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Delay's 1 day trip paid for by FoxNews: priceless. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
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Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
What takes 1 day and costs $13,998.55? A trip paid for by Fox News Sunday October 1st through October 2nd. Where'd he go? From his home in Texas to Washington DC and back.

Here's the expense report which includes Tom DeLay's signature stating that he has "determined that all of the expenses listed above were necessary and that the travel was in connection with my duties as a Member or Officer of the US House of Representatives and would not create the appearance that I am using public office for private gain".

So, $14K to fly in and out of DC for one day. Under "Specific Nature of Expenses" it says "Transportation".

Hmmm....something fishy about all of this.
shuamort said:
What takes 1 day and costs $13,998.55? A trip paid for by Fox News Sunday October 1st through October 2nd. Where'd he go? From his home in Texas to Washington DC and back.

Here's the expense report which includes Tom DeLay's signature stating that he has "determined that all of the expenses listed above were necessary and that the travel was in connection with my duties as a Member or Officer of the US House of Representatives and would not create the appearance that I am using public office for private gain".

So, $14K to fly in and out of DC for one day. Under "Specific Nature of Expenses" it says "Transportation".

Hmmm....something fishy about all of this.

Wrong?...IMO, absolutely...

But is this just Delay's actions or is this a normal action, albeit disgusting, that is afforded all Representatives?
cnredd said:
Wrong?...IMO, absolutely...

But is this just Delay's actions or is this a normal action, albeit disgusting, that is afforded all Representatives?
That's a good question. Hopefully someone can find some more representatives that get paid like this. Although, not reassuring, it'd be less of a cross that we'd nail Tom Delay on.
shuamort said:
That's a good question. Hopefully someone can find some more representatives that get paid like this. Although, not reassuring, it'd be less of a cross that we'd nail Tom Delay on.

Dean slam at GOP puts Democrats in tricky spot

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 07/04/05
Washington — Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean is trying to get voters to hold the Republican Party responsible for the "culture of corruption" he sees in Washington, but Dean is getting virtually no help from fellow Democrats in the House of Representatives.

In the year since then-Rep. Chris Bell (D-Texas) filed a complaint that triggered the current ethics investigation of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas), not one Democrat has initiated another complaint despite the pleas of outside watchdog groups....

...Dean was alluding to the allegations that Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff paid travel expenses related to a trip to London and Scotland by DeLay in late May and early June of 2000 in violation of congressional ethics rules.

But in recent months, with Abramoff the subject of a criminal investigation, there have been media accounts and studies by watchdog groups that raise questions about the conduct of Democratic House members:

•?The Washington Post reported that Abramoff paid at least a portion of the expenses of Democratic Reps. James Clyburn of South Carolina and Bennie Thompson of Mississippi in the mid-1990s.

•?The Associated Press reported that at least 43 House members and dozens of congressional aides failed to publicly report travel financed by special interests until DeLay's trips were scrutinized. Most notably, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland disclosed 12 trips, the oldest dating back to 1997.

•?The Center for Public Integrity, a nonpartisan watchdog group, in a study of public records of every congressional trip between January 2000 and mid-2004 sponsored by non-profit organizations, found that seven of the top 10 trip-takers were Democrats.


It seems what you have pointed out about Tom Delay is actually a widespread problem that the Democrats are also guilty of...possibly moreso...

Here is the top ten "trip takers" from a list of the top 100...

SENSENBRENNER, F JAMES JR - Republican Party - $179,814.16
GREEN, RAYMOND E. 'GENE' - Democratic Party - $175,942.14
WEXLER, ROBERT - Democratic Party - $174,763.87
BAYH, EVAN - Democratic Party - $169,393.82
BREAUX, JOHN B - Democratic Party - $162,495.76
ENGLISH, PHILIP S - Republican Party - $160,833.10
BOEHNER, JOHN A - Republican Party - $157,603.85
MCDERMOTT, JAMES A - Democratic Party - $156,465.19
ROGERS, HAROLD DALLAS - Republican Party - $155,540.49
CLYBURN, JAMES E - Democratic Party - $152,834.52
(cnredd edit...There's only six Dems instead of seven...must be a different timeframe?...:confused: )

In this report...Delay is ranked 37th...

I'm sure more get paid like this, but that does not excuse Delays actions.
scottyz said:
I'm sure more get paid like this, but that does not excuse Delays actions.
You could say the same thing about every single one of them...why single out Delay for this?
Because he got caught?
Binary_Digit said:
Because he got caught?
Because he was the FIRST ONE to get caught...From my earlier post...

The Associated Press reported that at least 43 House members and dozens of congressional aides failed to publicly report travel financed by special interests until DeLay's trips were scrutinized. Most notably, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland disclosed 12 trips, the oldest dating back to 1997.

Whomever found out about Delay's expense report could have VERY EASILY done the same with any ONE of these other House members...For all we know, whomever did this DID find out about them, but only wanted Delay's name out there to incite people against the GOP...

Maybe even get someone to start a thread with this very accusation?...:roll:
thats the cost to buy a politician for a week today !
there is no question he is bought, now we know how much are those pieces of silver .
He does it all with a smile
no oops not a smile I am told its a mask
perma smile
cnredd said:
Wrong?...IMO, absolutely...

But is this just Delay's actions or is this a normal action, albeit disgusting, that is afforded all Representatives?

I don't know. Senator Santorum was flying around in a chauffered / chartered Walmart jet while stumping for Terry Schiavo. All he had to reimbeurse Walmart was the cost of 1st class airfare.
hipsterdufus said:
I don't know. Senator Santorum was flying around in a chauffered / chartered Walmart jet while stumping for Terry Schiavo. All he had to reimbeurse Walmart was the cost of 1st class airfare.
You don't know the answer, so you just throw up another example?...:roll:
shuamort said:
What takes 1 day and costs $13,998.55? A trip paid for by Fox News Sunday October 1st through October 2nd. Where'd he go? From his home in Texas to Washington DC and back.

Here's the expense report which includes Tom DeLay's signature stating that he has "determined that all of the expenses listed above were necessary and that the travel was in connection with my duties as a Member or Officer of the US House of Representatives and would not create the appearance that I am using public office for private gain".

So, $14K to fly in and out of DC for one day. Under "Specific Nature of Expenses" it says "Transportation".

Hmmm....something fishy about all of this.

Wanna hear something even MORE disgusting?? Delay appeared in court in TX a few weeks ago in a private jet owned by PHILIP MORRIS!!

I think the fake smile that was plastered all over his face was just a shameless stab at every American to let us know that he thinks he's going to get away with this and MUCH MORE.

It's just TOO BAD that LIES don't leave SEMEN STAINS, cuz if they DID, the entire GOP would be put in prison!


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