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Democrats to Make a Statement at State of the Union With Boycotts (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 12, 2018
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Libertarian - Right
That's not much of a statement. Now, if ALL of them boycotted THAT would be a statement.
Hey let the boycott extend to many on the left. It will just help Trump make his case before the people. From what I am gathering Trump is loaded for bear and is going to make the left and the right in Congress squirm in their seats. I can't wait.
Yeah, I'm no fan of this. Pelosi invited him (Trump), the Dems should attend. Boycotting like this seems wussie to me.
Yeah, I'm no fan of this. Pelosi invited him (Trump), the Dems should attend. Boycotting like this seems wussie to me.


There’s times the Dems “take the high road” too often to their own detriment. This is one of those times where they have nothing to lose by taking the high road, and nothing to gain by not.

There’s times the Dems “take the high road” too often to their own detriment. This is one of those times where they have nothing to lose by taking the high road, and nothing to gain by not.
I agree!

Surprisingly, I think there's a reasonable shot that Trump tries his best to come-off as Presidential. I can't quantify it, it's just a gut feeling.

Now Trump pulling it off, is a whole 'nother thing altogether! :mrgreen:
I agree!

Surprisingly, I think there's a reasonable shot that Trump tries his best to come-off as Presidential. I can't quantify it, it's just a gut feeling.

Now Trump pulling it off, is a whole 'nother thing altogether! :mrgreen:

He tends to do...ok...when he reads from the prompter.
Two Democratic representatives from Georgia will not attend President Donald Trump's State of the Union next week.
The offices of Reps. John Lewis and Hank Johnson told The Hill that they will skip Tuesday's event.

Maybe Old Hank is afraid too many attendees will cause the HOR to capsize......:lamo

Mr. Tip the Island Over is still around? Geez. His constituents must be balls-to-the-wall stupid to keep re-electing that joke.
He tends to do...ok...when he reads from the prompter.
The thing is, when he starts talking shutdown, border, caravans, and Pelosi ... especially Pelosi ... , can he keep from ad libbing? That's the $64M question!
The thing is, when he starts talking shutdown, border, caravans, and Pelosi ... especially Pelosi ... , can he keep from ad libbing? That's the $64M question!

I haven't a clue if he will be able to pull it off. The fact that Pelosi will be sitting immediately behind him the whole time makes it even more interesting. I wonder how many times he will turn around to look at her.
Mr. Tip the Island Over is still around? Geez. His constituents must be balls-to-the-wall stupid to keep re-electing that joke.

Not to unusual for dems to re-elect for partisan reasons. Hell, look at D.C. and Marion Berry.:shock: Or Cali with "Aunty Maxine".:eek: For that matter, look at the support N.O.W gave Slick Willie, knowing full well he sexually assaulted women.:confused: Of course, I gotta say, I'm still gonna vote for the Republican even if it's Trump. Can't risk the way the dems are pushing the extreme socialist government. It's a little scary.
I agree!

Surprisingly, I think there's a reasonable shot that Trump tries his best to come-off as Presidential. I can't quantify it, it's just a gut feeling.

Now Trump pulling it off, is a whole 'nother thing altogether! :mrgreen:

I don't like it either, you can dislike the man but have some respect for the office and show up. It's dumb in my opinion. Trump will probably do fine...until he starts in on the wall and goes off the deep end.
The thing is, when he starts talking shutdown, border, caravans, and Pelosi ... especially Pelosi ... , can he keep from ad libbing? That's the $64M question!

And you will be able to tell when he's ad libbing too. His voice inflection will change noticeably and he becomes more animated with his gestures. When he is sticking to the script he comes across in an almost disinterested monotone with little animation and change in inflection. Almost like a decidedly reluctant 2nd grader being asked to read from a book in front of the class.
And you will be able to tell when he's ad libbing too. His voice inflection will change noticeably and he becomes more animated with his gestures. When he is sticking to the script he comes across in an almost disinterested monotone with little animation and change in inflection. Almost like a decidedly reluctant 2nd grader being asked to read from a book in front of the class.
Yep, there's an easily noticed clear delineation between Trump on script and Trump ad libbing ...
Two Democratic representatives from Georgia will not attend President Donald Trump's State of the Union next week.
The offices of Reps. John Lewis and Hank Johnson told The Hill that they will skip Tuesday's event.

Maybe Old Hank is afraid too many attendees will cause the HOR to capsize......:lamo

So what! Some of democrat's did the same thing at the inauguration! It's just what they do. Resist much we must..... ;)
Yep, there's an easily noticed clear delineation between Trump on script and Trump ad libbing ...

Yes, the first is in the English language, and the second is usually gibberish.

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