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Destroyer of Propaganda
DP Veteran
Oct 13, 2016
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Seattle, WA
Political Leaning
The title before he deleted was "Li-Meng Yan: coronavirus was..."

I wonder what nonsense this was supposed to be about. I do hope it wasn't another silly CT designed to distract from Trump's horrible and deadly failures.
Aha, it did apparently being with, "Li-Meng Yan: coronavirus was developed in Chinese military lab - AS.com I'll hold off judging this for now until more..."


derpy CT.png

I know you wish you could believe Trump didn't lie and deny for the opening months, thus getting over 160k people killed who didn't need to die. I know you're desperate for everyone else to believe it. But really... chinese military plots?


That swill doesn't deserve "holding off" of anything. There's no reason to treat something as possibly true just because someone somewhere said it might be.
This is savage and I'd like to buy Mr Person a beer.
Moderator's Warning:
Thread closed. We do not usually delete threads expect for porn, so best I can do here.
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