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Democrats Legacy: DISRESPECT? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
"Never before, arguably to this extent, has there been the level of THIS much disrespect been given to a President and to the U.S. military during a time of war."

One U.S. Congressman has made this statement. Examples he cited include:

- The Democratic Party's continuous attack on a President during a time of war, equivalent to aiding and abetting the enemy.'

- Democratic Senators calling our troops terrorists and calling them the equivalent to Nazis and genocidal regemists.....

- Liberals in schools teaching our kids Bush is equal to Hitler....

- Liberal teachers holding Mock War Crimes Trials of the President in high schools, especially during a time of war...

- the democrats (including Presidential candidates) attending Hollywood fund raisers during which stars compare the Pres. to male genetalia, then those politicians declaring THAT is what the Democratic party is all about.....

I personally agree with him, that the level of disrespect has reached monumental heights. Customs and coutrtesies and long-held traditions of civility between parties has been abandoned, thrown under the bus, in exchange for all out disrespect and personal/political attack! we would NEVER have seen the kindo of attacks against our troops and against our commander in chief inyears past, especially ina time of war!

Without a direction, a platform or any forseeable viable candidate, the liberals are left with only desperate hate for the incumbant. Sad.
Are you serious, easy? You need help.

This is America. We are entitled to speak our minds and disagree with the president as we see fit particularly when this president is trying to rule this country like a dictatorship. Aiding and abetting the enemy? Sorry, that's just a repulican talking point. The torture that occurred at Guantanamo was shocking, particularly because we all thought that Americans were better than that.

I do agree that the Hollywood function was totally distasteful. I think they compared Bush to female genitalia, by the way. That forever changed my opinion of Whoopi Goldberg.

But give me a break. Disrepsect? It's called free speech.
Maybe if Clinton had us in an all out war we would have been easier on him?

Too late Bill. Hindsite is 20/20.

But I agree, this school influence against the president is uncalled for. Mock trial indeed. School is for readin' writin' and 'rithmetic. Not partisan politics. Those teachers should be spanked for allowing that.
aps said:
But give me a break. Disrepsect? It's called free speech.
I don't think easy was saying you didn't have the right to speak. Certainly you do. You have the right to say whatever you like. Just as easy has the right to see it as disrespectful.
KCConservative said:
I don't think easy was saying you didn't have the right to speak. Certainly you do. You have the right to say whatever you like. Just as easy has the right to see it as disrespectful.

I know what you're saying. I don't think expressing disagreement with the president is disrespectful. I also don't think Durbin's comparison to the Nazi camps was disrespectful either. However, bashing Bush in a classroom setting and doing what Whoopi Goldberg did is showing disrespect, so I will agree with that.
Woo Hoo!

Another "\/\/3 Ru|3 7h3y dr00|" thread!!

Cant get enough of 'em.
aps said:
This is America. We are entitled to speak our minds and disagree with the president as we see fit particularly when this president is trying to rule this country like a dictatorship.

I could not agree with youmore about us having the right to speak our own mind, but when you have liberal teachers having a 'captive audience' in our kids and spewing this Impeachment/War Crimes cr@p on them, THAT is too far and NOT Freedom of Speech! Do it on a street corner, not in a school with kids! It is a place to learn not liberal brainwashing or a political theory course where only 1 side is taught!

aps said:
Aiding and abetting the enemy? Sorry, that's just a repulican talking point.
Actuallly, the LEGAL definition of treason is 'aiding and abetting an enemy of the United states', which is further defined as 'providing aid and comfort to the enemy, attacking the nation's resolve and military's morale, especially in a time of war'! Dean declaring the U.S. can not win fits that description. Dick durbing using what he believes is a classified document, that turns out to be an opinionated e-mail, to call American troops in combat the equivalent to nazis and genocidal regimes FITS THAT DEFINITION! John kerry on a late night talk show calling our troops in Iraq 'TERRORISTS' fits that definition of treason! That isn't a talking point, my friend, THAT is from the legal definition of TREASON!

aps said:
The torture that occurred at Guantanamo was shocking, particularly because we all thought that Americans were better than that.
What went on at Quantanamo was HUMILIATION - It was NOT torture! (It was also extremely wrong, and the wrong-doers have been punished!) Playing loud music and 12-13 hours of sleep deprivation in a 24-hour day is NOT torture. Providing prayers rugs, Qurans, and medial treatment and better food than many Americans get is NOT torture! Being walked on a dog collar while naked is humiliation! Being beheaded on live video is torture!

aps said:
But give me a break. Disrepsect? It's called free speech.
The Democrats and liberals out there have pushed the limit of "Freedom of Speech" past the breaking point, aps! 'Freedom of speech is now a hypocritical tool for the Democrats. Much like the infamous (NON-)leak of Plame's well-known secret Identity was a crime and was forced down our throats day in and day out while investigations were called for every day; meanwhile, after another and more serious leak revealed a secret program used againstterrorists to keep us safe/defend America, the Democrats and liberals BURY that story because it doesn't help them go after the President!

If the democrats call our soldiers Nazis and terrorists, it isn't 'treason', as the legal definition clearly defines it - No, it's Freedom of Speech! disrespecting our president WAY past the point it should or ever has been done isn't disrespectful at all - No, its freedom of speech! Holding mock criminal of war trials in high schools where the teacher puts Bush on trial before his impressionable high school class during a time of war is not disrespctful or wrong! NO, its freedom of speech! If the teacher says Bush is a pedophile and worse than hitler, its OK because its his opinion and right to voice it in front of our kids because its his freedom of speech right, right?!

ANYTHING goes as long as a Democrat is doing it! I don't care WHO the President is or WHO is calling our troops such names - if it was a GOP, I would still be saying the same thing! Politics have become too important when it is the most important thing that matters, especially in a time of war, and the politics have gone too far...IMO!

<deep breath> Sorry - thanks for your opinion, and it definitely adds to the discussion though! Good points! Really!
Last edited:
This thread belongs in the basement of flame.
Only more provacation and falming from Easy and other fundamentalists on this site to bash liberalism.
Probably from the denial that liberalist ideals are all around them on a daily basis. All that pent up frustration must be killing them.
We just can't keep letting the rightwingers make every thread a basement thread. I know that's like asking a baby not to cry but sooner or later it's gotta stop.

Just my .02.:2wave:
jfuh said:
This thread belongs in the basement of flame.
Only more provacation and falming from Easy and other fundamentalists on this site to bash liberalism.
Probably from the denial that liberalist ideals are all around them on a daily basis. All that pent up frustration must be killing them.

Thank you for that nice opinion, but I quoted the legal definition of 'treason' and gave reasons why Democratic party members' actions meet the criteria. I even debated how many of the practices of liberals, like the teachers forcing their agenda, bush-bashing, and philosophies down our school kids' throats, are over the line. Schools seem to agree as they are laying off these lib teachers left and right. Meanwhile, you fail to address any of it but pass it off instead as a rant, telling all of us that it isn't worth discussion because YOU say so! H@ll, in that case, someone delete the whole thread! The Liberal has spoken!
easyt65 said:
Thank you for that nice opinion, but I quoted the legal definition of 'treason' and gave reasons why Democratic party members' actions meet the criteria. I even debated how many of the practices of liberals, like the teachers forcing their agenda, bush-bashing, and philosophies down our school kids' throats, are over the line. Schools seem to agree as they are laying off these lib teachers left and right. Meanwhile, you fail to address any of it but pass it off instead as a rant, telling all of us that it isn't worth discussion because YOU say so! H@ll, in that case, someone delete the whole thread! The Liberal has spoken!
If you were presenting it in a non-bashing nature sure it's worthy of debate. But all you have shown thus far is provacation. Delete this whole thread? Good idea.
jfuh said:
If you were presenting it in a non-bashing nature sure it's worthy of debate. But all you have shown thus far is provacation. Delete this whole thread? Good idea.

I offered up incidents and even legal definition for discussion. you assigned yourself judge and jury, declaring this to be all BS because YOU SAY SO, while offering nothing buth that to base that opinion on!

i guess you would like to see this thread shut down before you are actually challenged to respond to that post of mine with more than "Its BS because I say so."
Clinton was never disrespected or insulted on a daily basis by Republicans? No Republicans ever questioned him on every move.... :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Maybe you'd be happier in a country in which political dissenters are locked up?
easyt65 said:
"Never before, arguably to this extent, has there been the level of THIS much disrespect been given to a President and to the U.S. military during a time of war."

No president in my lifetime has deserved it more!

Bush's lies are costing Americans there lives on a daily basis. In case you forget - the GOP was certainly just as disrepectful when it came to Clinton's lying about marital indifelity.

easyt65 said:
One U.S. Congressman has made this statement. Examples he cited include:

- The Democratic Party's continuous attack on a President during a time of war, equivalent to aiding and abetting the enemy.'

So you prefer the Brittany Spears philosophy of patriotism - support the president no matter what he does.
I'll stick with Jefferson " Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

easyt65 said:
- Democratic Senators calling our troops terrorists and calling them the equivalent to Nazis and genocidal regemists.....
easyt65 said:
- Liberals in schools teaching our kids Bush is equal to Hitler....

Welcome to another episode of "Out of context theatre" How do you get liberals plural? A teacher in Denver represents the legacy of the Democratic party? Get real.

easyt65 said:
- Liberal teachers holding Mock War Crimes Trials of the President in high schools, especially during a time of war...

Thanks for the idea. Guilty,guilty,guilty!

easyt65 said:
- the democrats (including Presidential candidates) attending Hollywood fund raisers during which stars compare the Pres. to male genetalia, then those politicians declaring THAT is what the Democratic party is all about.....

Are talking about when Laura Bush's quip?
She then added: "He's (George) learned a lot about ranching since that first year when he tried to milk the horse. What's worse, it was a male horse."
Blasphemy :roll:

easyt65 said:
I personally agree with him, that the level of disrespect has reached monumental heights. Customs and coutrtesies and long-held traditions of civility between parties has been abandoned, thrown under the bus, in exchange for all out disrespect and personal/political attack! we would NEVER have seen the kindo of attacks against our troops and against our commander in chief inyears past, especially ina time of war!


Since we're in a time of endless war without end, are you saying that all future presidents should not be held accountable for treasonous activities because we're in a time of war?
meh, those are all pretty extreme examples, not representative of liberals in general.
This is the only lie I see.

hipsterdufus said:
Bush's lies are costing Americans there lives on a daily basis.
So are Bruce Bartlett and Andrew Sullivan being disrespectful to the president?

Bruce Bartlett (author of "Imposter: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy") at a forum held at the Cato Institute yesterday called the current administration:

- unconscionable
- irresponsible
- vindictive
- inept

Andrew Sullivan (author of "The Conservative Soul; How We Lost It; How to Get It Back) called Bush:

- reckless
- a socialist

and accused Bush of betraying "almost every principle conservatism has ever stood for."

Is this disrespect?

Do those of you who support Bush truly believe that he represents conservatives? That his policies are indicative of what your party stands for?

At Conservative Forum on Bush, Everybody's a Critic

By Dana Milbank
Wednesday, March 8, 2006; A02

If the ancient political wisdom is correct that a charge unanswered is a charge agreed to, the Bush White House pleaded guilty yesterday at the Cato Institute to some extraordinary allegations.

"We did ask a few members of the Bush economic team to come," explained David Boaz, the think tank's executive vice president, as he moderated a discussion between two prominent conservatives about President Bush. "We didn't get that." . . .

aps said:
Are you serious, easy? You need help.

This is America. We are entitled to speak our minds and disagree with the president as we see fit particularly when this president is trying to rule this country like a dictatorship. Aiding and abetting the enemy? Sorry, that's just a repulican talking point. The torture that occurred at Guantanamo was shocking, particularly because we all thought that Americans were better than that.

I do agree that the Hollywood function was totally distasteful. I think they compared Bush to female genitalia, by the way. That forever changed my opinion of Whoopi Goldberg.

But give me a break. Disrepsect? It's called free speech.

Dear aps, ..perhaps YOU are the one that needs help! Free speech is not being denied to anybody.

It is the words, the nuances, & the disgusting level that the democrats & liberals have been engaging in that transends free speech.

Day after day, ..linking & hinting that president Bush is some monster, liar, cheat, murderer, dictator etc, ..& it has been going on for years now!

If YOU cannot see anything wrong with this behavior, ..than you have a real problem, ..not the person you replied to!

This is the level that the democratic party has sunk to, ..along with the "old media" that continues to crawl into bed with them, & then pretend that they are not biased! ;)
Stu Ghatze said:
Dear aps, ..perhaps YOU are the one that needs help! Free speech is not being denied to anybody.

It is the words, the nuances, & the disgusting level that the democrats & liberals have been engaging in that transends free speech.

Day after day, ..linking & hinting that president Bush is some monster, liar, cheat, murderer, dictator etc, ..& it has been going on for years now!

If YOU cannot see anything wrong with this behavior, ..than you have a real problem, ..not the person you replied to!

This is the level that the democratic party has sunk to, ..along with the "old media" that continues to crawl into bed with them, & then pretend that they are not biased! ;)

Stu, my man. Where have you been? That comment to easy that I made about needing help was rude. So easy, I apologize.

Stu, read my post above yours. What do you have to say about those conservatives and what they said about Bush????
well i don't think that this is really a time of war. Bush declared the war in Iraq over and you can't have a war on a noun..its just silly. You might be able to have counter-terrorist actions even a campaign against terrorists but a war on terror doesn't make sense. If this is setting a precedent then any future president could just decalre war against an idea or tactic and then charge members of the opposition with treason. Some posters on here seem to be advocating something akin to martial law!
aps said:
Stu, my man. Where have you been? That comment to easy that I made about needing help was rude. So easy, I apologize.

Stu, read my post above yours. What do you have to say about those conservatives and what they said about Bush????

Dear aps, ..okay! Yes, there are many repubs who do not agree with Bush on many issues, ..& that includes ME.

However, ..this distasteful labeling of Bush such things that many democrats have been engaging in is really way over the top.

Remember also that there are ''some" repubs who have said some pretty nasty things as well but come a bit "short" of the horrific things that most democrats say.

When it comes time to vote though, ..all is usually forgiven for the good of each party.

I USED to be a democrat but that was well over 30 years ago as I saw what was happening to the party, ..& just had to get the hell out of it as many former democrats did.

I can remember a time when there was not a dimes bit of difference between democrats & repubs but that can NO longer be said anymore as the WORDS, & ACTIONS of leading democrats over the decades just turned my stomach in the things they actually believe in, & embrace.

My biggest pet peeve of democrats is this constant false portrayal of civil rights issues, inventing focus groups & phoney victims, an attempt by liberals of re-interpreting the constitution, ..& the democratic party's attempt in advancing "liberalism" in the courts, the universities, academia, the sciences, the laws, the public schools, & with the HELP of the OLD MEDIA!

Early liberal activism of the turn of the century was quite "honorable" as it WAS needed. Today, ..it has morphed into something far different, ..& some could even say with a certain degree of correctness, ..a danger to America, its traditions, & its future!

It has promoted a hate, & distrust of religion, preferably the christian religion, a dislike, & percieved blame of its own caucasion majority for nearly EVERYTHING, a love of multi-culteralism of "other" groups while investing in afro-centrist teachings that may mean well in its intentions, ..but lack any real truths of foundation to help make some groups feel good about themselves while villifying other groups, a historical revisionist "modern" teaching mentality, ..& race, race, race & phoney civil rights issues always being at the top of the list of liberal topic concerns.

Blaming America first, slamming the productive as somehow trying to exploit the underachievers & the lazy, & as always...looking for victims & villains in some percieved plot to subjugate the less fortunates of the world!

THIS IS WHAT HAS KILLED THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE ARE SICK OF IT, ..but the democratic party leadership REFUSES to recognize this fact. No, ...in fact they PREFER having people believe that they are losing elections because of "fixed" elections or of some grand worldwide conspiracy that involves the GOP, & King George Bush for God's sakes!!

This is 2006, NOT 1865, or 1960 & this is America, & EVERYBODY has the SAME RIGHTS, & OPPORTUNITIES...& all the focus & attention on phoney issues, & gross distortions, false & misleading information that the far left (liberals) tries to lay at the feet of the GOP does not fit the evidence of their charges.

The modern democratic party is killing itself because it has by its "own choice" invested itself much much too far into trying to institute liberalism into EVERY facet & fabric of american life, & it has not been necessary, nor has it ever been by the will of the majority!

THIS HAS BEEN THE MANTRA OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR DECADES, & it PALES any small differences that GOP voters may have with each other.;)
Willoughby said:
well i don't think that this is really a time of war. Bush declared the war in Iraq over and you can't have a war on a noun..its just silly. You might be able to have counter-terrorist actions even a campaign against terrorists but a war on terror doesn't make sense.

Wrong again, as usual, but since you want to hrear nothing from me and onlywant to see links you are too lazy to lo

Ok up yourself, here ya go:

Bin Laden Declares holy WAR on U.S

1990: The Saudi government allows U.S. troops to be stationed in Saudi Arabia following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, which leads to the Persian Gulf War. Bin Laden is outraged by the U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia, considered the cradle of Islam, and begins to write treatises against the Saudi regime
February 1993: A bomb at the World Trade Center kills six and wounds hundreds. Six Muslim radicals, who U.S. officials suspect have links to bin Laden, are eventually convicted for the bombing.
October, 1993: 18 U.S. servicemen who are part of a humanitarian mission to Somalia are killed in an ambush in Mogadishu. Bin Laden later says that some of the Arab Afghans were involved in the killings and calls Americans "paper tigers" because they withdrew from Somalia shortly after the soldiers' deaths.
1995: A truck bombing at a military base in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, kills five Americans and two Indians.
1996: Bin Laden declares a jihad, or holy war, against U.S. forces. Nineteen U.S. soldiers die in a bombing of the Khobar military complex in Saudi Arabia. The United States indicts bin Laden on charges of training the people involved in the 1993 attack that killed 18 U.S. servicemen in Somalia.
1998: Bin Laden declares that Muslims should kill Americans, civilians included, wherever they can find them. On August 7, a pair of truck bombs explodes outside the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 224 people.
2000: Algerian Ahmed Ressam pleads guilty in connection with a failed plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport during the millennium celebrations. He claims he was trained in urban warfare and explosives at an Afghanistan camp run by bin Laden.
October -- U.S.S. Cole bombed: 17 Americans dead, 39 Injured.

Hussein’s Link to Bin Ladden/Al Qaeda
Mother of all Connections:

As Bush said, the only way to defeat terrorism is to take away its support, its bases, and attack it wherever it exists before allowing it to come to us. Bin Laden declared war on the U.S. - he's still out there, and the war is still on! The war against the Hussein regime is over, but the battle against terrorism still rages as we fight Al Qaeda and insurgents in Iraq, who are trying to overthrow the new govt. of Iraq. Zarqawi, self-professed to be Bin Laden's General in Iraq, is still directing attacks and waging the war on the U.S. as well as Muslims in Iraq.
Stu Ghatze said:
THIS IS WHAT HAS KILLED THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE ARE SICK OF IT, ..but the democratic party leadership REFUSES to recognize this fact. No, ...in fact they PREFER having people believe that they are losing elections because of "fixed" elections or of some grand worldwide conspiracy that involves the GOP, & King George Bush for God's sakes!!

This is 2006, NOT 1865, or 1960 & this is America, & EVERYBODY has the SAME RIGHTS, & OPPORTUNITIES...& all the focus & attention on phoney issues, & gross distortions, false & misleading information that the far left (liberals) tries to lay at the feet of the GOP does not fit the evidence of their charges.

The attacks on the troops, undermining and attack this nation's reslove and our troops' morale in a time of war is, in my opinion and by legal definition as defined by the Constitution, treason! Even democrats are moving away from their self-professed leaders:

Durbin Calls Troops Nazis:

“Dem. Dickhe@d Durbin Calls Troops Nazis”

Aljazeera.Net - US senator stands by Nazi remark
... of US soldiers at Guantanamo Bay to those of Nazis ... authorising torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure," Durbin ... The Bush administration calls the Guantanamo ...
*Good piece by Aljazeera praising Durbin for calling troops Nazis! THAT is something for the Dems to be proud of, praised by Al Qaeda jounalists!

Kerry Calls Troops Terrorists:

Murtha Calls for U.S. to Surrender:

Dean: America Can’t Win:

Dems distance themselves from Dean
... Dems distance themselves from Dean. Printable Version. Email This Article. Leading Democrats distanced themselves Wednesday ... opponent Sen. John Kerry in radio, television and ...

Constitutional Definition of Treason:
The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

“Adhere to": To remain devoted to or be in support of something.”

It may be just me, but calling for your country to surrender, telling the nation and troops in combat that we can't win, calling the troops Nazis and terrorists fits the definition above, supporting the enemy's effort by attacking our nation's resolve and our troops' morale from within.....shades of kerry meeting with enemy leaders in France while still in the military to discuss the U.S.'s surrender during Viet Nam! Of course, that wasn't treason either, was it?
easyt65 said:
Wrong again, as usual, but since you want to hrear nothing from me and onlywant to see links you are too lazy to lo

Ok up yourself, here ya go:

Bin Laden Declares holy WAR on U.S

1990: The Saudi government allows U.S. troops to be stationed in Saudi Arabia following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, which leads to the Persian Gulf War. Bin Laden is outraged by the U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia, considered the cradle of Islam, and begins to write treatises against the Saudi regime
February 1993: A bomb at the World Trade Center kills six and wounds hundreds. Six Muslim radicals, who U.S. officials suspect have links to bin Laden, are eventually convicted for the bombing.
October, 1993: 18 U.S. servicemen who are part of a humanitarian mission to Somalia are killed in an ambush in Mogadishu. Bin Laden later says that some of the Arab Afghans were involved in the killings and calls Americans "paper tigers" because they withdrew from Somalia shortly after the soldiers' deaths.
1995: A truck bombing at a military base in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, kills five Americans and two Indians.
1996: Bin Laden declares a jihad, or holy war, against U.S. forces. Nineteen U.S. soldiers die in a bombing of the Khobar military complex in Saudi Arabia. The United States indicts bin Laden on charges of training the people involved in the 1993 attack that killed 18 U.S. servicemen in Somalia.
1998: Bin Laden declares that Muslims should kill Americans, civilians included, wherever they can find them. On August 7, a pair of truck bombs explodes outside the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 224 people.
2000: Algerian Ahmed Ressam pleads guilty in connection with a failed plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport during the millennium celebrations. He claims he was trained in urban warfare and explosives at an Afghanistan camp run by bin Laden.
October -- U.S.S. Cole bombed: 17 Americans dead, 39 Injured.

Hussein’s Link to Bin Ladden/Al Qaeda
Mother of all Connections:

As Bush said, the only way to defeat terrorism is to take away its support, its bases, and attack it wherever it exists before allowing it to come to us. Bin Laden declared war on the U.S. - he's still out there, and the war is still on! The war against the Hussein regime is over, but the battle against terrorism still rages as we fight Al Qaeda and insurgents in Iraq, who are trying to overthrow the new govt. of Iraq. Zarqawi, self-professed to be Bin Laden's General in Iraq, is still directing attacks and waging the war on the U.S. as well as Muslims in Iraq.
None of which proove anything, not to mention, plenty of outdated info that have been disprooven.
Finally, none of which proove your thread title.
Face it this thread is just for flaming and provocation.

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