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Democrats need to preserve their economic gains and dump social issues talk (1 Viewer)

Niners 1990

Jan 17, 2025
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Democratic presidents have been better for the American economy since 1992.......yes Biden may have screwed up with inflation, but the 2024 election should have been a Democratic victory. A morally bankrupt person like Trump shouldn't have won again.

2000 was a missed opportunity, the economy was better then than now. 2016 was a possible backlash against the first Black president......

In 2000, 2016 and 2024, instead of the economic gains made by Democrats, they pivoted to social issues talk (guns, Amadou Diallo, BLM, abortion). It turns off swing voters, who then vote Republican.

Simple as that.
I don't vote for anti-trans bigots. As for guns, that issue belongs entirely to Republicans now. Democrats need to primarily focus on labor issues in the era of AI, automation, and Republican anti-worker policies like right to work for less.
In 2000, 2016 and 2024, instead of the economic gains made by Democrats, they pivoted to social issues talk (guns, Amadou Diallo, BLM, abortion). It turns off swing voters, who then vote Republican.

Nah, the answer is not for Democrats to become racists who want to force women to have children and who are such massive cowards that they only feel safe attacking trans people, perhaps the most vulnerable minority.
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Democratic presidents have been better for the American economy since 1992.......yes Biden may have screwed up with inflation, but the 2024 election should have been a Democratic victory. A morally bankrupt person like Trump shouldn't have won again.

2000 was a missed opportunity, the economy was better then than now. 2016 was a possible backlash against the first Black president......

In 2000, 2016 and 2024, instead of the economic gains made by Democrats, they pivoted to social issues talk (guns, Amadou Diallo, BLM, abortion). It turns off swing voters, who then vote Republican.

Simple as that.

The Democrats are where the Liberal Party of Canada was at when Stephen Harper swept to a majority.

Canada's Liberals no longer know what they stand for. They have taken 'equality' to its most in-equal in history. Watching CBC news clips I have to ask if there are any Canadians who aren't overweight (oops can't say that!) partly indigenous or 'new Canadian" We cover NHL hockey like it's an inside cult with its own language.

Watch only CBC News and you will be convinced no white people really live here.

Trudeau rode a horse called "New Canadian", a nag that finished a few of his races. He played to the very heart of Canada, it's sharing heart. But in every other way we have stagnated. Our contribution to NATO,WHO and other world organizations has plummeted and, guess what, we're broke......again.

The rise of Trump should not have been a surprise in the PMO, but there he was like a school boy paying homage to the new bully by talking about becoming the 511st state, Now, that Leadership.

Let's recall how Justin's dad got along with a certain even more evil president who called the Prime Minister of Canada "That Asshole"

That got Pierre re-elected.

Who now we are about to elect someone's old show that's got a nifty new polish, but its the same Tory lies and bullshit we've been fed for generations. If you want to know what Canada is going to be like check the Diefenbaker era.....Eisenhower's lackey.
Nah, the answer is not for Democrats to become racists who want to force women to have children and who are such massive cowards that they only feel safe attacking trans people, perhaps the most vulnerable minority.
Hear, hear.
View attachment 67551684View attachment 67551683View attachment 67551685
Democratic presidents have been better for the American economy since 1992.......yes Biden may have screwed up with inflation, but the 2024 election should have been a Democratic victory. A morally bankrupt person like Trump shouldn't have won again.

2000 was a missed opportunity, the economy was better then than now. 2016 was a possible backlash against the first Black president......

In 2000, 2016 and 2024, instead of the economic gains made by Democrats, they pivoted to social issues talk (guns, Amadou Diallo, BLM, abortion). It turns off swing voters, who then vote Republican.

Simple as that.
That is a hilarious librul fantasy.
I don't vote for anti-trans bigots. As for guns, that issue belongs entirely to Republicans now. Democrats need to primarily focus on labor issues in the era of AI, automation, and Republican anti-worker policies like right to work for less.
Democrats actually need to shake the Clinton influence that is destroying them and return to the JFK mindset.
I don't care about your opinion.
If that were actually true, you would have simply scrolled past my post. Point is, what the democrat party today is about is not working out for them. They have lost the working class and they are starting to lose their grip on minorities. But hey....I am not complaining. The longer they keep doing what they are doing, the longer they will remain in the wilderness.
Term limit congress
Remove the cap & set limits for Social security.
Increase tax rate on corporations
Increase tax rate on individuals earning over 250K
Universal healthcare

There’s the path - as a basic list - if they want to win.

Let’s see what they actually come up with.
If that were actually true, you would have simply scrolled past my post. Point is, what the democrat party today is about is not working out for them. They have lost the working class and they are starting to lose their grip on minorities. But hey....I am not complaining. The longer they keep doing what they are doing, the longer they will remain in the wilderness.
You quoted me, and I responded. This has been known to happen on message boards. I still don't care about your opinion. Now that this has been explained to you, please refer to these two posts if you experience further confusion.
View attachment 67551684View attachment 67551683View attachment 67551685
Democratic presidents have been better for the American economy since 1992.......yes Biden may have screwed up with inflation, but the 2024 election should have been a Democratic victory. A morally bankrupt person like Trump shouldn't have won again.

2000 was a missed opportunity, the economy was better then than now. 2016 was a possible backlash against the first Black president......

In 2000, 2016 and 2024, instead of the economic gains made by Democrats, they pivoted to social issues talk (guns, Amadou Diallo, BLM, abortion). It turns off swing voters, who then vote Republican.

Simple as that.
In order to figure out your claim, how is it that you figure President Biden screwed up with inflation?

Because if you want D's to simply blow smoke up the asses of their constituents...they're not going to do it. what do you consider the last messaging bill brought to the floor of Congress by the Democrats?
I don't vote for anti-trans bigots. As for guns, that issue belongs entirely to Republicans now. Democrats need to primarily focus on labor issues in the era of AI, automation, and Republican anti-worker policies like right to work for less.
It's not bigotry to say there has been a overplaying of the hands by some activists on this issue
Term limit congress
Remove the cap & set limits for Social security.
Increase tax rate on corporations
Increase tax rate on individuals earning over 250K
Universal healthcare

There’s the path - as a basic list - if they want to win.

Let’s see what they actually come up with.
Would Pelosi and Hoyer want that?
Don’t care 🤷‍♀️

Once we do that…a lot more can actually start being accomplished.

Pelosi still has a lot of power.....she is the daughter and sister of powerful Maryland Democratic politicians, and has a lot of sway. She doesn't want to leave. Neither does Steny Hoyer as well.
Democratic presidents have been better for the American economy since 1992.......yes Biden may have screwed up with inflation, but the 2024 election should have been a Democratic victory. A morally bankrupt person like Trump shouldn't have won again.

For the last century. Biden didn't screw up with inflation, he didn't cause it, and he did take steps to get it low and the US had the lowest inflation of western countries reportedly. You're making an error at not recognizing the role of Republican propaganda both on inflation and 'social issues'. They're the ones exploiting all of that. They're the ones getting voters to vote about things like transgender bathrooms.
It's not bigotry to say there has been a overplaying of the hands by some activists on this issue
The Republican positions are bigotry, and their exploiting that bigotry to get votes instead of voting on things like the economic issues is their propaganda.
View attachment 67551684View attachment 67551683View attachment 67551685
Democratic presidents have been better for the American economy since 1992.......yes Biden may have screwed up with inflation, but the 2024 election should have been a Democratic victory. A morally bankrupt person like Trump shouldn't have won again.

2000 was a missed opportunity, the economy was better then than now. 2016 was a possible backlash against the first Black president......

In 2000, 2016 and 2024, instead of the economic gains made by Democrats, they pivoted to social issues talk (guns, Amadou Diallo, BLM, abortion). It turns off swing voters, who then vote Republican.

Simple as that.
Dems are on the popular side of abortion; they should definitely keep talking about that. They are on the unpopular side of many other social issues though. When voters perceive them as out-of-touch woke puritans, or as supporting urban decay, it's not a good look.

In general I agree that their economic positions are more popular, and deserve more emphasis.
For the last century. Biden didn't screw up with inflation, he didn't cause it, and he did take steps to get it low and the US had the lowest inflation of western countries reportedly. You're making an error at not recognizing the role of Republican propaganda both on inflation and 'social issues'. They're the ones exploiting all of that. They're the ones getting voters to vote about things like transgender bathrooms.
Fairly or unfairly, presidents get the blame for the economy. Yes, Biden may have not caused it, but he could have done more to tame inflation down....it cost Harris the election.
Dems are on the popular side of abortion; they should definitely keep talking about that.

They are on the unpopular side of many other social issues though. When voters perceive them as out-of-touch woke puritans, or as supporting urban decay, it's not a good look.
This. Democrats are popular on abortion rights. They should tie it to Republicans as possible, even moderate Republicans.

They should NOT discuss defunding police. If Black communities want to do so locally, let them do it. But don't make it a national issue.
WTF? You still don't know why we had inflation and that taming it was one of Biden's great successes?

This is why Trump won. The average American does not know squat.
Correct-----proper use/manipulation of stupidity is a powerful weapon that the Trumpers have mastered
Fairly or unfairly, presidents get the blame for the economy. Yes, Biden may have not caused it, but he could have done more to tame inflation down....it cost Harris the election.
Biden tamed inflation while avoiding recession – something the vast majority of economists did not think possible in 2021. It was nothing short of a miracle. The economy is now crushing it by just about any parameter: consumer purchasing power, unemployment, DOW, GDP, etc…

Biden was like a highly skilled surgeon who saved the life of a patient by performing a complex emergency surgery during a major crisis. America is like the patient who is now cussing him out because the incision site’s still a little sore, and turning to a witch doctor.
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