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Democrats are running scared. Pelosi to Biden: DO NOT DEBATE PRESIDENT TRUMP! (1 Viewer)

I’m predicting that Biden gives the worst debate performance in human history, while trump speaks with the combined wit, passion and solemnity of Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln and Cicero. Trump will likely give the best debate performance ever.
I’m predicting that Biden gives the worst debate performance in human history, while trump speaks with the combined wit, passion and solemnity of Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln and Cicero. Trump will likely give the best debate performance ever.


The bar is this: Donald Trump must be pristine with no errors in fact or delivery. He must be flawless.

Joe just has to show up.

Thanks, Smart Trump Strategists!

The bar is this: Donald Trump must be pristine with no errors in fact or delivery. He must be flawless.

Joe just has to show up.

Thanks, Smart Trump Strategists!

Wow, you think Joe would even show up? That would be amazing. Personally, I think he’ll get confused and wander into busy traffic and get killed by a Mac truck before the debate. If he survives and shows up, he basically wins the debate on that alone.
Wow, you think Joe would even show up? That would be amazing. Personally, I think he’ll get confused and wander into busy traffic and get killed by a Mac truck before the debate. If he survives and shows up, he basically wins the debate on that alone.


These are the rules as laid out by Republicans. These are the expectations.

These are the rules as laid out by Republicans. These are the expectations.

On a scale of 1-10, trump’s debate performance will be a 16. Biden, assuming he shows up, will be negative a thousand.
On a scale of 1-10, trump’s debate performance will be a 16.

It will be something to see in ways none of us can understand with even the most advanced modern machine learning AI.

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Wow, you think Joe would even show up? That would be amazing. Personally, I think he’ll get confused and wander into busy traffic and get killed by a Mac truck before the debate. If he survives and shows up, he basically wins the debate on that alone.

Democrats don't need Joe. Many of them don't want Joe. They would rather put him on life support until after the election and then pull the plug and dispose of the body.
It will be something to see in ways none of us can understand with even the most advanced modern machine learning AI.

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Democrats could prop Biden's comatose body up and do the debating for him. Pelosi might go for that idea.
Democrats could prop Biden's comatose body up and do the debating for him. Pelosi might go for that idea.

Trump is going to totter out on stage, and then he’s going to fight with the first mod over the first question.

That’s it. That’s gonna be the whole night.
The proof will be revealed when Trump eats Joe's pudding of an attempt at performance and leaves poor old abused Joe speechless and dumbfounded.

Sounds like Trump has a rather kinky fetish if he is into eating Joe Biden's pudding. Not overly surprising in light of the 'pee-pee' tapes: just another kinky fetish to add to the Pervert-in-Chief's resume.
The proof will be revealed when Trump eats Joe's pudding of an attempt at performance and leaves poor old abused Joe speechless and dumbfounded.

What, now?
Democrats don't need Joe. Many of them don't want Joe. They would rather put him on life support until after the election and then pull the plug and dispose of the body.

Another way to say that is "we'd even take Joe over Trump."
Pelosi does not speak for the Biden campaign.
She is a looser.
Pelosi: 'Dang those republicans and their evil desires to have a public debate.'

Philosophically and intellectually, she’s right. Trump hasn’t earned the right to be treated as a normal candidate. He’s incapable of telling the truth regardless of the circumstances. It’s equal parts mendacity and dementia.

Joe is gonna win this election with or without debating President Ramp.
Said it before and I'll say it again. Trump is a liar. There is no point debating a Liar.

Biden is going to debate.

However, WaPo has over 20,000 false statements logged from the time Trump became President. In his recent FOX and Axios Interviews he touted more lies, and the reporters called him out on the spot. He had his staff run off to gather "evidence" of his statements, which then turned out to prove he was indeed incorrect.

There is zero point of debating a liar, especially when any fact checkers are going to be branded Fake News by his supporters.
Said it before and I'll say it again. Trump is a liar. There is no point debating a Liar.

Biden is going to debate.

However, WaPo has over 20,000 false statements logged from the time Trump became President. In his recent FOX and Axios Interviews he touted more lies, and the reporters called him out on the spot. He had his staff run off to gather "evidence" of his statements, which then turned out to prove he was indeed incorrect.

There is zero point of debating a liar, especially when any fact checkers are going to be branded Fake News by his supporters.

I agree...

But instead of not having a debate, the demand shoud be to have on stage fact check and challlenge Trump to have a debate on such terms only. Bidden missed an opportunity to make Trump ran away from such debate.
I’m predicting that Biden gives the worst debate performance in human history, while trump speaks with the combined wit, passion and solemnity of Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln and Cicero. Trump will likely give the best debate performance ever.

When surveyed, 145% of REAL Americans agree!
Prove it.

You quoted the proof, he posted it, he's a Trump®er, if he said it, it's done PROVED!

And you got PWNED....

Whadda ya gonna do? :shrug:

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