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Democrats are really coming unhinged over the Supreme Court situation. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
The latest news seems to indicate that President Trump will get his nominee for the high court passed in record time.

This has unhinged democrats, however their hinge pin was about to fall out anyway. Democrats are now treating us to any and all threats they can come up with to "get even". They never seem to accept any decision that doesnt go their way. They act like a 4 year old that was told they cant have a candy bar before dinner.

They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.
The latest news seems to indicate that President Trump will get his nominee for the high court passed in record time.

This has unhinged democrats, however their hinge pin was about to fall out anyway. Democrats are now treating us to any and all threats they can come up with to "get even". They never seem to accept any decision that doesnt go their way. They act like a 4 year old that was told they cant have a candy bar before dinner.

They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.

Not sure they are threats as much as promises, after all honor and ones word mean nothing to the Repubs so why should the Dems be constrained by any false ideals or civility that their opponents ignore anyway.

We shall see if this translates into another four years of trump or if they will Fire him.
The latest news seems to indicate that President Trump will get his nominee for the high court passed in record time.

This has unhinged democrats, however their hinge pin was about to fall out anyway. Democrats are now treating us to any and all threats they can come up with to "get even". They never seem to accept any decision that doesnt go their way. They act like a 4 year old that was told they cant have a candy bar before dinner.

They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.
Yes, the current Dems seem more young and emotionally immature then ever .. or, put another way, more leftist than ever.

Sadly, much of their emotional immaturity seems to be ramped up even more by BLM's conspiracy theory mass hysteria that "all Whites are racist and the police everywhere target Black people with brutality".

I don't know how the Breonna Taylor Grand Jury announcement will go likely later today, but if it isn't "hang all the cops" there will be temper tantrums.

Apparently the leftist Democrats don't realize that the majority of America doesn't conclude that if someone is all ramped up rioting in the streets they thus must have a valid complaint.

No, the majority of Americans have come to realize that the BLM conspiracy theory mass hysteria is simply that: a set of false constructs in cultist form that has seduced those less emotionally intelligent who are thus susceptible to it into acting like maniacs.

As to the SCOTUS situation, Obama backed off pressing it in 2016 because McConnell, who held the Republican majority in the Senate, simply told him there would be no approving any nominee who was even in the slightest a moral relativist judicial activist legislate-from-the-bench type. And, considering Obama knew that's the only kind he wanted to nominate, he simply backed off, let Garland sit, and then contrived the ludicrously false statement: "it is now an ethical precedent that from now on no President will nominate a SCOTUS justice in Presidential election year" when all McConnell was saying is that there was no need to even hold hearings on Garland and waste our time -- it's a guaranteed rejection. That Obama chose to purposely misconstrue his lost situation into a hopeful future gain is now backfiring on American cities where rioting is sure to take place come Saturday when Trump announces his nominee. Thanks a heap once again, Obama!

Sadly, those leftists who worship Obama can't take in the truth of how it really went down. And now they're all emotionally ramped up like cultist children ready to "burn it all down" if the President and Senate do what the Constitution tells them to do.

Very sad.
Yes it is sad as you say that democrats cant accept the lawful flow of day to day politics without rioting burning and looting if things dont go their way, and their widdle feeling are hurt.
our country always swings from left to right and back and forth.

i'd say a hard left swing is coming. our kids are watching.
our country always swings from left to right and back and forth.

i'd say a hard left swing is coming. our kids are watching.
Ill take that bet. This country is not going to embrace the kook fringe morons that the left has become. Trump has his issues but the lefts insanity has made him look like the more reasonable alternative. Not an easy thing to do, but you guys pulled it off.
our country always swings from left to right and back and forth.

i'd say a hard left swing is coming. our kids are watching.

Mitt Romney said we are a “center-right country” the other day. They’re in complete denial. Or not and they’re terrified. Probably the latter.
Ill take that bet. This country is not going to embrace the kook fringe morons that the left has become. Trump has his issues but the lefts insanity has made him look like the more reasonable alternative. Not an easy thing to do, but you guys pulled it off.

Trump is right now killing AMericans in rallies. He thinks all the death is a “shame.”

You’re just wishcasting.
The latest news seems to indicate that President Trump will get his nominee for the high court passed in record time.

This has unhinged democrats, however their hinge pin was about to fall out anyway. Democrats are now treating us to any and all threats they can come up with to "get even". They never seem to accept any decision that doesnt go their way. They act like a 4 year old that was told they cant have a candy bar before dinner.

They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.
They haven’t really accepted that he was elected at all. They consider those that don’t support them to be enemies. It’s not enough for them that you acknowledge their right to have an opinion. Unless you accept their opinion as the absolute truth, disavow all other opinions and evangelize for their position you are “deplorable”. That’s the way Democrats want to run the nation.
Democrats are really coming unhinged over the Supreme Court situation.

Hardly........but you are welcome to your OPINION.

Not sure they are threats as much as promises, after all honor and ones word mean nothing to the Repubs so why should the Dems be constrained by any false ideals or civility that their opponents ignore anyway.

We shall see if this translates into another four years of trump or if they will Fire him.
The question you have to ask yourself i why now are all of these leftist up in arms when in 2016 they were saying the exact opposite.
more faux outrage we can dismiss.

i do agree that mcconnell shouldn't lower himself to leftist standards.
Democrats are really coming unhinged over the Supreme Court situation.

Hardly........but you are welcome to your OPINION.
not opinion but documented fact.
there is a difference. you guys use opinion as fact a lot which is why facts do not care about your feelings.
The latest news seems to indicate that President Trump will get his nominee for the high court passed in record time.

This has unhinged democrats, however their hinge pin was about to fall out anyway. Democrats are now treating us to any and all threats they can come up with to "get even". They never seem to accept any decision that doesnt go their way. They act like a 4 year old that was told they cant have a candy bar before dinner.

They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.
No telling how crazy they will get on this
The latest news seems to indicate that President Trump will get his nominee for the high court passed in record time.

This has unhinged democrats, however their hinge pin was about to fall out anyway. Democrats are now treating us to any and all threats they can come up with to "get even". They never seem to accept any decision that doesnt go their way. They act like a 4 year old that was told they cant have a candy bar before dinner.

They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.
Grab the popcorn
They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.

Well, what was the situation when Antonin Scalia, died in february 2016? Remind me...
The latest news seems to indicate that President Trump will get his nominee for the high court passed in record time.

This has unhinged democrats, however their hinge pin was about to fall out anyway. Democrats are now treating us to any and all threats they can come up with to "get even". They never seem to accept any decision that doesnt go their way. They act like a 4 year old that was told they cant have a candy bar before dinner.

They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.
I think they are less pissed at trump for doing what the evil person is going to do and that they were lied to by most of the GOPers in the Senate. You do realize that no one will ever believe the word of any of the GOp leaders in the future. Their word is worth shit.
Yes, the current Dems seem more young and emotionally immature then ever .. or, put another way, more leftist than ever.

Sadly, much of their emotional immaturity seems to be ramped up even more by BLM's conspiracy theory mass hysteria that "all Whites are racist and the police everywhere target Black people with brutality".

I don't know how the Breonna Taylor Grand Jury announcement will go likely later today, but if it isn't "hang all the cops" there will be temper tantrums.

Apparently the leftist Democrats don't realize that the majority of America doesn't conclude that if someone is all ramped up rioting in the streets they thus must have a valid complaint.

No, the majority of Americans have come to realize that the BLM conspiracy theory mass hysteria is simply that: a set of false constructs in cultist form that has seduced those less emotionally intelligent who are thus susceptible to it into acting like maniacs.

As to the SCOTUS situation, Obama backed off pressing it in 2016 because McConnell, who held the Republican majority in the Senate, simply told him there would be no approving any nominee who was even in the slightest a moral relativist judicial activist legislate-from-the-bench type. And, considering Obama knew that's the only kind he wanted to nominate, he simply backed off, let Garland sit, and then contrived the ludicrously false statement: "it is now an ethical precedent that from now on no President will nominate a SCOTUS justice in Presidential election year" when all McConnell was saying is that there was no need to even hold hearings on Garland and waste our time -- it's a guaranteed rejection. That Obama chose to purposely misconstrue his lost situation into a hopeful future gain is now backfiring on American cities where rioting is sure to take place come Saturday when Trump announces his nominee. Thanks a heap once again, Obama!

Sadly, those leftists who worship Obama can't take in the truth of how it really went down. And now they're all emotionally ramped up like cultist children ready to "burn it all down" if the President and Senate do what the Constitution tells them to do.

Very sad.

Name a political issue the Dems haven't become unhinged about since Trump took office. Hyperbole and Hysterics are about all they do. And they never seem to put forth a reasonable and practical plan to fix anything, they just scream about how much it is all Trump's fault, and demand that you hate Trump as much as they do.

And more restrictions and bans. Lots of Bans... and Burning Books... and Arson, they seem to really like fire... and Hating White-males, lots and lots of Racial Hate.

Dems are such tolerant and delightful people.
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The latest news seems to indicate that President Trump will get his nominee for the high court passed in record time.

This has unhinged democrats, however their hinge pin was about to fall out anyway. Democrats are now treating us to any and all threats they can come up with to "get even". They never seem to accept any decision that doesnt go their way. They act like a 4 year old that was told they cant have a candy bar before dinner.

They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.

so true about the temper tantrums of the Ds

who votes for these knuckleheads?
Name a political issue the Dems haven't become unhinged about since Trump took office. Hyperbole and Hysterics are about all they do. And they never seem to put forth a reasonable and practical plan to fix anything, they just scream about how much it is all Trump's fault, and demand that you hate Trump as much as they do.

And more restrictions and bans. Lots of Bans... and Burning Books... and Arson, they seem to really like fire... and Hating White-males, lots and lots of Racial Hate.

Dems are such tolerant and delightful people.
agree totally

who votes for these knuckleheads?

oh yeh.. the low info CNN watchers..
The latest news seems to indicate that President Trump will get his nominee for the high court passed in record time.

This has unhinged democrats, however their hinge pin was about to fall out anyway. Democrats are now treating us to any and all threats they can come up with to "get even". They never seem to accept any decision that doesnt go their way. They act like a 4 year old that was told they cant have a candy bar before dinner.

They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.
Democrats' went full-on lunatic when Trump beat Hillary. It's just been a downward trajectory ever since. To deny them power is to unleash their wrath on anyone and anything in their way, and that includes especially our Constitution.
The latest news seems to indicate that President Trump will get his nominee for the high court passed in record time.

This has unhinged democrats, however their hinge pin was about to fall out anyway. Democrats are now treating us to any and all threats they can come up with to "get even". They never seem to accept any decision that doesnt go their way. They act like a 4 year old that was told they cant have a candy bar before dinner.

They simply cant accept the fact that President Trump was elected to be President for 4 years, not three. Live with it.

the problem is what McConnell did last time compared to this time

every human would be upset if they were fair and objective

all this means that judges may go years and years from reaching the senate floor if the pres and majority leader are not from the same party in the future
not opinion but documented fact.
there is a difference. you guys use opinion as fact a lot which is why facts do not care about your feelings.
Demcrats, the Left, progressives and the rest of the anti-America cabal uses the co-opting of language to control and change narrative. For everyone who refuses to let them destroy America- stop agreeing and acquiescing to their rules. Don't let them tell you what "hate speech" is. Don't let them force you to say that America is racist. Don't agree when they insist the failure of people to achieve is based upon "systemic, institutional racism". Reject completely the fairytale that is the 1619 Project. Seek to activeerly eliminate "critical race theory" from every institution and never sit quietly if you are targeted with such racism, bigotry and hate for your race.

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