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Democrats raise more than $7 million in hours after leak of draft Supreme Court abortion opinion (1 Viewer)


Feb 24, 2022
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Slightly Liberal
"Republican groups, on the other hand, have mostly focused on the unprecedented leak of the draft opinion — or not engaged on the subject at all."

Oops. It would seem the GOP bit off more than it could chew in its relentless culture war. Despite all contrary odds they just gave the Democrats the advantage in the midterms.
"Republican groups, on the other hand, have mostly focused on the unprecedented leak of the draft opinion — or not engaged on the subject at all."

Oops. It would seem the GOP bit off more than it could chew in its relentless culture war. Despite all contrary odds they just gave the Democrats the advantage in the midterms.
Wealthy donors were always going to fill the coffers regardless of the reason. That doesn’t translate into a midterm advantage. In fact, there’s a shocking apathy to this right now. I mean, where are the endless hordes we saw take to the streets in 2020? There are protests, but it’s a handful of people with vajayjay hats.
"Republican groups, on the other hand, have mostly focused on the unprecedented leak of the draft opinion — or not engaged on the subject at all."

Oops. It would seem the GOP bit off more than it could chew in its relentless culture war. Despite all contrary odds they just gave the Democrats the advantage in the midterms.

I'm surprised that's all it was.
Wealthy donors were always going to fill the coffers regardless of the reason. That doesn’t translate into a midterm advantage. In fact, there’s a shocking apathy to this right now. I mean, where are the endless hordes we saw take to the streets in 2020? There are protests, but it’s a handful of people with vajayjay hats.
Well, no. The thread seems to have soared over your head. Democrats raised $7 million last night because the kkkult wants to strip women of their reproductive rights. I don't know if you have a TV, but you appear to have an internet connection. "Shocking apathy" is without any connection to reality.
"Republican groups, on the other hand, have mostly focused on the unprecedented leak of the draft opinion — or not engaged on the subject at all."

Oops. It would seem the GOP bit off more than it could chew in its relentless culture war. Despite all contrary odds they just gave the Democrats the advantage in the midterms.

Why do you think they’re pissed off over the leak?

The leak took their political momentum and control of timing always from them.

Now, everyone in the country knows that this is the core of the GOP agenda. And dozens and dozens of GOP candidate will be on the spot over this, with months to go before the mid terms.

Democrats wont have any trouble at all shaking the money tree over this issue.

And the GOP knows full well that this is a big setback in their effort of push the middle towards trump nation.
"Republican groups, on the other hand, have mostly focused on the unprecedented leak of the draft opinion — or not engaged on the subject at all."

Oops. It would seem the GOP bit off more than it could chew in its relentless culture war. Despite all contrary odds they just gave the Democrats the advantage in the midterms.
Pocket change.

“According to the constantly-ticking tracker on ActBlue's website, in the hours from 9 p.m. ET, when the news of Ginsburg's death became widely known, to Saturday afternoon, more than $46 million was donated to Democratic candidates and causes. The number keeps rising by thousands every second.”

"Republican groups, on the other hand, have mostly focused on the unprecedented leak of the draft opinion — or not engaged on the subject at all."

Oops. It would seem the GOP bit off more than it could chew in its relentless culture war. Despite all contrary odds they just gave the Democrats the advantage in the midterms.
Just think how many abortions liberals could pay with that.
Why do you think they’re pissed off over the leak?

The leak took their political momentum and control of timing always from them.

Now, everyone in the country knows that this is the core of the GOP agenda. And dozens and dozens of GOP candidate will be on the spot over this, with months to go before the mid terms.

Democrats wont have any trouble at all shaking the money tree over this issue.

And the GOP knows full well that this is a big setback in their effort of push the middle towards trump nation.
I don't think anyone is surprised that Republicans don't think women are humans, but I do think that this leak really blew up in their faces. The leak existing, of course, doesn't matter as much as its contents. The Democrats are suddenly in a situation a world better than they were on Monday.
Pocket change.

“According to the constantly-ticking tracker on ActBlue's website, in the hours from 9 p.m. ET, when the news of Ginsburg's death became widely known, to Saturday afternoon, more than $46 million was donated to Democratic candidates and causes. The number keeps rising by thousands every second.”

Did you think the fundraising is over? 😂
"Republican groups, on the other hand, have mostly focused on the unprecedented leak of the draft opinion — or not engaged on the subject at all."

Oops. It would seem the GOP bit off more than it could chew in its relentless culture war. Despite all contrary odds they just gave the Democrats the advantage in the midterms.

Sure, they may take a hit after a stunning win on their #1 issue.

That's a lot different than the massive hit Dems took in 2014 after their stunning LOSS on gun control in 2013.

Imagine where we'd be with abortion if Dems hadn't continued to beat that dead horse into 2016.
We had a recording of a major-party presidential candidate talk about how he can grab vulvas without impunity and a majority of white women still went out and voted for him. Too many women are too racist to vote for their best interest or think they won't need an abortion because gawd is looking out for them and only slutty sluts get pregnant. I'm not hopeful Democrats will gain momentum here.
I noticed an article about "fundraising" this morning delivering quite a different message about it, indicating it has been disappointing. The article compared it to the fundraising following the announcement of RBG's death. I just looked all over but can't locate it. I did find this from an Albuquerque paper, but I still haven't found the article which was in my newsfeed this morning.

"The Democratic fundraising platform, ActBlue, drew less than $3 million in donations between 6:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Tuesday. By contrast, the platform took in $71 million in the 24 hours after former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death."
Did you think the fundraising is over? 😂
The $46 million donated following RBG’s death occurred in the day after the news broke. $7 million raised so far is way behind that mark. You’d have known that if you’d read the information provided.
I "know" many Conservatives who have received abortions. Some in my extended family. Some who are of the Catholic faith.
Next question is how does it matter?
Sure, they may take a hit after a stunning win on their #1 issue.

That's a lot different than the massive hit Dems took in 2014 after their stunning LOSS on gun control in 2013.

Imagine where we'd be with abortion if Dems hadn't continued to beat that dead horse into 2016.
I'm not sure I follow. The SC draft is due to guns 9 years ago?

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