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Democrats Hate America (1 Viewer)

ultra conservative

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Sep 3, 2005
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:spin: :spin: :spin:
It's almost as if they're on a different political wing.

It's almost as if they think the President is doing a bad job what with the whole war Quagmire and enormous deficet.

But no, no. You're right.

I'm not about to play partisan games. The democrats have just as many faults as republicans. But here is the fallacy of your comment. You say that Democrats hate America. But last time I checked, most Democrats live in America and make up about half of the American population. Yet you seem to hate them. Your name implies it, and your comment backs it up further. YOU sir, seem to hate half of America, while these Liberal Democrats in congress that you're so paranoid about seem to hate ONE man.

Also, the irony of your comment is hilarious. When Mr. Clinton was in office he was called a "rapist", a "sociopath", and numerous other insults. The congress rejected numerous bills, some of them that could prevent terrorism, that thing the Republicans are supposed to be fighting against. But this wasn't a big deal. However, whenever someone makes fun of Bush, or insults him, it's unpatriotic and wrong.

You sir, are bad for conservatives, most of whom are good, intelligent people. And you should be ashamed.
galenrox said:
what a well thought out and well argued point:roll:

Yea , those are points that Shouldnt even deserve Consideration until they actually are well-thought out and not so random (The One you quoted)

Omg. . .I think we should round all these people up and throw a cage on them or something. What kind of argument is that? It's like saying that democrats hate america cause I say so. What the hell?
And its also fallacious, with Hasty generalization , and emotion-invoking words, AKA The words : "Democrat" "America" and "Hate".
Well of course they oppose what the President does, they're the opposition party... However, it seems their obstructionist tendencies are getting a little obsessive. However, this isn't what consitutes their hating of America. What does, in my mind, is their insistence on the Europeanization of America. America was founded to be in a whole other status as Europe. We don't have titles of nobility, our leaders are elected, we have the Bill of Rights, our President serves the people, not the aristocracy, etc. etc. Liberals don't want to tear these down, but they want to tear down the fair capitalism that makes our country great, in replace for European style socialism/communism, such as the Welfare State. These are clearly the opposite of 'American.' Almost anything European is simply to fancy-shmancy for American tastes. I see liberals as not necessarily hating America, but rather American-ism, including our capitalism, and especially our foreign policy. It is anti-American to say your country is the bully of the world, and has done no good for the world. That is blatantly wrong, and to say it while in a foreign country, is, in my opinion, treasonous.
KevinWan said:
Well of course they oppose what the President does, they're the opposition party... However, it seems their obstructionist tendencies are getting a little obsessive. However, this isn't what consitutes their hating of America. What does, in my mind, is their insistence on the Europeanization of America. America was founded to be in a whole other status as Europe. We don't have titles of nobility, our leaders are elected, we have the Bill of Rights, our President serves the people, not the aristocracy, etc. etc. Liberals don't want to tear these down, but they want to tear down the fair capitalism that makes our country great, in replace for European style socialism/communism, such as the Welfare State. These are clearly the opposite of 'American.' Almost anything European is simply to fancy-shmancy for American tastes. I see liberals as not necessarily hating America, but rather American-ism, including our capitalism, and especially our foreign policy. It is anti-American to say your country is the bully of the world, and has done no good for the world. That is blatantly wrong, and to say it while in a foreign country, is, in my opinion, treasonous.

Yes Many Are true, but they are not all sincere, many can be manipulated , like elected by the people,a People give endless propoganda and insults.
But yes, mostly true.

Just one Intresting Thing: Senate Report 93-549
AKA it gives The President Dictorial Powers

The Truth-Bringer said:
Yes Many Are true, but they are not all sincere, many can be manipulated , like elected by the people,a People give endless propoganda and insults.
But yes, mostly true.

Just one Intresting Thing: Senate Report 93-549
AKA it gives The President Dictorial Powers


The websites not working... for me anyway... The President doesnt appear to have used his new dictorial powers yet...
Originally posted by ultra conservative:
Your comments make me look like a conservative!
This is a rant, not a debate.
Off to The Basement
This is jsut stupid. Is it the same person with multiple screen names? Partisan poltics is soooo childish.
nefarious_plot said:
This is jsut stupid. Is it the same person with multiple screen names? Partisan poltics is soooo childish.

Yea, ...so tell your hero's.. the senate democrats, but I don't think they will care to listen! THey are too busy trying to obstruct everything Bush tries to accomplish!;)
Originally Posted by Stu Ghatze:
Yea, ...so tell your hero's.. the senate democrats, but I don't think they will care to listen! THey are too busy trying to obstruct everything Bush tries to accomplish
They wouldn't be obstructing anything if he wasn't trying to accomplish a bunch of bullshit!

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