republicans voted yes and the democrats abstained. So now you can add anti-Christmas to the beliefs of the democratic party.

1. Why didn't you respond to what republicans stand for?

2. The Democrats don't want to vote for a christmas resolution because that would be anti-inclusive now wouldn't it?

3. Now, when (if) one is submitted for the other holidays.... if it is voted down... then we will see the true nature of the Republican party..

It all makes sense to me.

Why is this something worthy of bringing into the house anyways? This is what we pay our republican leadership for? To argue over christmas?

Curious to know more about this resolution, maybe you could tell me a way to look up more details about it so I can research it furthur....
JOHNYJ said:
The other day Howard Dean took exception to the democratic party being called the pro-choice party.
He said the democraticy party was also the pro-life party . of course many people refer to the democrats as the pro-death party.
The democrats are going to try to re-tool their message,not change what they stand for but explain it better,yeah fat chance.
Morality and values is not what the democrats are known for. Abortion on demand, legalized drugs, Gay marriage.quotas, and Internationalism ,thats what the democrats are known for.

I suppose that maybe the Republican Party stands for authoritarian/statism.

The GOP seems to believe that if two gay people marry, then it is everyone elses business.

The GOP seems to think that certain individuals beliefs on abortion, should be imposed on others.

The GOP say that the Democrats are leftist on economic policies. Yet the lack of economic constraint showed by this Republican administration, and GOP members of Congress and the Senate, is very socialist indeed. And shows just how much cronyist capitalism/pork barrelling has become intrenched in that Party.

If you believe in individual freedom, instead of collectism/authoritarianism/statism, don't vote for the Republican Party.

JOHNYJ said:
They just can't control thelmselves,those poor democrats. They are controled by such left wing ideologues that they cant be moderate.They proved it again yesterday.
The House of representitives considered "a sense of the House resloution ",it said the U S House of Representitives supports respect for Christmas and its symbols.
The democrats decided to oppose it and use their black and jewish members to lead the opposition.They claimed that the Resoloution attempted to elevate Christianity above other religions, that the whole thing was a Fox TV plot, that itwas anti-inclusive. Than they said their should be resoloutions for Chanukah and Kwanza. The Republicans said fine after we finish this one you can submit ones for those holidays.
Than came the vote,after all that impassioned speech against the resoloution.These self same people didn'thave the guts to vote against the resoloution.The Republicans voted yes and the democrats abstained. So now you can add anti-Christmas to the beliefs of the democratic party.

Dems have no guts? They didn't vote against the resolution. We all remember the daily drumbeat of the liberals and the liberal media to withdraw our troops immediately. When Congressman Murtha made his grandstand appeal to the American people to withdraw immediately--the clever Republicans in Congress decided to put the vote to the test. Where were the guts from the mouthy Democrats when it came to voting? Wasn't it just 3 votes for the immediate withdrawl from Iraq? I predict (the stand for nothing gutless Democratic Party) will dissolve completely after they take another shalacking in the 06 elections. I also predict that when the Party dissolves--Hillary will join the Green Party and pick treehugger Ralph Nader or Phil Donahue as her running mate for the 08 presidential elections.
Caine said:
1. Why didn't you respond to what republicans stand for?

2. The Democrats don't want to vote for a christmas resolution because that would be anti-inclusive now wouldn't it?

3. Now, when (if) one is submitted for the other holidays.... if it is voted down... then we will see the true nature of the Republican party..

It all makes sense to me.

Why is this something worthy of bringing into the house anyways? This is what we pay our republican leadership for? To argue over christmas?

Curious to know more about this resolution, maybe you could tell me a way to look up more details about it so I can research it furthur....

The Republicans while not being good for working peoples real interests.Share their emotional interests,their morals. The debate on the house floor was like a version of Miracle on 34th street.There were he good guys (in this case the Republicans ) on Kris Kringles side and you had the evil people ( the democrats ) on the state's side.
The Republicans have no intention of voteing down a Hanukah or Kwanza resoloution. They just wanted to embarass the democrats.They did, thanks to the knee jerk ideologue response of the democrats.
You might try the website of the House of Representitives for information on the resoloution.
JOHNYJ said:
The Republicans while not being good for working peoples real interests.Share their emotional interests,their morals. The debate on the house floor was like a version of Miracle on 34th street.There were he good guys (in this case the Republicans ) on Kris Kringles side and you had the evil people ( the democrats ) on the state's side.
The Republicans have no intention of voteing down a Hanukah or Kwanza resoloution. They just wanted to embarass the democrats.They did, thanks to the knee jerk ideologue response of the democrats.
You might try the website of the House of Representitives for information on the resoloution.

I found the info last night and realize now what it is.... its just a sort of weird "formal" recognition of the holiday... not something worthy of arguing over

The also had similar ones for such greatly "American" holidays as Cinco-De-Mayo and a formal recognition for some guy who I don't even remember his name... sounded hispanic...

Its a bit retarded to have these little formal recognition things, they should be more concerned with actual law, but ive seen alot of these type resolutions while I was peeking around on the site.
Caine said:
Its a bit retarded to have these little formal recognition things, they should be more concerned with actual law, but ive seen alot of these type resolutions while I was peeking around on the site.
This has been going on for quite awhile...nothng new...

It's just pushed into the forefront now by the media...

Next week, we'll go back to some kid kidnapped and the new story will be the recent surge of this, or how every summer is time for the "panic the country" game starring "two shark attacks"...
cnredd said:
This has been going on for quite awhile...nothng new...

It's just pushed into the forefront now by the media...

Next week, we'll go back to some kid kidnapped and the new story will be the recent surge of this, or how every summer is time for the "panic the country" game starring "two shark attacks"...

Oh, im not saying its something new.
Just the first time ive been aware of it....
And, its not really that big of a deal.

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