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Delay's new jobs (1 Viewer)



This is too good to be true:

Indicted ex speaker Tom Delay is now on the subcommittee overseeing the Justice Department's investigation of : drum roll please Jack Abramoff. :rofl

The seat was open after Duke Cunnigham stepped down after pleading guilty to taking $2.4 million in bribes from defense contractors.
(I'm pinching myself.)

Delay is also now on the house appropriations committee which allocates federal funds to agencies, departments, and organizations. :shock:

In related news, Keith Richards was named executive director of the Betty Ford clinic, and Michael Jackson will run a daycare in Bahrain. :roll:

The Abramoff thing has placed shadows on as many as 70 Senators...The numbers of Senators NOT accused having ties to Abramoff is mighty thin and invariably not experienced enough to be considered for the role, so almost anyone given the position would start the same conclusion jumping...

To believe that the position of "Appropriations Committeeprson" must REQUIRE no relationship with Abramoff(or anyone else under scrutiny) is weak...You'd probably have to bring in people not qualified for the position just because they don't have "the smear" attched to their name...

Is that what you'd rather have?...:roll:

You also neglected to point out more logical conclusions from the article...

The subcommittee also has responsibility over NASA a top priority for DeLay, since the Johnson Space Center is located in his Houston-area district.

DeLay was able to rejoin the powerful Appropriations panel he was a member until becoming majority leader in 2003...

So he was on the committee before, jumped up to Majority Leader, then went back to where he was before...

Big deal...:shrug:
U.S. Representative William Jennings Jefferson (D-LA) is now serving is eighth term as a Member of the United States House of Representatives. Representing the 2nd District of Louisiana since 1991, he is currently under investigation and his legislative dirctor just pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting bribery of a public official (guess who) and conspiracy. He could get 20 years in prison when sentenced March 31. Jefferson, currently under investigation himself is an active and senior member of the powerful Ways and Means Committee and its subcommittee on Trade. He is also a member of the House Committee on the Budget. He serves as Co-Chair of the Africa Trade and Investment Caucus as well as the Congressional Caucuses on Brazil and Nigeria. Jefferson is also the current Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, a non-partisan, non-profit, public policy, research and educational institute founded by members of the Congressional Black Caucus in 1976.
cnredd said:
The Abramoff thing has placed shadows on as many as 70 Senators...The numbers of Senators NOT accused having ties to Abramoff is mighty thin and invariably not experienced enough to be considered for the role, so almost anyone given the position would start the same conclusion jumping...

To believe that the position of "Appropriations Committeeprson" must REQUIRE no relationship with Abramoff(or anyone else under scrutiny) is weak...You'd probably have to bring in people not qualified for the position just because they don't have "the smear" attched to their name...

Is that what you'd rather have?...:roll:

You also neglected to point out more logical conclusions from the article...

So he was on the committee before, jumped up to Majority Leader, then went back to where he was before...

Big deal...:shrug:

"Shadows." That muddies the water. There are no Dems that got money from Abramoff. Zero. You know that. To put Delay on the committee that is investigating Abramoff is political suicide for the GOP.

You'r right about the appropriations committee - I almost didn't mention it, since he was there before.

It points out that the GOP is trying to give the hammer as much power as they can w/ out him being the speaker. Go for it!
I agree with the preception, but in his defense, if he feels he is innocent, why should he not be on the panel? It is still innocent until proven guilty, no?:confused:
galenrox said:
lol, he's getting ready for his new job...

Sorry, I couldn't avoid it.
So he is already guilty in your mind, as unpartizan as you claim to be?:confused:
hipsterdufus said:
There are no Dems that got money from Abramoff. Zero. You know that. To put Delay on the committee that is investigating Abramoff is political suicide for the GOP.

And not a dime of money that Abramoff gave to anyone was illegal or in anyways unethical. The money in question is preciesly the same money that Democrats got, from his clients. You know that. And you know that Harry Reid got a lot of it and did something for his clients. And one of Harry Reids top advisors left Reids office and went to work for Abramoff's law firm.

The charade that the Dems were trying to pull has been exposed, you know that why do you continue with it?

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