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Democrat majority Congress passes Cannabis decriminalization bill. Will GOP Senate block? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2020
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Slightly Liberal
The Democrat majority Congress just passed a bill to decriminalize Marijuana. Will the Republican majority senate block it? After all, right now, the Republicans aren't supporting anything the Democrats are supporting.

I hope so. The link is behind a paywall - how much federal excise tax do they plan to place on legal marijuana?

I hope so. The link is behind a paywall - how much federal excise tax do they plan to place on legal marijuana?

I hope so. The link is behind a paywall - how much federal excise tax do they plan to place on legal marijuana?

I couldn't find anything about taxes they want to impose, just that it would be removed from its schedule 1 status and be decriminalized.

"If the MORE Act is passed in the Senate and signed by President Joe Biden, the plant would be removed from its status as a Schedule 1 substance and become decriminalized nationwide."


Democrats are spineless weasels. Let me know when they grow the balls to legalize it and fix the banking problem.

Thank you, but it does not mention having any federal excise tax on marijuana. Instead, it links you to states with marijuana sales taxes.

Since the recreational drugs tobacco and alcohol are subject to federal excise (sin?) taxes it would make perfect sense to have a federal excise tax on marijuana. There was also no mention of a minimum age or potency labeling requirements for marijuana.
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Thank you, but it does not mention having any federal excise tax on marijuana. Instead, it links you to states with marijuana sales taxes.

Since the recreational drugs tobacco and alcohol are subject to federal excise (sin?) taxes it would make perfect sense to have a federal excise tax on marijuana.

Not sure--I just grabbed the first link I could find.
I couldn't find anything about taxes they want to impose, just that it would be removed from its schedule 1 status and be decriminalized.

"If the MORE Act is passed in the Senate and signed by President Joe Biden, the plant would be removed from its status as a Schedule 1 substance and become decriminalized nationwide."

That is squandering a perfect opportunity to cut the feds in on some much needed revenue.
Not sure--I just grabbed the first link I could find.

It makes no sense to tax and regulate tobacco and alcohol but not marijuana. This will likely not pass in the Senate.
That is squandering a perfect opportunity to cut the feds in on some much needed revenue.

We'll see, if the GOP doesn't block it in the senate. Which they almost surely will.

Democrats are spineless weasels. Let me know when they grow the balls to legalize it and fix the banking problem.

The only way the Democrats could possibly legalize it is to convince the Republicans that the Democratic Party is vehemently opposed to ever in any way making it possible for citizens to legally posses pot. If they can do that Republicans will then swiftly introduce a bill to make pot legal.

Secretly Republicans want pot to be legal, because marijuana is a gateway drug to cocaine and wild sex orgies. 🙄 😜
The only way the Democrats could possibly legalize it is to convince the Republicans that the Democratic Party is vehemently opposed to ever in any way making it possible for citizens to legally posses pot. If they can do that Republicans will then swiftly introduce a bill to make pot legal.

Secretly Republicans want pot to be legal, because marijuana is a gateway drug to cocaine and wild sex orgies. 🙄 😜

Oh yeah, they could get more participants.
We'll see, if the GOP doesn't block it in the senate. Which they almost surely will.

If it contains no taxation, regulation or minimum age I would expect the Senate to not pass it. Basically, it’s just issuing get out of jail or prison free cards.
Marijuana kills far, far fewer people than tobacco does.

So that makes it OK for it have unlimited (or unlabeled) potency and for 12 year olds to have it?
If it contains no taxation, regulation or minimum age I would expect the Senate to not pass it. Basically, it’s just issuing get out of jail or prison free cards.

That's a good enough reason. People really shouldn't be in jail for weed.
So that makes it OK for 12 year olds to have it?

Holy shit, you just took this conversation from 0 to 100 in about five seconds!

Maybe you wanna try that again, this time without the trolling?
Of course the GOP will block it, they look at it as a black and brown problem and most of the GOP is all to happy seeing them in jail. The US is not the incarceration capital of the planet by accident.

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