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Democrats causing stress on the Stock Market - trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Political Leaning
From his twitter:
The prospect of Presidential Harassment by the Dems is causing the Stock Market big headaches!

Wow. I originally thought this was a fake tweet. Wow.
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:lamo You guys have been heralding nonstop how super amazing the economy is, and now you want to blame it on the Democrats? You can't have both, so pick one, does the economy suck right now or is it great?

The DOW has been stagnant and floating around for a year now, this didn't just start happening. You've dominated all 3 branches of government for nearly 2 years. For once in your lives take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. This is Trump's economy? Own it!

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:lamo Now you guys have switched over to saying it's the Democrats controlling the economy, not you?

The DOW has been stagnant and floating around for a year now, this didn't just start happening. You've dominated all 3 branches of government for nearly 2 years and only managed a measly 1.3% gain for the year. For once in your lives take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. This is Trump's economy? Own it!


Usually I wouldn't give much credit or blame to any president, but Trump has gone out of the way cause chaos in the economy with no concern over ho wmuch "stress" or "headaches" he caused. Which of course is a very mild way to describe the pain he has caused.
I can't tell if Bucky is taking a shot at Trump or Democrats. Sometimes he surprises me.
:lamo You guys have been heralding nonstop how super amazing the economy is, and now you want to blame it on the Democrats? You can't have both, so pick one, does the economy suck right now or is it great?


Remember how not so many months ago the economy was great but simultaneously Trump couldn't afford to give promised pay raises to government workers because it was so fragile?
The stock market jumped nearly 600 points after the Democrats retook control of the House. Of course, that gain has now been entirely erased, which all in all resembles the same behavior of the market since last January.

These days attempting to tie the behavior of the market to real life events isn't unlike divining the will of the Gods by studying a sacrificed goat's entrails.
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The stock market jumped nearly 600 points after the Democrats retook control of the House. Of course, that gain has now been entirely erased, which all in all resembles the same behavior of the market since last January.

These days attempting to tie the behavior of the market to real life events isn't unlike divining the will of the Gods by studying a sacrificed goat's entrails.

Except this year's turbulence is strongly correlated with the phases of Trump's trade wars.
Except this year's turbulence is strongly correlated with the phases of Trump's trade wars.

That seems fair since that has been a unique factor since the market went into instability.
:lamo You guys have been heralding nonstop how super amazing the economy is, and now you want to blame it on the Democrats? You can't have both, so pick one, does the economy suck right now or is it great?

The DOW has been stagnant and floating around for a year now, this didn't just start happening. You've dominated all 3 branches of government for nearly 2 years. For once in your lives take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. This is Trump's economy? Own it!


The biggest thing Trump did was get rid of the plethora of ominous regulations anti business democrats saddled private industry with.
The second biggest thing was cut corporate taxes to lower the cross over line with Chinese pricing where America is more competitive with China (when they can't cheat).
The next thing is recognizing that it is an existential necessity that we confront China with unfair and illegal trade practices.

The economy has been getting the dick from China ever since Bill Clinton was Prez. It's going to take a long time to correct. So I suggest you don't hang your hat on short term fluctuations. We've had a strong advance, slowed by interest rates as designed because we need to get interest rates back up. It's gone from 0 to 2.25%, and we need to be at least 3% for reasons worth doing a Google search over.

The markets are wary of legislative chaos if they try a "Lilliputian" tactic, and seek to prevent all progress of everything Trump. But going no where is risk adverse, and the markets like that once they can a read on what the new congress's priorities are.

As it is now, the markets are reacting to electoral fraud and having gains stolen. It's not good.
The market's been crap all year, and now it's the Dem's fault?
From his twitter:
The prospect of Presidential Harassment by the Dems is causing the Stock Market big headaches!

Wow. I originally thought this was a fake tweet. Wow.

LOL It can't be the impending doom of 25% tariffs on all Chinese goods? That will bring an instant recession which might hurt stocks a bit.:lol:
The market's been crap all year, and now it's the Dem's fault?

Another witheringly stupid tweet from Bozo the President riles up his base to more absurdities AGAIN.

Got news for the Trumpets. There is a growing intolerance for Bozo the President and his daily dose of nonsense and he appears too oblivious to figure that out. If your silo has no doors and no windows it hardly matters if you are sitting inside at the top of the pile where Donald sits.
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The biggest thing Trump did was get rid of the plethora of ominous regulations anti business democrats saddled private industry with.
The second biggest thing was cut corporate taxes to lower the cross over line with Chinese pricing where America is more competitive with China (when they can't cheat).
The next thing is recognizing that it is an existential necessity that we confront China with unfair and illegal trade practices.

The economy has been getting the dick from China ever since Bill Clinton was Prez. It's going to take a long time to correct. So I suggest you don't hang your hat on short term fluctuations. We've had a strong advance, slowed by interest rates as designed because we need to get interest rates back up. It's gone from 0 to 2.25%, and we need to be at least 3% for reasons worth doing a Google search over.

The markets are wary of legislative chaos if they try a "Lilliputian" tactic, and seek to prevent all progress of everything Trump. But going no where is risk adverse, and the markets like that once they can a read on what the new congress's priorities are.

Hey, that's reasonable. I agree with a lot of that, and what I don't isn't crazy!

As it is now, the markets are reacting to electoral fraud and having gains stolen. It's not good.

That's crazy! LMAO.....:roll:
Hey, that's reasonable. I agree with a lot of that, and what I don't isn't crazy!

That's crazy! LMAO.....:roll:

The Corporate Tax Cuts were a good idea taken too far which Trump himself is grudgingly admitting, a staggering admission from the guy who thinks he is Mr Omnipotent.

Deregulation was a great idea. But it did not have to be riddled with corruption and so often an overreach as Trump's deregulation has regularly been.

We are right to take on China...just hard to see where the heck Trump thinks he is going with that. IP theft is the big problem we have with China and Trump has actually gone backwards in dealing with that issue.
The Corporate Tax Cuts were a good idea taken too far which Trump himself is grudgingly admitting, a staggering admission from the guy who thinks he is Mr Omnipotent.

Deregulation was a great idea. But it did not have to be riddled with corruption and so often an overreach as Trump's deregulation has regularly been.

We are right to take on China...just hard to see where the heck Trump thinks he is going with that. IP theft is the big problem we have with China and Trump has actually gone backwards in dealing with that issue.
And it surely wouldn't have hurt to have some of those tax cuts put money in the hands of consumers, i.e. the middle-class. THAT's how you really stimulate the economy.

(though I would argue the economy needed little stimulation, to begin with)
And it surely wouldn't have hurt to have some of those tax cuts put money in the hands of consumers, i.e. the middle-class. THAT's how you really stimulate the economy.

(though I would argue the economy needed little stimulation, to begin with)

Well now Trump is saying he would trade off some of the Corp tax rate for more Personal Tax cuts for the middle class. He never ever should have taken the nominal Corp rate to 21%. 26% would have been just fine thank you. That extra 5% on the nominal rate cost the Treasury $600B and we are getting nothing for it.
Let me get this straight. When the stock market goes up - it is because trump is a great president. When it goes down - it is because of the democrats. The majority know this is absolute BS - but trump's deplorables will believe it.
Another witheringly stupid tweet from Bozo the President riles up his base to more absurdities AGAIN.

Got news for the Trumpets. There is a growing intolerance for Bozo the President and his daily dose of nonsense and he appears too oblivious to figure that out. If your silo has no doors and no windows it hardly matters if you are sitting inside at the top of the pile where Donald sits.

If trump’s twitter account shut down for a few days, would anything of value be lost?
Well now Trump is saying he would trade off some of the Corp tax rate for more Personal Tax cuts for the middle class. He never ever should have taken the nominal Corp rate to 21%. 26% would have been just fine thank you. That extra 5% on the nominal rate cost the Treasury $600B and we are getting nothing for it.

And did you see the recent release stats of corporate buybacks of over $1T this year? That's around the same number as the debt we're taking-on for this mess. Actually, I think only 200B was spent on capital purchase (from memory).

As to my earlier comment about the economy not needing much stimulus, I am a bit torn on it. As an individual, I was perfectly happy with Obama's economy of low interest rates and low inflation. Everything seemed to be calmly and steadily moving in the right direction, with very little drama. Actually, it seemed very appropriate for "No Drama" Obama!

But in an analyst's terms, I am pleased we are getting rates back up to an operating range, where we have room to juice the economy if it becomes necessary. That was my biggest fear.
The clouds can be whichever shapes you see in them.

Yeah, I was a financial adviser for a few years and so read the market wrap-ups regularly, and they were pretty hilarious. Basically it was people reading clouds, because sometimes things like a positive jobs report were used to explain up days in the market (healthy growth!!), but if the market went down, positive jobs reports were a perfectly fine explanation for that, too (inflation fears!!!). Etc.
I can't tell if Bucky is taking a shot at Trump or Democrats. Sometimes he surprises me.

This particular tweet by Trump was stupid however I never take anything he twitters seriously. This just allows him to vent.

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