Well of course they oppose what the President does, they're the opposition party... However, it seems their obstructionist tendencies are getting a little obsessive. However, this isn't what consitutes their hating of America. What does, in my mind, is their insistence on the Europeanization of America. America was founded to be in a whole other status as Europe. We don't have titles of nobility, our leaders are elected, we have the Bill of Rights, our President serves the people, not the aristocracy, etc. etc. Liberals don't want to tear these down, but they want to tear down the fair capitalism that makes our country great, in replace for European style socialism/communism, such as the Welfare State. These are clearly the opposite of 'American.' Almost anything European is simply to fancy-shmancy for American tastes. I see liberals as not necessarily hating America, but rather American-ism, including our capitalism, and especially our foreign policy. It is anti-American to say your country is the bully of the world, and has done no good for the world. That is blatantly wrong, and to say it while in a foreign country, is, in my opinion, treasonous.